| /* |
| * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| * distributed with this work for additional information |
| * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| * software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| * specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| * under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| package org.apache.samza.container |
| |
| import java.io.File |
| import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory |
| import java.net.{URL, UnknownHostException} |
| import java.nio.file.Path |
| import java.time.Duration |
| import java.util |
| import java.util.{Base64, Optional} |
| import java.util.concurrent.{CountDownLatch, ExecutorService, Executors, ScheduledExecutorService, ThreadPoolExecutor, TimeUnit} |
| |
| import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting |
| import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder |
| import org.apache.samza.checkpoint.{CheckpointListener, OffsetManager, OffsetManagerMetrics} |
| import org.apache.samza.config.{StreamConfig, _} |
| import org.apache.samza.container.disk.DiskSpaceMonitor.Listener |
| import org.apache.samza.container.disk.{DiskQuotaPolicyFactory, DiskSpaceMonitor, NoThrottlingDiskQuotaPolicyFactory, PollingScanDiskSpaceMonitor} |
| import org.apache.samza.container.host.{StatisticsMonitorImpl, SystemMemoryStatistics, SystemStatisticsMonitor} |
| import org.apache.samza.context._ |
| import org.apache.samza.diagnostics.DiagnosticsManager |
| import org.apache.samza.job.model.{ContainerModel, JobModel, TaskMode} |
| import org.apache.samza.metrics.{JmxServer, JvmMetrics, MetricsRegistryMap, MetricsReporter} |
| import org.apache.samza.serializers._ |
| import org.apache.samza.serializers.model.SamzaObjectMapper |
| import org.apache.samza.startpoint.StartpointManager |
| import org.apache.samza.storage._ |
| import org.apache.samza.system._ |
| import org.apache.samza.system.chooser.{DefaultChooser, MessageChooserFactory} |
| import org.apache.samza.table.TableManager |
| import org.apache.samza.task._ |
| import org.apache.samza.util.ScalaJavaUtil.JavaOptionals |
| import org.apache.samza.util.{Util, _} |
| import org.apache.samza.SamzaException |
| import org.apache.samza.clustermanager.StandbyTaskUtil |
| |
| import scala.collection.JavaConversions |
| import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ |
| |
| object SamzaContainer extends Logging { |
| val DISK_POLL_INTERVAL_KEY = "container.disk.poll.interval.ms" |
| |
| /** |
| * Fetches config, task:SSP assignments, and task:changelog partition |
| * assignments, and returns objects to be used for SamzaContainer's |
| * constructor. |
| */ |
| def readJobModel(url: String, initialDelayMs: Int = scala.util.Random.nextInt(DEFAULT_READ_JOBMODEL_DELAY_MS) + 1) = { |
| info("Fetching configuration from: %s" format url) |
| SamzaObjectMapper |
| .getObjectMapper |
| .readValue( |
| HttpUtil.read( |
| url = new URL(url), |
| retryBackoff = new ExponentialSleepStrategy(initialDelayMs = initialDelayMs)), |
| classOf[JobModel]) |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * If a base-directory was NOT explicitly provided in config, a default base directory is returned. |
| */ |
| def getNonLoggedStorageBaseDir(jobConfig: JobConfig, defaultStoreBaseDir: File) = { |
| JavaOptionals.toRichOptional(jobConfig.getNonLoggedStorePath).toOption match { |
| case Some(nonLoggedStorePath) => |
| new File(nonLoggedStorePath) |
| case None => |
| defaultStoreBaseDir |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * If a base-directory was NOT explicitly provided in config or via an environment variable |
| * (see ShellCommandConfig.ENV_LOGGED_STORE_BASE_DIR), then a default base directory is returned. |
| */ |
| def getLoggedStorageBaseDir(jobConfig: JobConfig, defaultStoreBaseDir: File) = { |
| val defaultLoggedStorageBaseDir = JavaOptionals.toRichOptional(jobConfig.getLoggedStorePath).toOption match { |
| case Some(durableStorePath) => |
| new File(durableStorePath) |
| case None => |
| defaultStoreBaseDir |
| } |
| |
| var loggedStorageBaseDir:File = null |
| if (System.getenv(ShellCommandConfig.ENV_LOGGED_STORE_BASE_DIR) != null) { |
| val jobNameAndId = ( |
| JavaOptionals.toRichOptional(jobConfig.getName).toOption |
| .getOrElse(throw new ConfigException("Missing required config: job.name")), |
| jobConfig.getJobId |
| ) |
| |
| loggedStorageBaseDir = new File(System.getenv(ShellCommandConfig.ENV_LOGGED_STORE_BASE_DIR) |
| + File.separator + jobNameAndId._1 + "-" + jobNameAndId._2) |
| } else { |
| if (!jobConfig.getLoggedStorePath.isPresent) { |
| warn("No override was provided for logged store base directory. This disables local state re-use on " + |
| "application restart. If you want to enable this feature, set LOGGED_STORE_BASE_DIR as an environment " + |
| "variable in all machines running the Samza container or configure job.logged.store.base.dir for your application") |
| } |
| |
| loggedStorageBaseDir = defaultLoggedStorageBaseDir |
| } |
| |
| loggedStorageBaseDir |
| } |
| |
| def apply( |
| containerId: String, |
| jobModel: JobModel, |
| customReporters: Map[String, MetricsReporter] = Map[String, MetricsReporter](), |
| taskFactory: TaskFactory[_], |
| jobContext: JobContext, |
| applicationContainerContextFactoryOption: Option[ApplicationContainerContextFactory[ApplicationContainerContext]], |
| applicationTaskContextFactoryOption: Option[ApplicationTaskContextFactory[ApplicationTaskContext]], |
| externalContextOption: Option[ExternalContext], |
| localityManager: LocalityManager = null, |
| startpointManager: StartpointManager = null, |
| diagnosticsManager: Option[DiagnosticsManager] = Option.empty) = { |
| val config = if (StandbyTaskUtil.isStandbyContainer(containerId)) { |
| // standby containers will need to continually poll checkpoint messages |
| val newConfig = new util.HashMap[String, String](jobContext.getConfig) |
| newConfig.put(TaskConfig.INTERNAL_CHECKPOINT_MANAGER_CONSUMER_STOP_AFTER_FIRST_READ, java.lang.Boolean.FALSE.toString) |
| new MapConfig(newConfig) |
| } else { |
| jobContext.getConfig |
| } |
| val jobConfig = new JobConfig(config) |
| val systemConfig = new SystemConfig(config) |
| val containerModel = jobModel.getContainers.get(containerId) |
| val containerName = "samza-container-%s" format containerId |
| val maxChangeLogStreamPartitions = jobModel.maxChangeLogStreamPartitions |
| |
| val containerPID = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName() |
| |
| info("Setting up Samza container: %s" format containerName) |
| |
| startupLog("Samza container PID: %s" format containerPID) |
| println("Container PID: %s" format containerPID) |
| startupLog("Using configuration: %s" format config) |
| startupLog("Using container model: %s" format containerModel) |
| |
| val registry = new MetricsRegistryMap(containerName) |
| val samzaContainerMetrics = new SamzaContainerMetrics(containerName, registry) |
| val systemProducersMetrics = new SystemProducersMetrics(registry) |
| val systemConsumersMetrics = new SystemConsumersMetrics(registry) |
| val offsetManagerMetrics = new OffsetManagerMetrics(registry) |
| val metricsConfig = new MetricsConfig(config) |
| val clock = if (metricsConfig.getMetricsTimerEnabled) { |
| new HighResolutionClock { |
| override def nanoTime(): Long = System.nanoTime() |
| } |
| } else { |
| new HighResolutionClock { |
| override def nanoTime(): Long = 0L |
| } |
| } |
| |
| val inputSystemStreamPartitions = containerModel |
| .getTasks |
| .values |
| .asScala |
| .flatMap(_.getSystemStreamPartitions.asScala) |
| .toSet |
| |
| val storageConfig = new StorageConfig(config) |
| val sideInputStoresToSystemStreams = storageConfig.getStoreNames.asScala |
| .map { storeName => (storeName, storageConfig.getSideInputs(storeName).asScala) } |
| .filter { case (storeName, sideInputs) => sideInputs.nonEmpty } |
| .map { case (storeName, sideInputs) => (storeName, sideInputs.map(StreamUtil.getSystemStreamFromNameOrId(config, _))) } |
| .toMap |
| |
| val sideInputSystemStreams = sideInputStoresToSystemStreams.values.flatMap(sideInputs => sideInputs.toStream).toSet |
| |
| info("Got side input store system streams: %s" format sideInputSystemStreams) |
| |
| val inputSystemStreams = inputSystemStreamPartitions |
| .map(_.getSystemStream) |
| .toSet.diff(sideInputSystemStreams) |
| |
| val inputSystems = inputSystemStreams |
| .map(_.getSystem) |
| .toSet |
| |
| val systemNames = systemConfig.getSystemNames.asScala |
| |
| info("Got system names: %s" format systemNames) |
| |
| val streamConfig = new StreamConfig(config) |
| val serdeStreams = systemNames.foldLeft(Set[SystemStream]())(_ ++ streamConfig.getSerdeStreams(_).asScala) |
| |
| info("Got serde streams: %s" format serdeStreams) |
| |
| val systemFactories = systemNames.map(systemName => { |
| val systemFactoryClassName = JavaOptionals.toRichOptional(systemConfig.getSystemFactory(systemName)).toOption |
| .getOrElse(throw new SamzaException("A stream uses system %s, which is missing from the configuration." format systemName)) |
| (systemName, ReflectionUtil.getObj(systemFactoryClassName, classOf[SystemFactory])) |
| }).toMap |
| info("Got system factories: %s" format systemFactories.keys) |
| |
| val systemAdmins = new SystemAdmins(config, this.getClass.getSimpleName) |
| info("Got system admins: %s" format systemAdmins.getSystemNames) |
| |
| val streamMetadataCache = new StreamMetadataCache(systemAdmins) |
| val inputStreamMetadata = streamMetadataCache.getStreamMetadata(inputSystemStreams) |
| |
| info("Got input stream metadata: %s" format inputStreamMetadata) |
| |
| val consumers = inputSystems |
| .map(systemName => { |
| val systemFactory = systemFactories(systemName) |
| |
| try { |
| (systemName, systemFactory.getConsumer(systemName, config, samzaContainerMetrics.registry, this.getClass.getSimpleName)) |
| } catch { |
| case e: Exception => |
| error("Failed to create a consumer for %s, so skipping." format systemName, e) |
| (systemName, null) |
| } |
| }) |
| .filter(_._2 != null) |
| .toMap |
| |
| info("Got system consumers: %s" format consumers.keys) |
| |
| val producers = systemFactories |
| .map { |
| case (systemName, systemFactory) => |
| try { |
| (systemName, systemFactory.getProducer(systemName, config, samzaContainerMetrics.registry, this.getClass.getSimpleName)) |
| } catch { |
| case e: Exception => |
| error("Failed to create a producer for %s, so skipping." format systemName, e) |
| (systemName, null) |
| } |
| } |
| .filter(_._2 != null) |
| |
| info("Got system producers: %s" format producers.keys) |
| |
| val serializerConfig = new SerializerConfig(config) |
| val serdesFromFactories = serializerConfig.getSerdeNames.asScala.map(serdeName => { |
| val serdeClassName = JavaOptionals.toRichOptional(serializerConfig.getSerdeFactoryClass(serdeName)).toOption |
| .getOrElse(SerializerConfig.getPredefinedSerdeFactoryName(serdeName)) |
| val serde = ReflectionUtil.getObj(serdeClassName, classOf[SerdeFactory[Object]]) |
| .getSerde(serdeName, config) |
| (serdeName, serde) |
| }).toMap |
| info("Got serdes from factories: %s" format serdesFromFactories.keys) |
| |
| val serializableSerde = new SerializableSerde[Serde[Object]]() |
| val serdesFromSerializedInstances = config.subset(SerializerConfig.SERIALIZER_PREFIX format "").asScala |
| .filter { case (key, value) => key.endsWith(SerializerConfig.SERIALIZED_INSTANCE_SUFFIX) } |
| .flatMap { case (key, value) => |
| val serdeName = key.replace(SerializerConfig.SERIALIZED_INSTANCE_SUFFIX, "") |
| debug(s"Trying to deserialize serde instance for $serdeName") |
| try { |
| val bytes = Base64.getDecoder.decode(value) |
| val serdeInstance = serializableSerde.fromBytes(bytes) |
| debug(s"Returning serialized instance for $serdeName") |
| Some((serdeName, serdeInstance)) |
| } catch { |
| case e: Exception => |
| warn(s"Ignoring invalid serialized instance for $serdeName: $value", e) |
| None |
| } |
| } |
| info("Got serdes from serialized instances: %s" format serdesFromSerializedInstances.keys) |
| |
| val serdes = serdesFromFactories ++ serdesFromSerializedInstances |
| |
| /* |
| * A Helper function to build a Map[String, Serde] (systemName -> Serde) for systems defined |
| * in the config. This is useful to build both key and message serde maps. |
| */ |
| val buildSystemSerdeMap = (getSerdeName: (String) => Option[String]) => { |
| systemNames |
| .filter(systemName => getSerdeName(systemName).isDefined) |
| .flatMap(systemName => { |
| val serdeName = getSerdeName(systemName).get |
| val serde = serdes.getOrElse(serdeName, |
| throw new SamzaException("buildSystemSerdeMap: No class defined for serde: %s." format serdeName)) |
| |
| // this shouldn't happen since system level serdes can't be set programmatically using the high level |
| // API, but adding this for safety. |
| Option(serde) |
| .filter(!_.isInstanceOf[NoOpSerde[Any]]) |
| .map(serde => (systemName, serde)) |
| }).toMap |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * A Helper function to build a Map[SystemStream, Serde] for streams defined in the config. |
| * This is useful to build both key and message serde maps. |
| */ |
| val buildSystemStreamSerdeMap = (getSerdeName: (SystemStream) => Optional[String]) => { |
| (serdeStreams ++ inputSystemStreamPartitions) |
| .filter(systemStream => getSerdeName(systemStream).isPresent) |
| .flatMap(systemStream => { |
| val serdeName = getSerdeName(systemStream).get |
| val serde = serdes.getOrElse(serdeName, |
| throw new SamzaException("buildSystemStreamSerdeMap: No serde found for name: %s." format serdeName)) |
| |
| // respect explicitly set no-op serdes in high level API |
| Option(serde) |
| .filter(!_.isInstanceOf[NoOpSerde[Any]]) |
| .map(serde => (systemStream, serde)) |
| }).toMap |
| } |
| |
| val systemKeySerdes = buildSystemSerdeMap(systemName => |
| JavaOptionals.toRichOptional(systemConfig.getSystemKeySerde(systemName)).toOption) |
| |
| debug("Got system key serdes: %s" format systemKeySerdes) |
| |
| val systemMessageSerdes = buildSystemSerdeMap(systemName => |
| JavaOptionals.toRichOptional(systemConfig.getSystemMsgSerde(systemName)).toOption) |
| |
| debug("Got system message serdes: %s" format systemMessageSerdes) |
| |
| val systemStreamKeySerdes = buildSystemStreamSerdeMap(systemStream => streamConfig.getStreamKeySerde(systemStream)) |
| |
| debug("Got system stream key serdes: %s" format systemStreamKeySerdes) |
| |
| val systemStreamMessageSerdes = buildSystemStreamSerdeMap(systemStream => streamConfig.getStreamMsgSerde(systemStream)) |
| |
| debug("Got system stream message serdes: %s" format systemStreamMessageSerdes) |
| |
| val storeChangelogs = storageConfig |
| .getStoreNames.asScala |
| .filter(storageConfig.getChangelogStream(_).isPresent) |
| .map(name => (name, storageConfig.getChangelogStream(name).get)).toMap |
| .mapValues(StreamUtil.getSystemStreamFromNames(_)) |
| |
| info("Got change log system streams: %s" format storeChangelogs) |
| |
| /* |
| * This keeps track of the changelog SSPs that are associated with the whole container. This is used so that we can |
| * prefetch the metadata about the all of the changelog SSPs associated with the container whenever we need the |
| * metadata about some of the changelog SSPs. |
| * An example use case is when Samza writes offset files for stores ({@link TaskStorageManager}). Each task is |
| * responsible for its own offset file, but if we can do prefetching, then most tasks will already have cached |
| * metadata by the time they need the offset metadata. |
| * Note: By using all changelog streams to build the sspsToPrefetch, any fetches done for persisted stores will |
| * include the ssps for non-persisted stores, so this is slightly suboptimal. However, this does not increase the |
| * actual number of calls to the {@link SystemAdmin}, and we can decouple this logic from the per-task objects (e.g. |
| * {@link TaskStorageManager}). |
| */ |
| val changelogSSPMetadataCache = new SSPMetadataCache(systemAdmins, |
| Duration.ofSeconds(5), |
| SystemClock.instance, |
| getChangelogSSPsForContainer(containerModel, storeChangelogs).asJava) |
| |
| val intermediateStreams = streamConfig |
| .getStreamIds() |
| .asScala |
| .filter((streamId:String) => streamConfig.getIsIntermediateStream(streamId)) |
| .toList |
| |
