Alx Rya Integration

Alx is a modular framework for developing applications. Rya has mechanisms to integrate directly into Alx to provide other modules access to queries.

Currently, the Alx Rya extension only allows interacting with an Accumulo store.


  • Alx 1.0.5+ (we will refer to it at the ALX_HOME directory from now on)
  • alx.rya features xml (can be found in maven at mvn:org.apache.rya/alx.rya/<version>/xml/features)


  1. Start up Alx
  2. features:addurl alx.rya features xml
  3. features:install alx.rya
  4. (optional) features:install alx.rya.console

That's it. To make sure, run ls <alx.rya bundle id> and make sure something like this pops up:

org.apache.rya.alx.rya (99) provides:
Bundle-SymbolicName = org.apache.rya.alx.rya
Bundle-Version = 3.0.4.SNAPSHOT
objectClass = = 226 = org.apache.rya.alx


The bundle registers a Sail Repository, so you can interact with it directly as in the other code examples. Here is a quick groovy example of the usage:

import org.springframework.osgi.extensions.annotation.*;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.*;
import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.ValueFactory;
import static org.apache.rya.api.RdfCloudTripleStoreConstants.*;

class TstRepo {

	public void setRepo(Repository repo) {
		println repo
		RepositoryConnection conn = repo.getConnection();
		ValueFactory vf = VALUE_FACTORY;
        def statements = conn.getStatements(vf.createIRI(""), null, null, true);
        while(statements.hasNext()) {


The bundle also registers a RyaDAO, so you can interact with the RyaDAO interface directly