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layout: docpage title: ExternalInterface description: Calling to/from External JavaScript permalink: /features/external-interface


Calling to/from External JavaScript

In Flash, there is a class, ExternalInterface{:target=‘_blank’}, that lets your Flex (or Flash) application call other JavaScript code that has been embedded on the hosting web page, and lets external JavaScript code call a function within the Flex application. When you port a Flex application to Royale, you may need to replicate this functionality.

To make this easier, there is an implementation of the same API available as mx.external.ExternalInterface{:target=‘_blank’}. You should be able to just rename your imports from flash.external.ExternalInterface to mx.external.ExternalInterface.

For new code, it would be preferable to create an ActionScript wrapper API into the required JavaScript. This allows you to define a typed interface and the compiler would then pick up any issues around incompatible types or incorrectly spelled function names. This could allow a line such as:"MyFunction", "value", 123);

to be replaced by

MyJSInterface.MyFunction("value", 123);

ensuring that you haven't misspelled “MyFunction” and that the function is being passed the correct number and types of arguments.

The implementation of your API wrapper class is where you would call the JavaScript functionality directly, which could be simply via reflection:

public static function MyFunction(param : String, val : uint) : void
  window["myFunction"](param, val);

It should be possible to make the call to myFunction directly, but we may need asdoc decoration to avoid the ‘unknown function’ error.

For JavaScript to call into a Royale application, we need a listener or callback of some kind to be set up from the Royale application (particularly if we want to have some context retained). This can be an extension of our existing class, MyJSInterface, where we register the callback:

public static function RegisterCallback(fncName : String, fncClosure : Function) : void
  MyJSInterface[fncName] = fncClosure;

When we add our callback (e.g. MyJSInterface.RegisterCallback("testFunction", TestFunc);) the Royale compiler creates a method closure that contains the context from where this registration call is made. This lets you access variables - particularly the this variable - within the TestFunc method during the callback.

The JavaScript code then can access this via the Royale-generated JavaScript for MyJSInterface:

MyJSInterface.testFunction("This will be passed to TestFunc");


Finally a better and recommended way is to use Externs to know another way to communicate to/from External JavaScript that brings many benefits like code completion and code intelligence since externs code is considered standard ActionScript code.