| info("Got intermediate streams: %s" format intermediateStreams) |
| |
| val controlMessageKeySerdes = intermediateStreams |
| .flatMap(streamId => { |
| val systemStream = streamConfig.streamIdToSystemStream(streamId) |
| systemStreamKeySerdes.get(systemStream) |
| .orElse(systemKeySerdes.get(systemStream.getSystem)) |
| .map(serde => (systemStream, new StringSerde("UTF-8"))) |
| }).toMap |
| |
| val intermediateStreamMessageSerdes = intermediateStreams |
| .flatMap(streamId => { |
| val systemStream = streamConfig.streamIdToSystemStream(streamId) |
| systemStreamMessageSerdes.get(systemStream) |
| .orElse(systemMessageSerdes.get(systemStream.getSystem)) |
| .map(serde => (systemStream, new IntermediateMessageSerde(serde))) |
| }).toMap |
| |
| val serdeManager = new SerdeManager( |
| serdes = serdes, |
| systemKeySerdes = systemKeySerdes, |
| systemMessageSerdes = systemMessageSerdes, |
| systemStreamKeySerdes = systemStreamKeySerdes, |
| systemStreamMessageSerdes = systemStreamMessageSerdes, |
| changeLogSystemStreams = storeChangelogs.values.toSet, |
| controlMessageKeySerdes = controlMessageKeySerdes, |
| intermediateMessageSerdes = intermediateStreamMessageSerdes) |
| |
| info("Setting up JVM metrics.") |
| |
| val jvm = new JvmMetrics(samzaContainerMetrics.registry) |
| |
| info("Setting up message chooser.") |
| |
| val taskConfig = new TaskConfig(config) |
| val chooserFactoryClassName = taskConfig.getMessageChooserClass |
| |
| val chooserFactory = ReflectionUtil.getObj(chooserFactoryClassName, classOf[MessageChooserFactory]) |
| |
| val chooser = DefaultChooser(inputStreamMetadata, chooserFactory, config, samzaContainerMetrics.registry, systemAdmins) |
| |
| info("Setting up metrics reporters.") |
| |
| val reporters = |
| MetricsReporterLoader.getMetricsReporters(metricsConfig, containerName).asScala.toMap ++ customReporters |
| |
| info("Got metrics reporters: %s" format reporters.keys) |
| |
| val securityManager = JavaOptionals.toRichOptional(jobConfig.getSecurityManagerFactory).toOption match { |
| case Some(securityManagerFactoryClassName) => |
| ReflectionUtil.getObj(securityManagerFactoryClassName, classOf[SecurityManagerFactory]) |
| .getSecurityManager(config) |
| case _ => null |
| } |
| info("Got security manager: %s" format securityManager) |
| |
| val checkpointManager = taskConfig.getCheckpointManager(samzaContainerMetrics.registry).orElse(null) |
| info("Got checkpoint manager: %s" format checkpointManager) |
| |
| // create a map of consumers with callbacks to pass to the OffsetManager |
| val checkpointListeners = consumers.filter(_._2.isInstanceOf[CheckpointListener]) |
| .map { case (system, consumer) => (system, consumer.asInstanceOf[CheckpointListener])} |
| info("Got checkpointListeners : %s" format checkpointListeners) |
| |
| val offsetManager = OffsetManager(inputStreamMetadata, config, checkpointManager, startpointManager, systemAdmins, checkpointListeners, offsetManagerMetrics) |
| info("Got offset manager: %s" format offsetManager) |
| |
| val dropDeserializationError = taskConfig.getDropDeserializationErrors |
| val dropSerializationError = taskConfig.getDropSerializationErrors |
| |
| val pollIntervalMs = taskConfig.getPollIntervalMs |
| |
| val consumerMultiplexer = new SystemConsumers( |
| chooser = chooser, |
| consumers = consumers, |
| systemAdmins = systemAdmins, |
| serdeManager = serdeManager, |
| metrics = systemConsumersMetrics, |
| dropDeserializationError = dropDeserializationError, |
| pollIntervalMs = pollIntervalMs, |
| clock = () => clock.nanoTime()) |
| |
| val producerMultiplexer = new SystemProducers( |
| producers = producers, |
| serdeManager = serdeManager, |
| metrics = systemProducersMetrics, |
| dropSerializationError = dropSerializationError) |
| |
| val storageEngineFactories = storageConfig |
| .getStoreNames.asScala |
| .map(storeName => { |
| val storageFactoryClassName = |
| JavaOptionals.toRichOptional(storageConfig.getStorageFactoryClassName(storeName)).toOption |
| .getOrElse(throw new SamzaException("Missing storage factory for %s." format storeName)) |
| (storeName, |
| ReflectionUtil.getObj(storageFactoryClassName, classOf[StorageEngineFactory[Object, Object]])) |
| }).toMap |
| |
| info("Got storage engines: %s" format storageEngineFactories.keys) |
| |
| val threadPoolSize = jobConfig.getThreadPoolSize |
| info("Got thread pool size: " + threadPoolSize) |
| |
| val taskThreadPool = if (threadPoolSize > 0) { |
| Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadPoolSize, |
| new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("Samza Container Thread-%d").build()) |
| } else { |
| null |
| } |
| |
| |
| val finalTaskFactory = TaskFactoryUtil.finalizeTaskFactory( |
| taskFactory, |
| taskThreadPool) |
| |
| val taskModels = containerModel.getTasks.values.asScala |
| val containerContext = new ContainerContextImpl(containerModel, samzaContainerMetrics.registry) |
| val applicationContainerContextOption = applicationContainerContextFactoryOption |
| .map(_.create(externalContextOption.orNull, jobContext, containerContext)) |
| |
| val storeWatchPaths = new util.HashSet[Path]() |
| |
| val timerExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor |
| |
| var taskStorageManagers : Map[TaskName, TaskStorageManager] = Map() |
| |
| val taskInstanceMetrics: Map[TaskName, TaskInstanceMetrics] = taskModels.map(taskModel => { |
| (taskModel.getTaskName, new TaskInstanceMetrics("TaskName-%s" format taskModel.getTaskName)) |
| }).toMap |
