blob: 37d8e221030c7e16537cf81d0f7036e44d11c918 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* Inspire Tree DOM
* @version 4.0.6
* @copyright Copyright 2015 Helion3, and other contributors
* @license Licensed under MIT
* see
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory(require('lodash'), require('inspire-tree')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['lodash', 'inspire-tree'], factory) :
(global.InspireTreeDOM = factory(global._,global.InspireTree));
}(this, (function (_,InspireTree) { 'use strict';
InspireTree = InspireTree && InspireTree.hasOwnProperty('default') ? InspireTree['default'] : InspireTree;
var NO_OP = '$NO_OP';
var ERROR_MSG = 'a runtime error occured! Use Inferno in development environment to find the error.';
var isBrowser = !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document);
var isArray = Array.isArray;
function isStringOrNumber(o) {
var type = typeof o;
return type === 'string' || type === 'number';
function isNullOrUndef(o) {
return isUndefined(o) || isNull(o);
function isInvalid(o) {
return isNull(o) || o === false || isTrue(o) || isUndefined(o);
function isFunction(o) {
return typeof o === 'function';
function isString(o) {
return typeof o === 'string';
function isNumber(o) {
return typeof o === 'number';
function isNull(o) {
return o === null;
function isTrue(o) {
return o === true;
function isUndefined(o) {
return o === void 0;
function throwError(message) {
if (!message) {
message = ERROR_MSG;
throw new Error(("Inferno Error: " + message));
function combineFrom(first, second) {
var out = {};
if (first) {
for (var key in first) {
out[key] = first[key];
if (second) {
for (var key$1 in second) {
out[key$1] = second[key$1];
return out;
var keyPrefix = '$';
function getVNode(childFlags, children, className, flags, key, props, ref, type) {
return {
childFlags: childFlags,
children: children,
className: className,
dom: null,
flags: flags,
key: key === void 0 ? null : key,
parentVNode: null,
props: props === void 0 ? null : props,
ref: ref === void 0 ? null : ref,
type: type
function createVNode(flags, type, className, children, childFlags, props, key, ref) {
var childFlag = childFlags === void 0 ? 1 /* HasInvalidChildren */ : childFlags;
var vNode = getVNode(childFlag, children, className, flags, key, props, ref, type);
if (childFlag === 0 /* UnknownChildren */) {
normalizeChildren(vNode, vNode.children);
return vNode;
function createComponentVNode(flags, type, props, key, ref) {
if ((flags & 2 /* ComponentUnknown */) > 0) {
flags = type.prototype && isFunction(type.prototype.render) ? 4 /* ComponentClass */ : 8 /* ComponentFunction */;
// set default props
var defaultProps = type.defaultProps;
if (!isNullOrUndef(defaultProps)) {
if (!props) {
props = {}; // Props can be referenced and modified at application level so always create new object
for (var prop in defaultProps) {
if (isUndefined(props[prop])) {
props[prop] = defaultProps[prop];
if ((flags & 8 /* ComponentFunction */) > 0) {
var defaultHooks = type.defaultHooks;
if (!isNullOrUndef(defaultHooks)) {
if (!ref) {
// As ref cannot be referenced from application level, we can use the same refs object
ref = defaultHooks;
else {
for (var prop$1 in defaultHooks) {
if (isUndefined(ref[prop$1])) {
ref[prop$1] = defaultHooks[prop$1];
var vNode = getVNode(1 /* HasInvalidChildren */, null, null, flags, key, props, ref, type);
var optsVNode = options.createVNode;
if (isFunction(optsVNode)) {
return vNode;
function createTextVNode(text, key) {
return getVNode(1 /* HasInvalidChildren */, isNullOrUndef(text) ? '' : text, null, 16 /* Text */, key, null, null, null);
function normalizeProps(vNode) {
var props = vNode.props;
if (props) {
var flags = vNode.flags;
if (flags & 481 /* Element */) {
if (props.children !== void 0 && isNullOrUndef(vNode.children)) {
normalizeChildren(vNode, props.children);
if (props.className !== void 0) {
vNode.className = props.className || null;
props.className = undefined;
if (props.key !== void 0) {
vNode.key = props.key;
props.key = undefined;
if (props.ref !== void 0) {
if (flags & 8 /* ComponentFunction */) {
vNode.ref = combineFrom(vNode.ref, props.ref);
else {
vNode.ref = props.ref;
props.ref = undefined;
return vNode;
function directClone(vNodeToClone) {
var newVNode;
var flags = vNodeToClone.flags;
if (flags & 14 /* Component */) {
var props;
var propsToClone = vNodeToClone.props;
if (!isNull(propsToClone)) {
props = {};
for (var key in propsToClone) {
props[key] = propsToClone[key];
newVNode = createComponentVNode(flags, vNodeToClone.type, props, vNodeToClone.key, vNodeToClone.ref);
else if (flags & 481 /* Element */) {
newVNode = createVNode(flags, vNodeToClone.type, vNodeToClone.className, vNodeToClone.children, vNodeToClone.childFlags, vNodeToClone.props, vNodeToClone.key, vNodeToClone.ref);
else if (flags & 16 /* Text */) {
newVNode = createTextVNode(vNodeToClone.children, vNodeToClone.key);
else if (flags & 1024 /* Portal */) {
newVNode = vNodeToClone;
return newVNode;
function createVoidVNode() {
return createTextVNode('', null);
function _normalizeVNodes(nodes, result, index, currentKey) {
for (var len = nodes.length; index < len; index++) {
