tree: 0d06b93553a9715a745e5a381d7f34004ca934af [path history] [tgz]
  1. .mvn/
  2. archetypes/
  3. asdoc/
  4. bin/
  5. distribution/
  6. examples/
  7. frameworks/
  8. fxg2svg/
  9. ide/
  12. js/
  13. manualtests/
  14. marmotinni/
  15. mustella/
  16. scripts/
  17. src/
  18. templates/
  19. testsuite/
  20. vf2js/
  21. .gitignore
  22. apache-flex-flexjs-installer-config.xml
  23. ApproveFlexJS.xml
  25. build.xml
  26. cordova-build.xml
  28. InstallAdobeSDKs.xml
  29. installer.xml
  31. LICENSE.base
  32. LICENSE.bin
  34. NOTICE
  35. pom.xml
  38. releasecandidate.xml
  39. settings-template.xml

Apache Royale™

The Apache Royale project is working on a next-generation Flex SDK: FlexJS™. FlexJS has the goal of allowing applications developed in MXML and ActionScript to not only run in the Flash/AIR runtimes, but also to run natively in the browser without Flash, on mobile devices as a PhoneGap/Cordova application, and in embedded JS environments such as Chromium Embedded Framework. FlexJS has the potential to allow your MXML and ActionScript code to run in even more places than Flash currently does.

For detailed information about FlexJS, visit:

For more information about Apache Royale, visit:

Getting FlexJS

Getting the source code from GitHub is the recommended way to get FlexJS. You can check out the source via git using the following commands:

git clone royale-asjs
cd royale-asjs
git checkout develop

You may also use a precompiled binary convenience package to develop FlexJS applications using your favorite IDE. In addition to that, FlexJS is available as Maven artifacts and through Node Package Manager (NPM).

Building FlexJS


Before building FlexJS you must install the following software and set the corresponding environment variables using absolute file paths (relative paths will result in build errors). The set of prerequisites is different depending on whether you want to compile your projects to SWF or not.


FlexJS requires Java SDK 1.6 or greater to be installed on your computer. For more information on installing the Java SDK, see:

  • Environment variable

    Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the Java SDK installation path.

  • PATH

    Add the bin directory of JAVA_HOME to the PATH.

    On Windows, set PATH to


    On a Mac, set PATH to

    export PATH="$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin"


FlexJS requires Ant 1.7.1 or greater to be installed on your computer.

Note: if you are using Java SDK 1.7 or greater on a Mac you must use Ant 1.8 or greater. If you use Java 1.7 with Ant 1.7 you will get compile errors.

For more information on installing Ant, see:

  • Environment variable

    Set the ANT_HOME environment variable to the Ant installation path.

  • PATH

    Add the bin directory of ANT_HOME to the PATH.

    On Windows, set PATH to


    On a Mac, set PATH to

    export PATH="$PATH:$ANT_HOME/bin"


The Adobe Flash Player playerglobal.swc (version 11.1) can be downloaded from:

First, create the following directory structure:

[root directory]/player/11.1/

Next, rename the downloaded SWC to ‘playerglobal.swc’ and place it in the above directory.

  • Environment variable

    Set PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME environment variable to the absolute path of the player directory, not including the version subdirectory (i.e. ‘[root directory]/player’).

Other, more recent versions of Adobe Flash Player playerglobal.swc can be downloaded from[version.major]/playerglobal[version.major]_[version.minor].swc (e.g. These versions can be used with FlexJS, but not all have been fully tested.

Flash Player Content Debugger

The Flash Player Content Debugger can be found here:

This version of FlexJS was certified for use with Flash Player 11.1, and is compatible with version 10.2 and up. It has been tested with version 16.0 on Windows and Mac. It has been compiled, but not fully tested, with other Flash Player versions. It has not been fully tested on Linux.

  • Environment variable

    On Windows, set FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER to the absolute path including the filename of the Flash Player Content Debugger executable (e.g. ‘FlashPlayerDebugger.exe’). Note: the filename of Flash Player Content Debugger can differ slightly between versions. Adjust your path accordingly.

    On the Mac, set FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER to the absolute path of ‘Flash Player Debugger

    On Linux, set FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER to the absolute path of ‘flashplayerdebugger’.

Adobe AIR Integration Kit (optional, for SWF output only)

This version of Apache FlexJS was certified for use with Adobe AIR 16 and is compatible with version 3.1 and up. The Adobe AIR integration kit can be downloaded from:




After you download the AIR SDK, unzip it and place it in a directory of your choice.

  • Environment variable

    Set AIR_HOME to the absolute path of the AIR SDK directory.

Building the source

FlexJS is a large project. It requires some build tools which must be installed prior to building the SDK. Some of these have different licenses. See the Software Dependencies section for more information on the external dependencies below.

Linux support is currently experimental and while it is possible to compile the SDK it has not been fully tested.

FlexJS requires code from several other Apache Royale git repositories. To get these repositories, change to the repository root (‘royale-asjs’) and run:

ant all

This will clone the repositories, checkout the develop branches then build those repositories in the correct order.

Some more helpful commands:

  • To rebuild, run:

  • To clean the build, of everything other than the downloaded third-party dependencies, run:

    ant clean
  • To generate a source distribution package and a binary distribution package, run:

    ant -Dbuild.number=<YYYYMMDD> -Dbuild.noprompt= release

    The packages can be found in the “out” subdirectory.

  • To get a brief listing of all the targets, run:

    ant -projecthelp

Using the Binary Distribution

If you are not interested in SWF output, the binary distribution can just be unzipped into a folder.

If you want SWF output, use NPM. Run:

sudo npm install flexjs -g

Software Dependencies

FlexJS depends on the Google Closure Library.

Thanks for using Apache Royale. Enjoy!