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layout: docpage title: Development tools description: Software tools to help you while developing Royale code permalink: /get-started/development-tools

Development tools

Software tools to help you while developing Royale code

You can just use any standard text editor to write Apache Royale applications and the command-line to compile them, but you may find that an Interactive Development Environment (IDE) can make you even more productive.


IDEs that support Royale provide getting-started instructions to help you specify using Royale for a new project, or importing an existing Royale project.

IDEs with Royale support

IDES that supported Flex and work with Royale with some restrictions and limitations.

Command-line scripts

To run the compiler, run the js/bin/mxmlc tool in the Royale SDK. The Download Royale and Hello World sections provide guidance about how to use the compiler.

Royale provides Royale CLI, a tool to simplify creating and compiling applications for those using NPM{:target=‘_blank’}.

Apache Maven

You can use Apache Maven to compile your Royale application. Visit the Apache Maven Project{:target=‘_blank’} to learn more about Maven. Each of the examples in the examples folder is set up to be built with Maven, and the archetypes folder contains Maven Archetypes.

Apache Ant

You can use Apache Ant to compile your Royale application. Visit the Apache Ant Project{:target=‘_blank’} to learn more about Ant. Each of the examples in the examples folder is set up to be built with Ant.


You can use asconfigc to compile your Royale application. Visit the asconfigc github project{:target=‘_blank’} to learn more about asconfigc. Each of the examples in the examples folder is set up to be built with asconfigc.

Apache Cordova

Apache Cordova enables Royale applications to run on mobile devices, tablets, and even desktops. The MobileTrader example in examples/royale/MobileTrader and a few other examples use Cordova. Visit the Apache Cordova project{:target=‘_blank’} to learn more about using Cordova.