tree: 7eb62f7276008c7d6ab59d29822878441d3a11cc [path history] [tgz]
  1. cli/
  2. js-only/
  3. js-swf/
  4. release-scripts/

The Apache Royale NPM packages are distributed under the Apache-Royale NPM organization:

There are two packages available:

  1. @apache-royale/royale-js []
  2. @apache-royale/royale-js-swf []

The package: @apache-royale/royale-js supports only the JS/HTML output.
The package: @apache-royale/royale-js-swf supports both JS/HTML and SWF/AIR output.

##For End Users

Manual installs

To install these packages, users need to run the following commands:

npm install @apache-royale/royale-js -g
npm install @apache-royale/royale-js-swf -g

Automated installs

Set the environment variable: ACCEPT_ALL_ROYALE_LICENSES=true to accept all the licenses prompted by the npm installer script. This lets you use the installer in a automated environment without interactive prompts.

##For Release Managers

To setup the publish scripts, first run:

cd release-scripts
npm install

To publish the packages to NPM, run:

node publish.js --type=js-only --pathToTarball=path-to-tgz-file --username=npm-username --password=npm-password
node publish.js --type=js-swf --pathToTarball=path-to-tgz-file --username=npm-username --password=npm-password

For example:

node publish.js --type=js-only --pathToTarball="C:\p\os\flexroot\royale\royale-asjs\out\binaries\apache-royale-0.9.0-bin-js.tar.gz" --username=apache-royale-owner --password=shared_in_private
node publish.js --type=js-swf --pathToTarball="C:\p\os\flexroot\royale\royale-asjs\out\binaries\apache-royale-0.9.0-bin-js-swf.tar.gz" --username=apache-royale-owner --password=shared_in_private