var n = nodes[index];
if (!isInvalid(n)) {
var newKey = currentKey + keyPrefix + index;
if (isArray(n)) {
_normalizeVNodes(n, result, 0, newKey);
else {
if (isStringOrNumber(n)) {
n = createTextVNode(n, newKey);
else {
var oldKey = n.key;
var isPrefixedKey = isString(oldKey) && oldKey[0] === keyPrefix;
if (!isNull(n.dom) || isPrefixedKey) {
n = directClone(n);
if (isNull(oldKey) || isPrefixedKey) {
n.key = newKey;
else {
n.key = currentKey + oldKey;
function normalizeChildren(vNode, children) {
var newChildren;
var newChildFlags = 1 /* HasInvalidChildren */;
// Don't change children to match strict equal (===) true in patching
if (isInvalid(children)) {
newChildren = children;
else if (isString(children)) {
newChildFlags = 2 /* HasVNodeChildren */;
newChildren = createTextVNode(children);
else if (isNumber(children)) {
newChildFlags = 2 /* HasVNodeChildren */;
newChildren = createTextVNode(children + '');
else if (isArray(children)) {
var len = children.length;
if (len === 0) {
newChildren = null;
newChildFlags = 1 /* HasInvalidChildren */;
else {
// we assign $ which basically means we've flagged this array for future note
// if it comes back again, we need to clone it, as people are using it
// in an immutable way
// tslint:disable-next-line
if (Object.isFrozen(children) || children['$'] === true) {
children = children.slice();
newChildFlags = 8 /* HasKeyedChildren */;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var n = children[i];
if (isInvalid(n) || isArray(n)) {
newChildren = newChildren || children.slice(0, i);
_normalizeVNodes(children, newChildren, i, '');
else if (isStringOrNumber(n)) {
newChildren = newChildren || children.slice(0, i);
newChildren.push(createTextVNode(n, keyPrefix + i));
else {
var key = n.key;
var isNullDom = isNull(n.dom);
var isNullKey = isNull(key);
var isPrefixed = !isNullKey && key[0] === keyPrefix;
if (!isNullDom || isNullKey || isPrefixed) {
newChildren = newChildren || children.slice(0, i);
if (!isNullDom || isPrefixed) {
n = directClone(n);
if (isNullKey || isPrefixed) {
n.key = keyPrefix + i;
else if (newChildren) {
newChildren = newChildren || children;
newChildren.$ = true;
else {
newChildren = children;
if (!isNull(children.dom)) {
newChildren = directClone(children);
newChildFlags = 2 /* HasVNodeChildren */;
vNode.children = newChildren;
vNode.childFlags = newChildFlags;
return vNode;
var options = {
afterRender: null,
beforeRender: null,
createVNode: null,
renderComplete: null
var xlinkNS = '';
var xmlNS = '';
var svgNS = '';
var namespaces = {
'xlink:actuate': xlinkNS,
'xlink:arcrole': xlinkNS,
'xlink:href': xlinkNS,
'xlink:role': xlinkNS,
'xlink:show': xlinkNS,
'xlink:title': xlinkNS,
'xlink:type': xlinkNS,
'xml:base': xmlNS,
'xml:lang': xmlNS,
'xml:space': xmlNS
// We need EMPTY_OBJ defined in one place.
// Its used for comparison so we cant inline it into shared
var EMPTY_OBJ = {};
var LIFECYCLE = [];
function appendChild(parentDom, dom) {
function insertOrAppend(parentDom, newNode, nextNode) {
if (isNullOrUndef(nextNode)) {
appendChild(parentDom, newNode);
else {
parentDom.insertBefore(newNode, nextNode);
function documentCreateElement(tag, isSVG) {
if (isSVG === true) {
return document.createElementNS(svgNS, tag);
return document.createElement(tag);
function replaceChild(parentDom, newDom, lastDom) {
parentDom.replaceChild(newDom, lastDom);
function removeChild(parentDom, dom) {
function callAll(arrayFn) {
var listener;
while ((listener = arrayFn.shift()) !== undefined) {
var attachedEventCounts = {};
var attachedEvents = {};
function handleEvent(name, nextEvent, dom) {
var eventsLeft = attachedEventCounts[name];
var eventsObject = dom.$EV;
if (nextEvent) {
if (!eventsLeft) {
attachedEvents[name] = attachEventToDocument(name);
attachedEventCounts[name] = 0;
if (!eventsObject) {
eventsObject = dom.$EV = {};
if (!eventsObject[name]) {
eventsObject[name] = nextEvent;
else if (eventsObject && eventsObject[name]) {
if (eventsLeft === 1) {
document.removeEventListener(normalizeEventName(name), attachedEvents[name]);
attachedEvents[name] = null;
eventsObject[name] = nextEvent;
function dispatchEvents(event, target, isClick, name, eventData) {
var dom = target;
while (!isNull(dom)) {
// Html Nodes can be nested fe: span inside button in that scenario browser does not handle disabled attribute on parent,
// because the event listener is on document.body
// Don't process clicks on disabled elements
if (isClick && dom.disabled) {
var eventsObject = dom.$EV;
if (eventsObject) {
var currentEvent = eventsObject[name];
if (currentEvent) {
// linkEvent object
eventData.dom = dom;
if (currentEvent.event) {
currentEvent.event(, event);
else {
if (event.cancelBubble) {
dom = dom.parentNode;
function normalizeEventName(name) {
return name.substr(2).toLowerCase();
function stopPropagation() {
this.cancelBubble = true;
if (!this.immediatePropagationStopped) {
function attachEventToDocument(name) {
var docEvent = function (event) {
var type = event.type;
var isClick = type === 'click' || type === 'dblclick';
if (isClick && event.button !== 0) {
// Firefox incorrectly triggers click event for mid/right mouse buttons.
// This bug has been active for 12 years.
