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layout: docpage title: Create a unit test description: How to create a unit test permalink: /testing/royaleunit/create-a-unit-test

Create a unit test

An example of creating unit tests with RoyaleUnit

Test cases

A test case is a class that defines a collection of tests. Each test is written as a method of a class. Each test method should be marked with [Test] metadata.

package com.example
	import org.apache.royale.test.Assert;

	public class MyFirstTests
		public function testSimpleAdd():void
			var result:Number = 2 + 3;
			Assert.assertEquals(result, 5);
		public function testSimpleSubtract():void
			var result:Number = 6 - 4;
			Assert.assertEquals(result, 2);

Each test method should be marked with [Test] metadata:

public function testSimpleAdd():void

The org.apache.royale.test.Assert class defines a number of assertion methods that may be useful for testing. In this case, use assertEquals() to compare two values:

Assert.assertEquals(result, 5);

If the value of the result variable is not equal to 5, the test will fail.

Run unit tests

Create a simple Apache Royale application and name it MyTests.mxml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<js:Application xmlns:fx=""
		<test:RoyaleUnitCore id="core"/>
			import org.apache.royale.test.listeners.TraceListener;
			import com.example.MyFirstTests;
			public function runTests():void
				core.addListener(new TraceListener());
		<js:SimpleValuesImpl values="[]"/>

Use an instance of the RoyaleUnitCore class to run unit tests:

<test:RoyaleUnitCore id="core"/>

Notice the test namespace using the org.apache.royale.test.* package where the RoyaleUnitCore class is defined.

The TraceListener class tells RoyaleUnitCore displays the test results in the debug console:

core.addListener(new TraceListener());

Pass one or more test classes to the runClasses() method of the RoyaleUnitCore instance:


Compile this application and run it using a debugger to see the results of the tests.

mxmlc -keep-as3-metadata+=Test MyTests.mxml

Don't forget to tell the compiler to keep any RoyaleUnit metadata that is used in the application. In this case, only [Test] metadata is used, but several other tags are available.

The debug console output should look similar to the following:

com.example::MyFirstTests.testSimpleAdd .
com.example::MyFirstTests.testSimpleSubtract .
Time: 0.346
OK (2 tests)