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layout: docpage title: Library Basics description: What are libraries in Royale permalink: /libraries/library-basics

Royale libraries

A bit about Royale libraries. What they are, how to use them and how to create them.

Royale libraries are packaged in swc files. A swc file is a zipped archive which contains the following:

  1. A catalog.xml which describes what is in the archive.
  2. A library.swf file which is binary representation of the code structure in Flash format. The compiler reads this file to determine type information and code flow.
  3. Optionally, a js folder which contains compiled JavaScript code which a JavaScript runtime can run.

Types of libraries

There are two basic library types:

  1. Compiled Code libraries
  2. Typedef libraries

There is no obvious way to tell the difference. Both have a .swc extension, although typedef libraries do not have any js code included and will generally be smaller.

Compiled Code libraries

Compiled code libraries contain code that will end up in your compiled application (assuming you use that code). A library can contain code that you might use internally across multiple projects, or it can be a library that someone else compiled, and that provides functions that some part of your application needs. Much of the Royale framework is compiled into swc files that applications use.

Compiled code libraries are created using the compc compiler. See detailed instructions on how to create one.

Typedef libraries

Typedef libraries define the types of different classes, but contain no code that would be added to an application. Typedef libraries hold core Web APIs and third party JavaScript libraries which could be included in applications as separate JavaScript files (such as jQuery). Typedef libraries are similar to Typescript d.ts files.

Typedef libraries are created using the externc compiler. (TODO add sample configs for doing this.)

For completeness' sake: There‘s a third class of libraries which you would generally not need to deal with. That’s the GCL library included in Royale. It has the type definitions for Google Closure Library, but the actual code that your application might use comes from the Google Closure Library JavaScript files. (TODO -- edit this for accuracy)

Using SWC libraries

To use a swc library, include the swc file in your project. Royale framework swcs are available automatically, but you can include any swc you want by adding the file. To use compiled code libraries, specify the containing folder using library-path and/or js-library-path. (TODO add links to compiler arguments)

Creating SWC libraries

TODO fill this out