return false;
event.stopPropagation = stopPropagation;
// Event data needs to be object to save reference to currentTarget getter
var eventData = {
dom: document
Object.defineProperty(event, 'currentTarget', {
configurable: true,
get: function get() {
return eventData.dom;
dispatchEvents(event,, isClick, name, eventData);
document.addEventListener(normalizeEventName(name), docEvent);
return docEvent;
function isSameInnerHTML(dom, innerHTML) {
var tempdom = document.createElement('i');
tempdom.innerHTML = innerHTML;
return tempdom.innerHTML === dom.innerHTML;
function isSamePropsInnerHTML(dom, props) {
return Boolean(props && props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html && isSameInnerHTML(dom, props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html));
function triggerEventListener(props, methodName, e) {
if (props[methodName]) {
var listener = props[methodName];
if (listener.event) {
listener.event(, e);
else {
else {
var nativeListenerName = methodName.toLowerCase();
if (props[nativeListenerName]) {
function createWrappedFunction(methodName, applyValue) {
var fnMethod = function (e) {
var vNode = this.$V;
// If vNode is gone by the time event fires, no-op
if (!vNode) {
var props = vNode.props || EMPTY_OBJ;
var dom = vNode.dom;
if (isString(methodName)) {
triggerEventListener(props, methodName, e);
else {
for (var i = 0; i < methodName.length; i++) {
triggerEventListener(props, methodName[i], e);
if (isFunction(applyValue)) {
var newVNode = this.$V;
var newProps = newVNode.props || EMPTY_OBJ;
applyValue(newProps, dom, false, newVNode);
Object.defineProperty(fnMethod, 'wrapped', {
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
value: true,
writable: false
return fnMethod;
function isCheckedType(type) {
return type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio';
var onTextInputChange = createWrappedFunction('onInput', applyValueInput);
var wrappedOnChange = createWrappedFunction(['onClick', 'onChange'], applyValueInput);
/* tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty */
function emptywrapper(event) {
emptywrapper.wrapped = true;
function inputEvents(dom, nextPropsOrEmpty) {
if (isCheckedType(nextPropsOrEmpty.type)) {
dom.onchange = wrappedOnChange;
dom.onclick = emptywrapper;
else {
dom.oninput = onTextInputChange;
function applyValueInput(nextPropsOrEmpty, dom) {
var type = nextPropsOrEmpty.type;
var value = nextPropsOrEmpty.value;
var checked = nextPropsOrEmpty.checked;
var multiple = nextPropsOrEmpty.multiple;
var defaultValue = nextPropsOrEmpty.defaultValue;
var hasValue = !isNullOrUndef(value);
if (type && type !== dom.type) {
dom.setAttribute('type', type);
if (!isNullOrUndef(multiple) && multiple !== dom.multiple) {
dom.multiple = multiple;
if (!isNullOrUndef(defaultValue) && !hasValue) {
dom.defaultValue = defaultValue + '';
if (isCheckedType(type)) {
if (hasValue) {
dom.value = value;
if (!isNullOrUndef(checked)) {
dom.checked = checked;
else {
if (hasValue && dom.value !== value) {
dom.defaultValue = value;
dom.value = value;
else if (!isNullOrUndef(checked)) {
dom.checked = checked;
function updateChildOptionGroup(vNode, value) {
var type = vNode.type;
if (type === 'optgroup') {
var children = vNode.children;
var childFlags = vNode.childFlags;
if (childFlags & 12 /* MultipleChildren */) {
for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {
updateChildOption(children[i], value);
else if (childFlags === 2 /* HasVNodeChildren */) {
updateChildOption(children, value);
else {
updateChildOption(vNode, value);
function updateChildOption(vNode, value) {
var props = vNode.props || EMPTY_OBJ;
var dom = vNode.dom;
// we do this as multiple may have changed
dom.value = props.value;
if ((isArray(value) && value.indexOf(props.value) !== -1) || props.value === value) {
dom.selected = true;
else if (!isNullOrUndef(value) || !isNullOrUndef(props.selected)) {
dom.selected = props.selected || false;
var onSelectChange = createWrappedFunction('onChange', applyValueSelect);
function selectEvents(dom) {
dom.onchange = onSelectChange;
function applyValueSelect(nextPropsOrEmpty, dom, mounting, vNode) {
var multiplePropInBoolean = Boolean(nextPropsOrEmpty.multiple);
if (!isNullOrUndef(nextPropsOrEmpty.multiple) && multiplePropInBoolean !== dom.multiple) {
dom.multiple = multiplePropInBoolean;
var childFlags = vNode.childFlags;
if ((childFlags & 1 /* HasInvalidChildren */) === 0) {
var children = vNode.children;
var value = nextPropsOrEmpty.value;
if (mounting && isNullOrUndef(value)) {
value = nextPropsOrEmpty.defaultValue;
if (childFlags & 12 /* MultipleChildren */) {
for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {
updateChildOptionGroup(children[i], value);
else if (childFlags === 2 /* HasVNodeChildren */) {
updateChildOptionGroup(children, value);
var onTextareaInputChange = createWrappedFunction('onInput', applyValueTextArea);
var wrappedOnChange$1 = createWrappedFunction('onChange');
function textAreaEvents(dom, nextPropsOrEmpty) {
dom.oninput = onTextareaInputChange;
if (nextPropsOrEmpty.onChange) {
dom.onchange = wrappedOnChange$1;
function applyValueTextArea(nextPropsOrEmpty, dom, mounting) {
var value = nextPropsOrEmpty.value;
var domValue = dom.value;
if (isNullOrUndef(value)) {
if (mounting) {
var defaultValue = nextPropsOrEmpty.defaultValue;
if (!isNullOrUndef(defaultValue) && defaultValue !== domValue) {
dom.defaultValue = defaultValue;
dom.value = defaultValue;
else if (domValue !== value) {
/* There is value so keep it controlled */
dom.defaultValue = value;
dom.value = value;
* There is currently no support for switching same input between controlled and nonControlled
* If that ever becomes a real issue, then re design controlled elements
* Currently user must choose either controlled or non-controlled and stick with that
function processElement(flags, vNode, dom, nextPropsOrEmpty, mounting, isControlled) {
if (flags & 64 /* InputElement */) {
applyValueInput(nextPropsOrEmpty, dom);
else if (flags & 256 /* SelectElement */) {
applyValueSelect(nextPropsOrEmpty, dom, mounting, vNode);
else if (flags & 128 /* TextareaElement */) {
applyValueTextArea(nextPropsOrEmpty, dom, mounting);
if (isControlled) {
dom.$V = vNode;
function addFormElementEventHandlers(flags, dom, nextPropsOrEmpty) {
if (flags & 64 /* InputElement */) {
inputEvents(dom, nextPropsOrEmpty);
else if (flags & 256 /* SelectElement */) {
else if (flags & 128 /* TextareaElement */) {
textAreaEvents(dom, nextPropsOrEmpty);
function isControlledFormElement(nextPropsOrEmpty) {
return nextPropsOrEmpty.type && isCheckedType(nextPropsOrEmpty.type) ? !isNullOrUndef(nextPropsOrEmpty.checked) : !isNullOrUndef(nextPropsOrEmpty.value);
function remove(vNode, parentDom) {
if (parentDom && vNode.dom) {
removeChild(parentDom, vNode.dom);
// Let carbage collector free memory
vNode.dom = null;
function unmount(vNode) {
var flags = vNode.flags;
if (flags & 481 /* Element */) {
var ref = vNode.ref;
var props = vNode.props;
if (isFunction(ref)) {
var children = vNode.children;
var childFlags = vNode.childFlags;
if (childFlags & 12 /* MultipleChildren */) {
else if (childFlags === 2 /* HasVNodeChildren */) {
if (!isNull(props)) {
for (var name in props) {
switch (name) {
case 'onClick':
case 'onDblClick':
case 'onFocusIn':
case 'onFocusOut':
case 'onKeyDown':
case 'onKeyPress':
case 'onKeyUp':
case 'onMouseDown':
case 'onMouseMove':
case 'onMouseUp':
case 'onSubmit':
case 'onTouchEnd':
case 'onTouchMove':
case 'onTouchStart':
handleEvent(name, null, vNode.dom);
else {
var children$1 = vNode.children;
// Safe guard for crashed VNode
if (children$1) {
if (flags & 14 /* Component */) {
var ref$1 = vNode.ref;
if (flags & 4 /* ComponentClass */) {
if (isFunction(children$1.componentWillUnmount)) {
if (isFunction(ref$1)) {
children$1.$UN = true;
if (children$1.$LI) {
else {
if (!isNullOrUndef(ref$1) && isFunction(ref$1.onComponentWillUnmount)) {
ref$1.onComponentWillUnmount(vNode.dom, vNode.props || EMPTY_OBJ);
else if (flags & 1024 /* Portal */) {
remove(children$1, vNode.type);
function unmountAllChildren(children) {
for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {
function removeAllChildren(dom, children) {
dom.textContent = '';
function createLinkEvent(linkEvent, nextValue) {
return function (e) {
linkEvent(, e);
function patchEvent(name, lastValue, nextValue, dom) {
var nameLowerCase = name.toLowerCase();
if (!isFunction(nextValue) && !isNullOrUndef(nextValue)) {
var linkEvent = nextValue.event;
if (linkEvent && isFunction(linkEvent)) {
dom[nameLowerCase] = createLinkEvent(linkEvent, nextValue);
else {
var domEvent = dom[nameLowerCase];
// if the function is wrapped, that means it's been controlled by a wrapper
if (!domEvent || !domEvent.wrapped) {
dom[nameLowerCase] = nextValue;
function getNumberStyleValue(style, value) {
switch (style) {
case 'animationIterationCount':
case 'borderImageOutset':
case 'borderImageSlice':
case 'borderImageWidth':
case 'boxFlex':
case 'boxFlexGroup':
case 'boxOrdinalGroup':
case 'columnCount':
case 'fillOpacity':
case 'flex':
case 'flexGrow':
case 'flexNegative':
case 'flexOrder':
case 'flexPositive':
case 'flexShrink':
case 'floodOpacity':
case 'fontWeight':
case 'gridColumn':
case 'gridRow':
case 'lineClamp':
case 'lineHeight':
case 'opacity':
case 'order':
case 'orphans':
case 'stopOpacity':
case 'strokeDasharray':
case 'strokeDashoffset':
case 'strokeMiterlimit':
case 'strokeOpacity':
case 'strokeWidth':
case 'tabSize':
case 'widows':
case 'zIndex':
case 'zoom':
return value;
return value + 'px';
// We are assuming here that we come from patchProp routine
// -nextAttrValue cannot be null or undefined
function patchStyle(lastAttrValue, nextAttrValue, dom) {
var domStyle =;
var style;
var value;
if (isString(nextAttrValue)) {
domStyle.cssText = nextAttrValue;
if (!isNullOrUndef(lastAttrValue) && !isString(lastAttrValue)) {
for (style in nextAttrValue) {
// do not add a hasOwnProperty check here, it affects performance
value = nextAttrValue[style];
if (value !== lastAttrValue[style]) {
domStyle[style] = isNumber(value) ? getNumberStyleValue(style, value) : value;
for (style in lastAttrValue) {
if (isNullOrUndef(nextAttrValue[style])) {
domStyle[style] = '';
else {
for (style in nextAttrValue) {
value = nextAttrValue[style];
domStyle[style] = isNumber(value) ? getNumberStyleValue(style, value) : value;
function patchProp(prop, lastValue, nextValue, dom, isSVG, hasControlledValue, lastVNode) {
switch (prop) {
case 'onClick':
case 'onDblClick':
case 'onFocusIn':
case 'onFocusOut':
case 'onKeyDown':
case 'onKeyPress':
case 'onKeyUp':
case 'onMouseDown':
case 'onMouseMove':
case 'onMouseUp':
case 'onSubmit':
case 'onTouchEnd':
case 'onTouchMove':
case 'onTouchStart':
handleEvent(prop, nextValue, dom);
case 'children':
case 'childrenType':
case 'className':
case 'defaultValue':
case 'key':
case 'multiple':
case 'ref':
case 'autoFocus':
dom.autofocus = !!nextValue;
case 'allowfullscreen':
case 'autoplay':
case 'capture':
case 'checked':
case 'controls':
case 'default':
case 'disabled':
case 'hidden':
case 'indeterminate':
case 'loop':
case 'muted':
case 'novalidate':
case 'open':
case 'readOnly':
case 'required':
case 'reversed':
case 'scoped':
case 'seamless':
case 'selected':
dom[prop] = !!nextValue;
case 'defaultChecked':
case 'value':
case 'volume':
if (hasControlledValue && prop === 'value') {
var value = isNullOrUndef(nextValue) ? '' : nextValue;
if (dom[prop] !== value) {
dom[prop] = value;
case 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML':
var lastHtml = (lastValue && lastValue.__html) || '';
var nextHtml = (nextValue && nextValue.__html) || '';
if (lastHtml !== nextHtml) {
if (!isNullOrUndef(nextHtml) && !isSameInnerHTML(dom, nextHtml)) {
if (!isNull(lastVNode)) {
if (lastVNode.childFlags & 12 /* MultipleChildren */) {
else if (lastVNode.childFlags === 2 /* HasVNodeChildren */) {
lastVNode.children = null;
lastVNode.childFlags = 1 /* HasInvalidChildren */;
dom.innerHTML = nextHtml;
if (prop[0] === 'o' && prop[1] === 'n') {
patchEvent(prop, lastValue, nextValue, dom);
else if (isNullOrUndef(nextValue)) {
else if (prop === 'style') {
patchStyle(lastValue, nextValue, dom);
else if (isSVG && namespaces[prop]) {
// We optimize for isSVG being false
// If we end up in this path we can read property again
dom.setAttributeNS(namespaces[prop], prop, nextValue);
else {
dom.setAttribute(prop, nextValue);
function mountProps(vNode, flags, props, dom, isSVG) {
var hasControlledValue = false;
var isFormElement = (flags & 448 /* FormElement */) > 0;
if (isFormElement) {
hasControlledValue = isControlledFormElement(props);
if (hasControlledValue) {
addFormElementEventHandlers(flags, dom, props);
for (var prop in props) {
// do not add a hasOwnProperty check here, it affects performance
patchProp(prop, null, props[prop], dom, isSVG, hasControlledValue, null);
if (isFormElement) {
processElement(flags, vNode, dom, props, true, hasControlledValue);
function createClassComponentInstance(vNode, Component, props, context) {
var instance = new Component(props, context);
vNode.children = instance;
instance.$V = vNode;
instance.$BS = false;
instance.context = context;
if (instance.props === EMPTY_OBJ) {
instance.props = props;
instance.$UN = false;
if (isFunction(instance.componentWillMount)) {
instance.$BR = true;
if (instance.$PSS) {
var state = instance.state;
var pending = instance.$PS;
if (isNull(state)) {
instance.state = pending;
else {
for (var key in pending) {
state[key] = pending[key];
instance.$PSS = false;
instance.$PS = null;
instance.$BR = false;
if (isFunction(options.beforeRender)) {
var input = handleComponentInput(instance.render(props, instance.state, context), vNode);
var childContext;
if (isFunction(instance.getChildContext)) {
childContext = instance.getChildContext();
if (isNullOrUndef(childContext)) {
instance.$CX = context;
else {
instance.$CX = combineFrom(context, childContext);
if (isFunction(options.afterRender)) {
instance.$LI = input;
return instance;
function handleComponentInput(input, componentVNode) {
if (isInvalid(input)) {
input = createVoidVNode();
else if (isStringOrNumber(input)) {
input = createTextVNode(input, null);
else {
if (input.dom) {
input = directClone(input);
if (input.flags & 14 /* Component */) {
// if we have an input that is also a component, we run into a tricky situation
// where the root vNode needs to always have the correct DOM entry
// we can optimise this in the future, but this gets us out of a lot of issues
input.parentVNode = componentVNode;
return input;
function mount(vNode, parentDom, context, isSVG) {
var flags = vNode.flags;
if (flags & 481 /* Element */) {
return mountElement(vNode, parentDom, context, isSVG);
if (flags & 14 /* Component */) {
return mountComponent(vNode, parentDom, context, isSVG, (flags & 4 /* ComponentClass */) > 0);
if (flags & 512 /* Void */ || flags & 16 /* Text */) {
return mountText(vNode, parentDom);
if (flags & 1024 /* Portal */) {
mount(vNode.children, vNode.type, context, false);
return (vNode.dom = mountText(createVoidVNode(), parentDom));
function mountText(vNode, parentDom) {
var dom = (vNode.dom = document.createTextNode(vNode.children));
if (!isNull(parentDom)) {
appendChild(parentDom, dom);
return dom;
function mountElement(vNode, parentDom, context, isSVG) {
var flags = vNode.flags;
var children = vNode.children;
var props = vNode.props;
var className = vNode.className;
var ref = vNode.ref;
var childFlags = vNode.childFlags;
isSVG = isSVG || (flags & 32 /* SvgElement */) > 0;
var dom = documentCreateElement(vNode.type, isSVG);
vNode.dom = dom;
if (!isNullOrUndef(className) && className !== '') {
if (isSVG) {
dom.setAttribute('class', className);
else {
dom.className = className;
if (!isNull(parentDom)) {
appendChild(parentDom, dom);
if ((childFlags & 1 /* HasInvalidChildren */) === 0) {
var childrenIsSVG = isSVG === true && vNode.type !== 'foreignObject';
if (childFlags === 2 /* HasVNodeChildren */) {
mount(children, dom, context, childrenIsSVG);
else if (childFlags & 12 /* MultipleChildren */) {
mountArrayChildren(children, dom, context, childrenIsSVG);
if (!isNull(props)) {
mountProps(vNode, flags, props, dom, isSVG);
if (isFunction(ref)) {
mountRef(dom, ref);
return dom;
function mountArrayChildren(children, dom, context, isSVG) {
for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {
var child = children[i];
if (!isNull(child.dom)) {
children[i] = child = directClone(child);
mount(child, dom, context, isSVG);
function mountComponent(vNode, parentDom, context, isSVG, isClass) {
var dom;
var type = vNode.type;
var props = vNode.props || EMPTY_OBJ;
var ref = vNode.ref;
if (isClass) {
var instance = createClassComponentInstance(vNode, type, props, context);
vNode.dom = dom = mount(instance.$LI, null, instance.$CX, isSVG);
mountClassComponentCallbacks(vNode, ref, instance);
instance.$UPD = false;
else {
var input = handleComponentInput(type(props, context), vNode);
vNode.children = input;
vNode.dom = dom = mount(input, null, context, isSVG);
mountFunctionalComponentCallbacks(props, ref, dom);
if (!isNull(parentDom)) {
appendChild(parentDom, dom);
return dom;
function createClassMountCallback(instance) {
return function () {
function mountClassComponentCallbacks(vNode, ref, instance) {
if (isFunction(ref)) {
if (isFunction(instance.componentDidMount)) {
function createOnMountCallback(ref, dom, props) {
return function () { return ref.onComponentDidMount(dom, props); };
function mountFunctionalComponentCallbacks(props, ref, dom) {
if (!isNullOrUndef(ref)) {
if (isFunction(ref.onComponentWillMount)) {
if (isFunction(ref.onComponentDidMount)) {
LIFECYCLE.push(createOnMountCallback(ref, dom, props));
function mountRef(dom, value) {
LIFECYCLE.push(function () { return value(dom); });
function hydrateComponent(vNode, dom, context, isSVG, isClass) {
var type = vNode.type;
var ref = vNode.ref;
var props = vNode.props || EMPTY_OBJ;
if (isClass) {
var instance = createClassComponentInstance(vNode, type, props, context);
var input = instance.$LI;
hydrateVNode(input, dom, instance.$CX, isSVG);
vNode.dom = input.dom;
mountClassComponentCallbacks(vNode, ref, instance);
instance.$UPD = false; // Mount finished allow going sync
else {
var input$1 = handleComponentInput(type(props, context), vNode);
hydrateVNode(input$1, dom, context, isSVG);
vNode.children = input$1;
vNode.dom = input$1.dom;
mountFunctionalComponentCallbacks(props, ref, dom);
function hydrateElement(vNode, dom, context, isSVG) {
var children = vNode.children;
var props = vNode.props;
var className = vNode.className;
var flags = vNode.flags;
var ref = vNode.ref;
isSVG = isSVG || (flags & 32 /* SvgElement */) > 0;
if (dom.nodeType !== 1 || dom.tagName.toLowerCase() !== vNode.type) {
var newDom = mountElement(vNode, null, context, isSVG);
vNode.dom = newDom;
replaceChild(dom.parentNode, newDom, dom);
else {
vNode.dom = dom;
var childNode = dom.firstChild;
var childFlags = vNode.childFlags;
if ((childFlags & 1 /* HasInvalidChildren */) === 0) {
var nextSibling = null;
while (childNode) {
nextSibling = childNode.nextSibling;
if (childNode.nodeType === 8) {
if ( === '!') {
dom.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(''), childNode);
else {
childNode = nextSibling;
childNode = dom.firstChild;
if (childFlags === 2 /* HasVNodeChildren */) {
if (isNull(childNode)) {
mount(children, dom, context, isSVG);
else {
nextSibling = childNode.nextSibling;
hydrateVNode(children, childNode, context, isSVG);
childNode = nextSibling;
else if (childFlags & 12 /* MultipleChildren */) {
for (var i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {
var child = children[i];
if (isNull(childNode)) {
mount(child, dom, context, isSVG);
else {
nextSibling = childNode.nextSibling;
hydrateVNode(child, childNode, context, isSVG);
childNode = nextSibling;
// clear any other DOM nodes, there should be only a single entry for the root
while (childNode) {
nextSibling = childNode.nextSibling;
childNode = nextSibling;
else if (!isNull(dom.firstChild) && !isSamePropsInnerHTML(dom, props)) {
dom.textContent = ''; // dom has content, but VNode has no children remove everything from DOM
if (flags & 448 /* FormElement */) {
// If element is form element, we need to clear defaultValue also
dom.defaultValue = '';
if (!isNull(props)) {
mountProps(vNode, flags, props, dom, isSVG);
if (isNullOrUndef(className)) {
if (dom.className !== '') {
else if (isSVG) {
dom.setAttribute('class', className);
else {
dom.className = className;
if (isFunction(ref)) {
mountRef(dom, ref);
function hydrateText(vNode, dom) {
if (dom.nodeType !== 3) {
var newDom = mountText(vNode, null);
vNode.dom = newDom;
replaceChild(dom.parentNode, newDom, dom);
else {
var text = vNode.children;
if (dom.nodeValue !== text) {
dom.nodeValue = text;
vNode.dom = dom;
function hydrateVNode(vNode, dom, context, isSVG) {
var flags = vNode.flags;
if (flags & 14 /* Component */) {
hydrateComponent(vNode, dom, context, isSVG, (flags & 4 /* ComponentClass */) > 0);
else if (flags & 481 /* Element */) {
hydrateElement(vNode, dom, context, isSVG);
else if (flags & 16 /* Text */) {
hydrateText(vNode, dom);
else if (flags & 512 /* Void */) {
vNode.dom = dom;
else {
function hydrate(input, parentDom, callback) {
var dom = parentDom.firstChild;
if (!isNull(dom)) {
if (!isInvalid(input)) {
hydrateVNode(input, dom, EMPTY_OBJ, false);
dom = parentDom.firstChild;
// clear any other DOM nodes, there should be only a single entry for the root
while ((dom = dom.nextSibling)) {
if (LIFECYCLE.length > 0) {
parentDom.$V = input;
if (isFunction(callback)) {
function replaceWithNewNode(lastNode, nextNode, parentDom, context, isSVG) {
replaceChild(parentDom, mount(nextNode, null, context, isSVG), lastNode.dom);
function patch(lastVNode, nextVNode, parentDom, context, isSVG) {
if (lastVNode !== nextVNode) {
var nextFlags = nextVNode.flags | 0;
if (lastVNode.flags !== nextFlags || nextFlags & 2048 /* ReCreate */) {
replaceWithNewNode(lastVNode, nextVNode, parentDom, context, isSVG);
else if (nextFlags & 481 /* Element */) {
patchElement(lastVNode, nextVNode, parentDom, context, isSVG);
else if (nextFlags & 14 /* Component */) {
patchComponent(lastVNode, nextVNode, parentDom, context, isSVG, (nextFlags & 4 /* ComponentClass */) > 0);
else if (nextFlags & 16 /* Text */) {
patchText(lastVNode, nextVNode, parentDom);
else if (nextFlags & 512 /* Void */) {
nextVNode.dom = lastVNode.dom;
else {
// Portal
patchPortal(lastVNode, nextVNode, context);
function patchPortal(lastVNode, nextVNode, context) {
var lastContainer = lastVNode.type;
var nextContainer = nextVNode.type;
var nextChildren = nextVNode.children;
patchChildren(lastVNode.childFlags, nextVNode.childFlags, lastVNode.children, nextChildren, lastContainer, context, false);
nextVNode.dom = lastVNode.dom;
if (lastContainer !== nextContainer && !isInvalid(nextChildren)) {
var node = nextChildren.dom;
function patchElement(lastVNode, nextVNode, parentDom, context, isSVG) {
var nextTag = nextVNode.type;
if (lastVNode.type !== nextTag) {
replaceWithNewNode(lastVNode, nextVNode, parentDom, context, isSVG);
else {
var dom = lastVNode.dom;
var nextFlags = nextVNode.flags;
var lastProps = lastVNode.props;
var nextProps = nextVNode.props;
var isFormElement = false;
var hasControlledValue = false;
var nextPropsOrEmpty;
nextVNode.dom = dom;
isSVG = isSVG || (nextFlags & 32 /* SvgElement */) > 0;
// inlined patchProps -- starts --
if (lastProps !== nextProps) {
var lastPropsOrEmpty = lastProps || EMPTY_OBJ;
nextPropsOrEmpty = nextProps || EMPTY_OBJ;
if (nextPropsOrEmpty !== EMPTY_OBJ) {
isFormElement = (nextFlags & 448 /* FormElement */) > 0;
if (isFormElement) {
hasControlledValue = isControlledFormElement(nextPropsOrEmpty);
for (var prop in nextPropsOrEmpty) {
var lastValue = lastPropsOrEmpty[prop];
var nextValue = nextPropsOrEmpty[prop];
if (lastValue !== nextValue) {
patchProp(prop, lastValue, nextValue, dom, isSVG, hasControlledValue, lastVNode);
if (lastPropsOrEmpty !== EMPTY_OBJ) {
for (var prop$1 in lastPropsOrEmpty) {
// do not add a hasOwnProperty check here, it affects performance
if (!nextPropsOrEmpty.hasOwnProperty(prop$1) && !isNullOrUndef(lastPropsOrEmpty[prop$1])) {
patchProp(prop$1, lastPropsOrEmpty[prop$1], null, dom, isSVG, hasControlledValue, lastVNode);
var lastChildren = lastVNode.children;