| |
| val taskCollectors : Map[TaskName, TaskInstanceCollector] = taskModels.map(taskModel => { |
| (taskModel.getTaskName, new TaskInstanceCollector(producerMultiplexer, taskInstanceMetrics.get(taskModel.getTaskName).get)) |
| }).toMap |
| |
| val defaultStoreBaseDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "state") |
| info("Got default storage engine base directory: %s" format defaultStoreBaseDir) |
| |
| val nonLoggedStorageBaseDir = getNonLoggedStorageBaseDir(jobConfig, defaultStoreBaseDir) |
| info("Got base directory for non logged data stores: %s" format nonLoggedStorageBaseDir) |
| |
| val loggedStorageBaseDir = getLoggedStorageBaseDir(jobConfig, defaultStoreBaseDir) |
| info("Got base directory for logged data stores: %s" format loggedStorageBaseDir) |
| |
| val containerStorageManager = new ContainerStorageManager( |
| checkpointManager, |
| containerModel, |
| streamMetadataCache, |
| changelogSSPMetadataCache, |
| systemAdmins, |
| storeChangelogs.asJava, |
| sideInputStoresToSystemStreams.mapValues(systemStreamSet => systemStreamSet.toSet.asJava).asJava, |
| storageEngineFactories.asJava, |
| systemFactories.asJava, |
| serdes.asJava, |
| config, |
| taskInstanceMetrics.asJava, |
| samzaContainerMetrics, |
| jobContext, |
| containerContext, |
| taskCollectors.asJava, |
| loggedStorageBaseDir, |
| nonLoggedStorageBaseDir, |
| maxChangeLogStreamPartitions, |
| serdeManager, |
| new SystemClock) |
| |
| storeWatchPaths.addAll(containerStorageManager.getStoreDirectoryPaths) |
| |
| // Create taskInstances |
| val taskInstances: Map[TaskName, TaskInstance] = taskModels |
| .filter(taskModel => taskModel.getTaskMode.eq(TaskMode.Active)).map(taskModel => { |
| debug("Setting up task instance: %s" format taskModel) |
| |
| val taskName = taskModel.getTaskName |
| |
| val task = finalTaskFactory match { |
| case tf: AsyncStreamTaskFactory => tf.asInstanceOf[AsyncStreamTaskFactory].createInstance() |
| case tf: StreamTaskFactory => tf.asInstanceOf[StreamTaskFactory].createInstance() |
| } |
| |
| val taskSSPs = taskModel.getSystemStreamPartitions.asScala.toSet |
| info("Got task SSPs: %s" format taskSSPs) |
| |
| val sideInputStoresToSSPs = sideInputStoresToSystemStreams.mapValues(sideInputSystemStreams => |
| taskSSPs.filter(ssp => sideInputSystemStreams.contains(ssp.getSystemStream)).asJava) |
| |
| val taskSideInputSSPs = sideInputStoresToSSPs.values.flatMap(_.asScala).toSet |
| info ("Got task side input SSPs: %s" format taskSideInputSSPs) |
| |
| val storageManager = TaskStorageManagerFactory.create( |
| taskName, |
| containerStorageManager, |
| storeChangelogs, |
| systemAdmins, |
| loggedStorageBaseDir, |
| taskModel.getChangelogPartition, |
| config, |
| taskModel.getTaskMode) |
| |
| val tableManager = new TableManager(config) |
| |
| info("Got table manager") |
| |
| def createTaskInstance(task: Any): TaskInstance = new TaskInstance( |
| task = task, |
| taskModel = taskModel, |
| metrics = taskInstanceMetrics.get(taskName).get, |
| systemAdmins = systemAdmins, |
| consumerMultiplexer = consumerMultiplexer, |
| collector = taskCollectors.get(taskName).get, |
| offsetManager = offsetManager, |
| storageManager = storageManager, |
| tableManager = tableManager, |
| systemStreamPartitions = JavaConversions.setAsJavaSet(taskSSPs -- taskSideInputSSPs), |
| exceptionHandler = TaskInstanceExceptionHandler(taskInstanceMetrics.get(taskName).get, taskConfig), |
| jobModel = jobModel, |
| streamMetadataCache = streamMetadataCache, |
| inputStreamMetadata = inputStreamMetadata, |
| timerExecutor = timerExecutor, |
| jobContext = jobContext, |
| containerContext = containerContext, |
| applicationContainerContextOption = applicationContainerContextOption, |
| applicationTaskContextFactoryOption = applicationTaskContextFactoryOption, |
| externalContextOption = externalContextOption) |
| |
| val taskInstance = createTaskInstance(task) |
| |
| taskStorageManagers += taskInstance.taskName -> storageManager |
| (taskName, taskInstance) |
| }).toMap |
| |
| val maxThrottlingDelayMs = config.getLong("container.disk.quota.delay.max.ms", TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1)) |
| |
| val runLoop = RunLoopFactory.createRunLoop( |
| taskInstances, |
| consumerMultiplexer, |
| taskThreadPool, |
| maxThrottlingDelayMs, |
| samzaContainerMetrics, |
| taskConfig, |
| clock) |
| |
| val containerMemoryMb : Int = new ClusterManagerConfig(config).getContainerMemoryMb |
| |
| val hostStatisticsMonitor : SystemStatisticsMonitor = new StatisticsMonitorImpl() |
| hostStatisticsMonitor.registerListener(new SystemStatisticsMonitor.Listener { |
| override def onUpdate(sample: SystemMemoryStatistics): Unit = { |
| val physicalMemoryBytes : Long = sample.getPhysicalMemoryBytes |
| val physicalMemoryMb : Float = physicalMemoryBytes / (1024.0F * 1024.0F) |
| val memoryUtilization : Float = physicalMemoryMb.toFloat / containerMemoryMb |
| val containerThreadPoolSize : Long = taskThreadPool.asInstanceOf[ThreadPoolExecutor].getPoolSize |
| val containerActiveThreads : Long = taskThreadPool.asInstanceOf[ThreadPoolExecutor].getActiveCount |
| logger.debug("Container physical memory utilization (mb): " + physicalMemoryMb) |
| logger.debug("Container physical memory utilization: " + memoryUtilization) |
| samzaContainerMetrics.physicalMemoryMb.set(physicalMemoryMb) |
| samzaContainerMetrics.physicalMemoryUtilization.set(memoryUtilization) |
| samzaContainerMetrics.containerThreadPoolSize.set(containerThreadPoolSize) |
