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layout: docpage title: Jewel View description: The Jewel View permalink: /component-sets/jewel/view

< Jewel Components list

Jewel View


Available since version 0.9.4.


Note: This component is currently only available for JavaScript.


The View class is used as the initialView in a Royale Jewel Application. It is generally used as the root tag of MXML documents and UI controls and containers are added to it.

For responsive applications you can use ResponsiveView instead.

Example of use

In MXML declare a View like this:

<j:View xmlns:fx="" 
	width="100%" height="100%">

    <!-- View code goes here -->

or directly in the application mxml file inside the initialView:

<j:Application xmlns:fx="" 
		<j:View width="100%" height="100%">
			<!-- View code goes here -->

In ActionScript we can do the same in the following way:

// instantiate the view
var view:View = new View();
// add content to the view and and add to application's initialView
application.initialView = view;

where application is the Jewel Application.

Relevant Properties and Methods

Check the Reference of org.apache.royale.jewel.View{:target=‘_blank’} for a more detailed list of properties and methods.


applicationModelObjectA reference to the Application's model.
currentStateStringThe name of the current state.
numElementsintThe number of element children that can be laid out.
mxmlContentArrayThe array of childs for this view. Is the DefaultProperty.
popUpParentIPopUpHostParentA view can be the parent of a popup that will be part of the layout.
popUpHostIPopUpHostA view can host popups that will be part of the layout.
statesArrayThe array of view states. These should be instances of org.apache.royale.states.State{:target=‘_blank’}


addElementc(IChild), dispatchEvent(Boolean=true)Add a component to the parent.
addElementAtc(IChild), index(int), dispatchEvent(Boolean=true)Add a component to the parent at the specified index.
getElementIndexc(IChild)Gets the index of this subcomponent.
getElementAtindex(int)Get a component from the parent at specified index.
removeElementc(IChild), dispatchEvent(Boolean=true)Remove a component from the parent.

Relevant Events

The most important event is initComplete, which indicates that the initialization of the view is complete.

It is needed when some action coded in a callback function needs to be triggered when the view is ready to use after initialization.

You can attach callback listeners to the initComplete event in MXML as follows:

<j:View initComplete="initCompleteHandler(event)"/>

the initComplete event will use the initCompleteHandler callback function you provide in ActionScript:

        private function initCompleteHandler(event:Event):void {
            trace("View is ready!");

When the view is initialized the message “View is ready!” appears in the console log.

In ActionScript we can add an event handler this way:

var v:View = new View();
v.addEventListener('initComplete', initCompleteHandler);

Relevant Beads

Bead TypeImplementationDescription
GroupView{:target=‘_blank’}org.apache.royale.core.IBeadView{:target=‘_blank’}This is the default view bead.
ViewLayout{:target=‘_blank’}org.apache.royale.core.IBeadLayout{:target=‘_blank’}This is the default layout bead.

Optional Beads

Bead TypeImplementationDescription
ViewDataBinding{:target=‘_blank’}org.apache.royale.binding.DataBindingBase{:target=‘_blank’}Provide binding capabilities to the view.

Common Beads

Jewel View can use any of the layout beads available in the Jewel library. You can also check Related controls to see some preconfigured views with specific layouts.

More examples

Related controls

Other useful Jewel view components are: