blob: 3b164f77da357662ecfaa866a62f456f39ad5e3d [file] [log] [blame]
{ "list": [{"className": "", "description": "This class extends the standard Application and sets up the SimpleCSSValuesImpl (implementation) for convenience.", "flexdocurl": [""], "flexcomponent": ["spark.components.Application"], "commentary": ["Unlike Flex Application, Royale Application does not provide a user interface container. Instead, you create an instance of as the Application's initialView property.", "The Express version of Application pre-packages some additional beads."], "example": ["<js:Application>", "  <js:initialView>", "    <local:MyInitialView />", "  </js:initialView>", "</js:Application>"]},
{"className": "", "description": "This class extends the standard Container and adds the ContainerDataBinding bead and ScrollingViewport beads for convenience.", "flexdocurl": [""], "flexcomponent": ["spark.components.Group"], "commentary": ["In the Royale Express package, data binding is prepackaged into the Container component.", "Royale Express Container also includes support for scrolling.", "Royale Express also provides HContainer (horizontal layout) and VContainer (vertical layout) for convenience."], "example": []},
{"className": "", "description": "This class extends DataGrid and adds beads for drag and drop and column reordering.", "flexdocurl": [""], "flexcomponent": ["spark.components.DataGrid"], "commentary": ["The Royale DataGrid is very similar to the Flex DataGrid. You define the DataGrid using DataGridColumn, assigning to each column a field in the data provider and an itemRenderer to display the data.", "The Royale Express DataGrid is packaged with support for drag-and-drop and column re-ordering."], "example": ["<js:DataGrid width=\"300\" height=\"400\">", "  <js:beads>", "   <js:ConstantBinding", "    sourceID=\"applicationModel\"", "    sourcePropertyName=\"productList\"", "    destinationPropertyName=\"dataProvider\" />", "  </js:beads>", "  <js:columns>", "   <js:DataGridColumn label=\"Image\" dataField=\"image\" columnWidth=\"50\" itemRenderer=\"products.ProductItemRenderer\" />", "   <js:DataGridColumn label=\"Title\" dataField=\"title\" columnWidth=\"150\" />", "   <js:DataGridColumn label=\"Sales\" dataField=\"sales\" columnWidth=\"100\" />", "  </js:columns>", "</js:DataGrid>"]},
{"className": "", "description": "This class extends Container and adds the HorizontalLayout bead for convenience.", "flexdocurl": [""], "flexcomponent": ["spark.components.HGroup"], "commentary": ["In the Royale Express package, data binding is prepackaged into the HContainer component.", "Royale Express HContainer also includes support for scrolling.", "Royale Express also provides Container (basic layout) and VContainer (vertical layout) for convenience."], "example": []},
{"className": "", "description": "This class extends ImageButton and adds the toolTip bead as a convenience.", "flexdocurl": [""], "flexcomponent": ["spark.components.Button"], "commentary": ["In Royale, buttons that uses images should either be an ImageButton or a ImageAndTextButton.", "This class includes <ul><li>toolTip: String</li><li>enabled: Boolean</li></ul> properties."], "example": []},
{"className": "", "description": "The List class is a component that displays multiple data items take from a data source.", "flexdocurl": [""], "flexcomponent": ["spark.components.List"], "commentary": ["In Royale, the List component requires a data provider source and a class to be used as an itemRenderer to display the data.", "In the Royale Express package, data binding is prepackaged into the List component. The Royale Express List also includes support for scrolling as well as drag-and-drop."], "example": ["&lt;js:List dataProvider=\"{employees}\" itemRenderer=\"local.EmployeeCard\" /&gt;"]},
{"className": "", "description": "This class extends TextButton and adds the toolTip bead as a convenience.", "flexdocurl": [""], "flexcomponent": ["spark.components.Button"], "commentary": ["The Royale Express TextButton is pre-packaged with beads to do:", "<ul><li>enabled: Boolean</li><li>toolTip: String</li><li>secure: Boolean</li></ul>See also the Royale Express ImageButton and the Royale Express ImageAndTextButton."], "example": []},
{"className": "", "description": "This class extends Container and adds the VerticalLayout bead for convenience.", "flexdocurl": [""], "flexcomponent": ["spark.components.VGroup"], "commentary": ["In the Royale Express package, data binding is prepackaged into the VContainer component.", "Royale Express VContainer also includes support for scrolling.", "Royale Express also provides Container (basic layout) and HContainer (horizontal layout) for convenience."], "example": []},
{"className": "", "description": "This View extends the standard View and adds the ViewDataBinding bead for convenience.", "flexdocurl": [""], "flexcomponent": ["spark.components.Application"], "commentary": ["Unlike Flex, the Royale Application has no visual aspect. Instead, Royale application's extend the View class which is most often the base class for application MXML components.", "The Royale Express View includes data binding. For convenience, Royale Express also provides HView (horizontal layout) and VView (vertical layout)."], "example": []}]}