var nextChildren = nextVNode.children;
var nextRef = nextVNode.ref;
var lastClassName = lastVNode.className;
var nextClassName = nextVNode.className;
if (lastChildren !== nextChildren) {
patchChildren(lastVNode.childFlags, nextVNode.childFlags, lastChildren, nextChildren, dom, context, isSVG && nextTag !== 'foreignObject');
if (isFormElement) {
processElement(nextFlags, nextVNode, dom, nextPropsOrEmpty, false, hasControlledValue);
// inlined patchProps -- ends --
if (lastClassName !== nextClassName) {
if (isNullOrUndef(nextClassName)) {
else if (isSVG) {
dom.setAttribute('class', nextClassName);
else {
dom.className = nextClassName;
if (isFunction(nextRef) && lastVNode.ref !== nextRef) {
mountRef(dom, nextRef);
function patchChildren(lastChildFlags, nextChildFlags, lastChildren, nextChildren, parentDOM, context, isSVG) {
switch (lastChildFlags) {
case 2 /* HasVNodeChildren */:
switch (nextChildFlags) {
case 2 /* HasVNodeChildren */:
patch(lastChildren, nextChildren, parentDOM, context, isSVG);
case 1 /* HasInvalidChildren */:
remove(lastChildren, parentDOM);
remove(lastChildren, parentDOM);
mountArrayChildren(nextChildren, parentDOM, context, isSVG);
case 1 /* HasInvalidChildren */:
switch (nextChildFlags) {
case 2 /* HasVNodeChildren */:
mount(nextChildren, parentDOM, context, isSVG);
case 1 /* HasInvalidChildren */:
mountArrayChildren(nextChildren, parentDOM, context, isSVG);
if (nextChildFlags & 12 /* MultipleChildren */) {
var lastLength = lastChildren.length;
var nextLength = nextChildren.length;
// Fast path's for both algorithms
if (lastLength === 0) {
if (nextLength > 0) {
mountArrayChildren(nextChildren, parentDOM, context, isSVG);
else if (nextLength === 0) {
removeAllChildren(parentDOM, lastChildren);
else if (nextChildFlags === 8 /* HasKeyedChildren */ && lastChildFlags === 8 /* HasKeyedChildren */) {
patchKeyedChildren(lastChildren, nextChildren, parentDOM, context, isSVG, lastLength, nextLength);
else {
patchNonKeyedChildren(lastChildren, nextChildren, parentDOM, context, isSVG, lastLength, nextLength);
else if (nextChildFlags === 1 /* HasInvalidChildren */) {
removeAllChildren(parentDOM, lastChildren);
else {
removeAllChildren(parentDOM, lastChildren);
mount(nextChildren, parentDOM, context, isSVG);
function updateClassComponent(instance, nextState, nextVNode, nextProps, parentDom, context, isSVG, force, fromSetState) {
var lastState = instance.state;
var lastProps = instance.props;
nextVNode.children = instance;
var renderOutput;
if (instance.$UN) {
if (lastProps !== nextProps || nextProps === EMPTY_OBJ) {
if (!fromSetState && isFunction(instance.componentWillReceiveProps)) {
instance.$BR = true;
instance.componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps, context);
// If instance component was removed during its own update do nothing...
if (instance.$UN) {
instance.$BR = false;
if (instance.$PSS) {
nextState = combineFrom(nextState, instance.$PS);
instance.$PSS = false;
instance.$PS = null;
/* Update if scu is not defined, or it returns truthy value or force */
var hasSCU = Boolean(instance.shouldComponentUpdate);
if (force || !hasSCU || (hasSCU && instance.shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState, context))) {
if (isFunction(instance.componentWillUpdate)) {
instance.$BS = true;
instance.componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState, context);
instance.$BS = false;
instance.props = nextProps;
instance.state = nextState;
instance.context = context;
if (isFunction(options.beforeRender)) {
renderOutput = instance.render(nextProps, nextState, context);
if (isFunction(options.afterRender)) {
var didUpdate = renderOutput !== NO_OP;
var childContext;
if (isFunction(instance.getChildContext)) {
childContext = instance.getChildContext();
if (isNullOrUndef(childContext)) {
childContext = context;
else {
childContext = combineFrom(context, childContext);
instance.$CX = childContext;
if (didUpdate) {
var lastInput = instance.$LI;
var nextInput = (instance.$LI = handleComponentInput(renderOutput, nextVNode));
patch(lastInput, nextInput, parentDom, childContext, isSVG);
if (isFunction(instance.componentDidUpdate)) {
instance.componentDidUpdate(lastProps, lastState);
else {
instance.props = nextProps;
instance.state = nextState;
instance.context = context;
nextVNode.dom = instance.$LI.dom;
function patchComponent(lastVNode, nextVNode, parentDom, context, isSVG, isClass) {
var nextType = nextVNode.type;
var lastKey = lastVNode.key;
var nextKey = nextVNode.key;
if (lastVNode.type !== nextType || lastKey !== nextKey) {
replaceWithNewNode(lastVNode, nextVNode, parentDom, context, isSVG);
else {
var nextProps = nextVNode.props || EMPTY_OBJ;
if (isClass) {
var instance = lastVNode.children;
instance.$UPD = true;
instance.$V = nextVNode;
updateClassComponent(instance, instance.state, nextVNode, nextProps, parentDom, context, isSVG, false, false);
instance.$UPD = false;
else {
var shouldUpdate = true;
var lastProps = lastVNode.props;
var nextHooks = nextVNode.ref;
var nextHooksDefined = !isNullOrUndef(nextHooks);
var lastInput = lastVNode.children;
nextVNode.dom = lastVNode.dom;
nextVNode.children = lastInput;
if (nextHooksDefined && isFunction(nextHooks.onComponentShouldUpdate)) {
shouldUpdate = nextHooks.onComponentShouldUpdate(lastProps, nextProps);
if (shouldUpdate !== false) {
if (nextHooksDefined && isFunction(nextHooks.onComponentWillUpdate)) {
nextHooks.onComponentWillUpdate(lastProps, nextProps);
var nextInput = nextType(nextProps, context);
if (nextInput !== NO_OP) {
nextInput = handleComponentInput(nextInput, nextVNode);
patch(lastInput, nextInput, parentDom, context, isSVG);
nextVNode.children = nextInput;
nextVNode.dom = nextInput.dom;
if (nextHooksDefined && isFunction(nextHooks.onComponentDidUpdate)) {
nextHooks.onComponentDidUpdate(lastProps, nextProps);
else if (lastInput.flags & 14 /* Component */) {
lastInput.parentVNode = nextVNode;
function patchText(lastVNode, nextVNode, parentDom) {
var nextText = nextVNode.children;
var textNode = parentDom.firstChild;
var dom;
// Guard against external change on DOM node.