| samzaContainerMetrics.containerActiveThreads.set(containerActiveThreads) |
| } |
| }) |
| |
| val diskQuotaBytes = config.getLong("container.disk.quota.bytes", Long.MaxValue) |
| samzaContainerMetrics.diskQuotaBytes.set(diskQuotaBytes) |
| |
| val diskQuotaPolicyFactoryString = config.get("container.disk.quota.policy.factory", |
| classOf[NoThrottlingDiskQuotaPolicyFactory].getName) |
| val diskQuotaPolicyFactory = ReflectionUtil.getObj(diskQuotaPolicyFactoryString, classOf[DiskQuotaPolicyFactory]) |
| val diskQuotaPolicy = diskQuotaPolicyFactory.create(config) |
| |
| var diskSpaceMonitor: DiskSpaceMonitor = null |
| val diskPollMillis = config.getInt(DISK_POLL_INTERVAL_KEY, 0) |
| if (diskPollMillis != 0) { |
| diskSpaceMonitor = new PollingScanDiskSpaceMonitor(storeWatchPaths, diskPollMillis) |
| diskSpaceMonitor.registerListener(new Listener { |
| override def onUpdate(diskUsageBytes: Long): Unit = { |
| val newWorkRate = diskQuotaPolicy.apply(1.0 - (diskUsageBytes.toDouble / diskQuotaBytes)) |
| runLoop.asInstanceOf[Throttleable].setWorkFactor(newWorkRate) |
| samzaContainerMetrics.executorWorkFactor.set(runLoop.asInstanceOf[Throttleable].getWorkFactor) |
| samzaContainerMetrics.diskUsageBytes.set(diskUsageBytes) |
| } |
| }) |
| |
| info("Initialized disk space monitor watch paths to: %s" format storeWatchPaths) |
| } else { |
| info(s"Disk quotas disabled because polling interval is not set ($DISK_POLL_INTERVAL_KEY)") |
| } |
| info("Samza container setup complete.") |
| |
| new SamzaContainer( |
| config = config, |
| taskInstances = taskInstances, |
| taskInstanceMetrics = taskInstanceMetrics, |
| runLoop = runLoop, |
| systemAdmins = systemAdmins, |
| consumerMultiplexer = consumerMultiplexer, |
| producerMultiplexer = producerMultiplexer, |
| localityManager = localityManager, |
| offsetManager = offsetManager, |
| securityManager = securityManager, |
| metrics = samzaContainerMetrics, |
| reporters = reporters, |
| jvm = jvm, |
| diskSpaceMonitor = diskSpaceMonitor, |
| hostStatisticsMonitor = hostStatisticsMonitor, |
| taskThreadPool = taskThreadPool, |
| timerExecutor = timerExecutor, |
| containerContext = containerContext, |
| applicationContainerContextOption = applicationContainerContextOption, |
| externalContextOption = externalContextOption, |
| containerStorageManager = containerStorageManager, |
| diagnosticsManager = diagnosticsManager) |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Builds the set of SSPs for all changelogs on this container. |
| */ |
| @VisibleForTesting |
| private[container] def getChangelogSSPsForContainer(containerModel: ContainerModel, |
| changeLogSystemStreams: Map[String, SystemStream]): Set[SystemStreamPartition] = { |
| containerModel.getTasks.values().asScala |
| .map(taskModel => taskModel.getChangelogPartition) |
| .flatMap(changelogPartition => changeLogSystemStreams.map { case (_, systemStream) => |
| new SystemStreamPartition(systemStream, changelogPartition) }) |
| .toSet |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class SamzaContainer( |
| config: Config, |
| taskInstances: Map[TaskName, TaskInstance], |
| taskInstanceMetrics: Map[TaskName, TaskInstanceMetrics], |
| runLoop: Runnable, |
| systemAdmins: SystemAdmins, |
| consumerMultiplexer: SystemConsumers, |
| producerMultiplexer: SystemProducers, |
| metrics: SamzaContainerMetrics, |
| diskSpaceMonitor: DiskSpaceMonitor = null, |
| hostStatisticsMonitor: SystemStatisticsMonitor = null, |
| offsetManager: OffsetManager = new OffsetManager, |
| localityManager: LocalityManager = null, |
| securityManager: SecurityManager = null, |
| reporters: Map[String, MetricsReporter] = Map(), |
| jvm: JvmMetrics = null, |
| taskThreadPool: ExecutorService = null, |
| timerExecutor: ScheduledExecutorService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor, |
| containerContext: ContainerContext, |
| applicationContainerContextOption: Option[ApplicationContainerContext], |
| externalContextOption: Option[ExternalContext], |
| containerStorageManager: ContainerStorageManager, |
| diagnosticsManager: Option[DiagnosticsManager] = Option.empty) extends Runnable with Logging { |
| |
| private val jobConfig = new JobConfig(config) |
| private val taskConfig = new TaskConfig(config) |
| val shutdownMs: Long = taskConfig.getShutdownMs |
| var jmxServer: JmxServer = null |
| |
| @volatile private var status = SamzaContainerStatus.NOT_STARTED |
| |
| @volatile private var standbyContainerShutdownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); |
| |
| private var exceptionSeen: Throwable = null |
| private var containerListener: SamzaContainerListener = null |
| |
| def getStatus(): SamzaContainerStatus = status |
| |
| def getTaskInstances() = taskInstances |
| |
| def setContainerListener(listener: SamzaContainerListener): Unit = { |
| containerListener = listener |
| } |
| |
| def hasStopped(): Boolean = status == SamzaContainerStatus.STOPPED || status == SamzaContainerStatus.FAILED |
| |
| def run { |
| try { |
| info("Starting container.") |
| |
| if (containerListener != null) { |
| containerListener.beforeStart() |
| } |
| |
| val startTime = System.nanoTime() |
| status = SamzaContainerStatus.STARTING |
| if (jobConfig.getJMXEnabled) { |
| jmxServer = new JmxServer() |
| } |
| applicationContainerContextOption.foreach(_.start) |
| |
| startMetrics |
| startDiagnostics |
| startAdmins |
| startOffsetManager |
| storeContainerLocality |
