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+    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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+    distributed with this work for additional information
+    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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+    specific language governing permissions and limitations
+    under the License.
+# Apache Beam Examples Using SamzaRunner
+The examples in this repository serve to demonstrate
+running Beam pipelines with SamzaRunner locally, in Yarn cluster,
+or in standalone cluster with Zookeeper. More complex pipelines
+can be built from here and run in similar manner.  
+## Example Pipelines
+The following examples are included:
+1. [`WordCount`]( reads a file as input (bounded data source), and computes word frequencies. 
+1. [`KafkaWordCount`]( does the same word-count computation but reading from a Kafka stream (unbounded data source). It uses a fixed 10-sec window to aggregate the counts.
+## Run Examples
+Each example can be run locally, in Yarn cluster or in standalone cluster. Here we use WordCount as an example.
+### Set Up
+1. Download and install [JDK version 8]( Verify that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set and points to your JDK installation.
+1. Download and install [Apache Maven]( by following Maven’s [installation guide]( for your specific operating system.
+1. A script named "grid" is included in this project which allows you to easily download and install Zookeeper, Kafka, and Yarn.
+You can run the following to bring them all up running in your local machine:
+$ scripts/grid bootstrap
+All the downloaded package files will be put under `deploy` folder. Once the grid command completes, 
+you can verify that Yarn is up and running by going to http://localhost:8088. You can also choose to
+bring them up separately, e.g.:
+$ scripts/grid install zookeeper
+$ scripts/grid start zookeeper
+### Local Run
+You can run directly within the project using maven:
+$ mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.apache.beam.examples.WordCount \
+    -Dexec.args="--runner=SamzaRunner" -P samza-runner
+### Packaging Your Application
+To execute the example in either Yarn or standalone, you need to package it first.
+After packaging, we deploy and explode the tgz in the deploy folder:
+ $ mkdir -p deploy/examples
+ $ mvn package && tar -xvf target/samza-beam-examples-0.1-dist.tar.gz -C deploy/examples/
+### Standalone Cluster with Zookeeper
+You can use the `` script included in this repo to run an example
+in standalone mode. The config file is provided as `config/`. Note by
+default we create one single input partition for the whole input. To set the number of 
+partitions, you can add "--maxSourceParallelism=" argument. For example, "--maxSourceParallelism=2"
+will create two partitions of the input file, based on size.  
+$ deploy/examples/bin/ org.apache.beam.examples.WordCount \
+    --configFilePath=$PWD/deploy/examples/config/ \
+    --inputFile=/Users/xiliu/opensource/samza-beam-examples/pom.xml --output=word-counts.txt \
+    --maxSourceParallelism=2
+If the example consumes from Kafka, we can set a large "maxSourceParallelism" value so each kafka
+partition be assigned to a Samza task (the total number of tasks will be bounded by 
+maxSourceParallelism). E.g.
+$ deploy/examples/bin/ org.apache.beam.examples.KafkaWordCount \
+    --configFilePath=$PWD/deploy/examples/config/ \
+    --maxSourceParallelism=1024
+###  Yarn Cluster
+Similar to running standalone, we can use the `` to run the examples
+in Yarn cluster. The config file is provided as `config/`. To run the 
+WordCount example in yarn:
+ $ deploy/examples/bin/ org.apache.beam.examples.WordCount \
+    --configFilePath=$PWD/deploy/examples/config/ \
+    --inputFile=/Users/xiliu/opensource/samza-beam-examples/pom.xml \
+    --output=/tmp/word-counts.txt --maxSourceParallelism=2
+Same as Standalone, we can provide a large "maxSourceParallelism" value to have better parallism
+in Kafka case.
+## Beyond Examples
+Feel free to build more complex pipelines based on the examples above, and reach out to us:
+* Subscribe and mail to []( for any Beam questions.
+* Subscribe and mail to []( for any Samza questions.
+## More Information
+* [Apache Beam](
+* [Apache Samza](
+* Quickstart: [Java](, [Python](, [Go](
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diff --git a/src/main/java/org/apache/beam/examples/ b/src/main/java/org/apache/beam/examples/
index 8af9415..7d1658d 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/apache/beam/examples/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/apache/beam/examples/
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
  * <p>To execute the example in distributed manner, use mvn to package it first:
  * (remove .waitUntilFinish() in the code for yarn deployment)
  * <pre>{@code
- * $ mkdir -p deploy/exaSmples
+ * $ mkdir -p deploy/examples
  * $ mvn package && tar -xvf target/samza-beam-examples-0.1-dist.tar.gz -C deploy/examples/
  * }</pre>