| // TODO HIGH pmaheshw SAMZA-2338: since store restore needs to trim changelog messages, |
| // need to start changelog producers before the stores, but stop them after stores. |
| startProducers |
| startStores |
| startTableManager |
| startDiskSpaceMonitor |
| startHostStatisticsMonitor |
| startTask |
| startConsumers |
| startSecurityManger |
| |
| info("Entering run loop.") |
| status = SamzaContainerStatus.STARTED |
| if (containerListener != null) { |
| containerListener.afterStart() |
| } |
| metrics.containerStartupTime.set((System.nanoTime() - startTime)/1000000) |
| if (taskInstances.size > 0) |
| runLoop.run |
| else |
| standbyContainerShutdownLatch.await() // Standby containers do not spin runLoop, instead they wait on signal to invoke shutdown |
| } catch { |
| case e: InterruptedException => |
| /* |
| * We don't want to categorize interrupts as failure since the only place the container thread gets interrupted within |
| * our code inside stream processor is during the following two scenarios |
| * 1. During a re-balance, if the container has not started or hasn't reported start status to StreamProcessor. |
| * Subsequently stream processor attempts to interrupt the container thread before proceeding to join the barrier |
| * to agree on the new work assignment. |
| * 2. During shutdown signals to stream processor (external or internal), the stream processor signals the container to |
| * shutdown and waits for `task.shutdown.ms` before forcefully shutting down the container executor service which in |
| * turn interrupts the container thread. |
| * |
| * In the both of these scenarios, the failure cause is either captured externally (timing out scenario) or internally |
| * (failed attempt to shut down the container). The act of interrupting the container thread is an explicit intent to shutdown |
| * the container since it is not capable of reacting to shutdown signals in all scenarios. |
| * |
| */ |
| if (status.equals(SamzaContainerStatus.STARTED)) { |
| warn("Received an interrupt in run loop.", e) |
| } else { |
| warn("Received an interrupt during initialization.", e) |
| } |
| case e: Throwable => |
| if (status.equals(SamzaContainerStatus.STARTED)) { |
| error("Caught exception/error in run loop.", e) |
| } else { |
| error("Caught exception/error while initializing container.", e) |
| } |
| status = SamzaContainerStatus.FAILED |
| exceptionSeen = e |
| } |
| |
| try { |
| info("Shutting down SamzaContainer.") |
| if (jmxServer != null) { |
| jmxServer.stop |
| } |
| |
| shutdownConsumers |
| shutdownTask |
| shutdownTableManager |
| shutdownStores |
| shutdownDiskSpaceMonitor |
| shutdownHostStatisticsMonitor |
| shutdownProducers |
| shutdownOffsetManager |
| shutdownDiagnostics |
| shutdownMetrics |
| shutdownSecurityManger |
| shutdownAdmins |
| |
| applicationContainerContextOption.foreach(_.stop) |
| |
| if (!status.equals(SamzaContainerStatus.FAILED)) { |
| status = SamzaContainerStatus.STOPPED |
| } |
| |
| info("Shutdown complete.") |
| } catch { |
| case e: Throwable => |
| error("Caught exception/error while shutting down container.", e) |
| if (exceptionSeen == null) { |
| exceptionSeen = e |
| } |
| status = SamzaContainerStatus.FAILED |
| } |
| |
| status match { |
| case SamzaContainerStatus.STOPPED => |
| if (containerListener != null) { |
| containerListener.afterStop() |
| } |
| case SamzaContainerStatus.FAILED => |
| if (containerListener != null) { |
| containerListener.afterFailure(exceptionSeen) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * <p> |
| * Asynchronously shuts down this [[SamzaContainer]] |
| * </p> |
| * <br> |
| * <b>Implementation</b>: Stops the [[RunLoop]], which will eventually transition the container from |
| * [[SamzaContainerStatus.STARTED]] to either [[SamzaContainerStatus.STOPPED]] or [[SamzaContainerStatus.FAILED]]]. |
| * Based on the final `status`, [[SamzaContainerListener#afterStop()]] or |
| * [[SamzaContainerListener#afterFailure(Throwable]] will be invoked respectively. |
| * |
| * @throws SamzaException, Thrown when the container has already been stopped or failed |
| */ |
| def shutdown(): Unit = { |
| if (status == SamzaContainerStatus.FAILED || status == SamzaContainerStatus.STOPPED) { |
| warn("Shutdown is no-op since the container is already in state: " + status) |
| return |
| } |
| |
| if (taskInstances.size > 0) |
| shutdownRunLoop() |
| else |
| standbyContainerShutdownLatch.countDown // Countdown the latch so standby container can invoke a shutdown sequence |
| } |
| |
| // Shutdown Runloop |
| def shutdownRunLoop() = { |
| runLoop.asInstanceOf[RunLoop].shutdown |
| } |
| |
| def startDiskSpaceMonitor: Unit = { |
| if (diskSpaceMonitor != null) { |
| info("Starting disk space monitor") |
| diskSpaceMonitor.start() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def startHostStatisticsMonitor: Unit = { |
| if (hostStatisticsMonitor != null) { |
| info("Starting host statistics monitor") |
| hostStatisticsMonitor.start() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def startMetrics { |
| info("Registering task instance metrics.") |
| reporters.values.foreach(reporter => |
| taskInstanceMetrics.values.foreach(taskMetrics => reporter.register(taskMetrics.source, taskMetrics.registry))) |
| |
| info("Starting JVM metrics.") |
| |
| if (jvm != null) { |
| jvm.start |
| } |
| |
| info("Starting metrics reporters.") |
| |
| reporters.values.foreach(reporter => { |
| reporter.register(metrics.source, metrics.registry) |
| reporter.start |
| }) |
| } |
| |
| def startDiagnostics { |
| if (diagnosticsManager.isDefined) { |
| info("Starting diagnostics manager.") |
| diagnosticsManager.get.start() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def startOffsetManager { |
| info("Registering task instances with offsets.") |
| |
| taskInstances.values.foreach(_.registerOffsets) |
| |
| info("Starting offset manager.") |
| |
| offsetManager.start |
| } |
| |
| def storeContainerLocality { |
| val isHostAffinityEnabled: Boolean = new ClusterManagerConfig(config).getHostAffinityEnabled |
| if (isHostAffinityEnabled && localityManager != null) { |
| val containerId = containerContext.getContainerModel.getId |
| val containerName = "SamzaContainer-" + containerId |
| info("Registering %s with metadata store" format containerName) |
| try { |
| val hostInet = Util.getLocalHost |
| info("Writing container locality to metadata store") |
| localityManager.writeContainerToHostMapping(containerId, hostInet.getHostName) |
| } catch { |
| case uhe: UnknownHostException => |
| warn("Received UnknownHostException when persisting locality info for container: " + |
| "%s" format (containerId), uhe) //No-op |
| case unknownException: Throwable => |
| warn("Received an exception when persisting locality info for container %s: " + |
| "%s" format (containerId), unknownException) |
| } finally { |
| info("Shutting down locality manager.") |
| localityManager.close() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def startStores { |
| info("Starting container storage manager.") |
| containerStorageManager.start() |
| } |
| |
| def startTableManager: Unit = { |
| taskInstances.values.foreach(taskInstance => { |
| info("Starting table manager in task instance %s" format taskInstance.taskName) |
| taskInstance.startTableManager |
| }) |
| } |
| |
| def startTask { |
| info("Initializing stream tasks.") |
| |
| taskInstances.values.foreach(_.initTask) |
| } |
| |
| def startAdmins { |
| info("Starting admin multiplexer.") |
| |
| systemAdmins.start |
| } |
| |
| def startProducers { |
| info("Registering task instances with producers.") |
| |
| taskInstances.values.foreach(_.registerProducers) |
| |
| info("Starting producer multiplexer.") |
| |
| producerMultiplexer.start |
| } |
| |
| def startConsumers { |
| info("Registering task instances with consumers.") |
| |
| taskInstances.values.foreach(_.registerConsumers) |
| |
| if (taskInstances.size > 0) { |
| info("Starting consumer multiplexer.") |
| consumerMultiplexer.start |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def startSecurityManger { |
| if (securityManager != null) { |
| info("Starting security manager.") |
| |
| securityManager.start |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def shutdownConsumers { |
| info("Shutting down consumer multiplexer.") |
| |
| consumerMultiplexer.stop |
| } |
| |
| def shutdownAdmins { |
| info("Shutting down admin multiplexer.") |
| |
| systemAdmins.stop |
| } |
| |
| def shutdownProducers { |
| info("Shutting down producer multiplexer.") |
| |
| producerMultiplexer.stop |
| } |
| |
| def shutdownTask { |
| info("Shutting down task instance stream tasks.") |
| |
| if (taskThreadPool != null) { |
| info("Shutting down task thread pool") |
| try { |
| taskThreadPool.shutdown() |
| if(taskThreadPool.awaitTermination(shutdownMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { |
| taskThreadPool.shutdownNow() |
| } |
| } catch { |
| case e: Exception => error(e.getMessage, e) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (timerExecutor != null) { |
| info("Shutting down timer executor") |
| try { |
| timerExecutor.shutdown() |
| if (timerExecutor.awaitTermination(shutdownMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { |
| timerExecutor.shutdownNow() |
| } |
| } catch { |
| case e: Exception => error("Ignoring exception shutting down timer executor", e) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| taskInstances.values.foreach(_.shutdownTask) |
| } |
| |
| def shutdownStores { |
| info("Shutting down container storage manager.") |
| containerStorageManager.shutdown() |
| } |
| |
| def shutdownTableManager: Unit = { |
| info("Shutting down task instance table manager.") |
| |
| taskInstances.values.foreach(_.shutdownTableManager) |
| } |
| |
| def shutdownOffsetManager { |
| info("Shutting down offset manager.") |
| |
| offsetManager.stop |
| } |
| |
| def shutdownDiagnostics { |
| if (diagnosticsManager.isDefined) { |
| info("Shutting down diagnostics manager.") |
| diagnosticsManager.get.stop() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def shutdownMetrics { |
| info("Shutting down metrics reporters.") |
| |
| reporters.values.foreach(_.stop) |
| |
| if (jvm != null) { |
| info("Shutting down JVM metrics.") |
| |
| jvm.stop |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def shutdownSecurityManger: Unit = { |
| if (securityManager != null) { |
| info("Shutting down security manager.") |
| |
| securityManager.stop |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def shutdownDiskSpaceMonitor: Unit = { |
| if (diskSpaceMonitor != null) { |
| info("Shutting down disk space monitor.") |
| diskSpaceMonitor.stop() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def shutdownHostStatisticsMonitor: Unit = { |
| if (hostStatisticsMonitor != null) { |
| info("Shutting down host statistics monitor.") |
| hostStatisticsMonitor.stop() |
| } |
| } |
| } |