if (isNull(textNode)) {
parentDom.textContent = nextText;
dom = parentDom.firstChild;
else {
dom = lastVNode.dom;
if (nextText !== lastVNode.children) {
dom.nodeValue = nextText;
nextVNode.dom = dom;
function patchNonKeyedChildren(lastChildren, nextChildren, dom, context, isSVG, lastChildrenLength, nextChildrenLength) {
var commonLength = lastChildrenLength > nextChildrenLength ? nextChildrenLength : lastChildrenLength;
var i = 0;
var nextChild;
var lastChild;
for (; i < commonLength; i++) {
nextChild = nextChildren[i];
lastChild = lastChildren[i];
if (nextChild.dom) {
nextChild = nextChildren[i] = directClone(nextChild);
patch(lastChild, nextChild, dom, context, isSVG);
lastChildren[i] = nextChild;
if (lastChildrenLength < nextChildrenLength) {
for (i = commonLength; i < nextChildrenLength; i++) {
nextChild = nextChildren[i];
if (nextChild.dom) {
nextChild = nextChildren[i] = directClone(nextChild);
mount(nextChild, dom, context, isSVG);
else if (lastChildrenLength > nextChildrenLength) {
for (i = commonLength; i < lastChildrenLength; i++) {
remove(lastChildren[i], dom);
function patchKeyedChildren(a, b, dom, context, isSVG, aLength, bLength) {
var aEnd = aLength - 1;
var bEnd = bLength - 1;
var i;
var j = 0;
var aNode = a[j];
var bNode = b[j];
var nextPos;
// Step 1
// tslint:disable-next-line
outer: {
// Sync nodes with the same key at the beginning.
while (aNode.key === bNode.key) {
if (bNode.dom) {
b[j] = bNode = directClone(bNode);
patch(aNode, bNode, dom, context, isSVG);
a[j] = bNode;
if (j > aEnd || j > bEnd) {
break outer;
aNode = a[j];
bNode = b[j];
aNode = a[aEnd];
bNode = b[bEnd];
// Sync nodes with the same key at the end.
while (aNode.key === bNode.key) {
if (bNode.dom) {
b[bEnd] = bNode = directClone(bNode);
patch(aNode, bNode, dom, context, isSVG);
a[aEnd] = bNode;
if (j > aEnd || j > bEnd) {
break outer;
aNode = a[aEnd];
bNode = b[bEnd];
if (j > aEnd) {
if (j <= bEnd) {
nextPos = bEnd + 1;
var nextNode = nextPos < bLength ? b[nextPos].dom : null;
while (j <= bEnd) {
bNode = b[j];
if (bNode.dom) {
b[j] = bNode = directClone(bNode);
insertOrAppend(dom, mount(bNode, null, context, isSVG), nextNode);
else if (j > bEnd) {
while (j <= aEnd) {
remove(a[j++], dom);
else {
var aStart = j;
var bStart = j;
var aLeft = aEnd - j + 1;
var bLeft = bEnd - j + 1;
var sources = [];
for (i = 0; i < bLeft; i++) {
// Keep track if its possible to remove whole DOM using textContent = '';
var canRemoveWholeContent = aLeft === aLength;
var moved = false;
var pos = 0;
var patched = 0;
// When sizes are small, just loop them through
if (bLength < 4 || (aLeft | bLeft) < 32) {
for (i = aStart; i <= aEnd; i++) {
aNode = a[i];
if (patched < bLeft) {
for (j = bStart; j <= bEnd; j++) {
bNode = b[j];
if (aNode.key === bNode.key) {
sources[j - bStart] = i + 1;
if (canRemoveWholeContent) {
canRemoveWholeContent = false;
while (i > aStart) {
remove(a[aStart++], dom);
if (pos > j) {
moved = true;
else {
pos = j;
if (bNode.dom) {
b[j] = bNode = directClone(bNode);
patch(aNode, bNode, dom, context, isSVG);
if (!canRemoveWholeContent && j > bEnd) {
remove(aNode, dom);
else if (!canRemoveWholeContent) {
remove(aNode, dom);
else {
var keyIndex = {};
// Map keys by their index
for (i = bStart; i <= bEnd; i++) {
keyIndex[b[i].key] = i;
// Try to patch same keys
for (i = aStart; i <= aEnd; i++) {
aNode = a[i];
if (patched < bLeft) {
j = keyIndex[aNode.key];
if (j !== void 0) {
if (canRemoveWholeContent) {
canRemoveWholeContent = false;
while (i > aStart) {
remove(a[aStart++], dom);
bNode = b[j];
sources[j - bStart] = i + 1;
if (pos > j) {
moved = true;
else {
pos = j;
if (bNode.dom) {
b[j] = bNode = directClone(bNode);
patch(aNode, bNode, dom, context, isSVG);
else if (!canRemoveWholeContent) {
remove(aNode, dom);
else if (!canRemoveWholeContent) {
remove(aNode, dom);
// fast-path: if nothing patched remove all old and add all new
if (canRemoveWholeContent) {
removeAllChildren(dom, a);
mountArrayChildren(b, dom, context, isSVG);
else {
if (moved) {
var seq = lis_algorithm(sources);
j = seq.length - 1;
for (i = bLeft - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (sources[i] === 0) {
pos = i + bStart;
bNode = b[pos];
if (bNode.dom) {
b[pos] = bNode = directClone(bNode);
nextPos = pos + 1;
insertOrAppend(dom, mount(bNode, null, context, isSVG), nextPos < bLength ? b[nextPos].dom : null);
else if (j < 0 || i !== seq[j]) {
pos = i + bStart;
bNode = b[pos];
nextPos = pos + 1;
insertOrAppend(dom, bNode.dom, nextPos < bLength ? b[nextPos].dom : null);
else {
else if (patched !== bLeft) {
// when patched count doesn't match b length we need to insert those new ones
// loop backwards so we can use insertBefore
for (i = bLeft - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (sources[i] === 0) {
pos = i + bStart;
bNode = b[pos];
if (bNode.dom) {
b[pos] = bNode = directClone(bNode);
nextPos = pos + 1;
insertOrAppend(dom, mount(bNode, null, context, isSVG), nextPos < bLength ? b[nextPos].dom : null);
function lis_algorithm(arr) {
var p = arr.slice();
var result = [0];
var i;
var j;
var u;
var v;
var c;
var len = arr.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var arrI = arr[i];
if (arrI !== 0) {
j = result[result.length - 1];
if (arr[j] < arrI) {
p[i] = j;
u = 0;
v = result.length - 1;
while (u < v) {
c = ((u + v) / 2) | 0;
if (arr[result[c]] < arrI) {
u = c + 1;
else {
v = c;
if (arrI < arr[result[u]]) {
if (u > 0) {
p[i] = result[u - 1];
result[u] = i;
u = result.length;
v = result[u - 1];
while (u-- > 0) {
result[u] = v;
v = p[v];
return result;
var documentBody = isBrowser ? document.body : null;
function render(input, parentDom, callback) {
if (input === NO_OP) {
var rootInput = parentDom.$V;
if (isNullOrUndef(rootInput)) {
if (!isInvalid(input)) {
if (input.dom) {
input = directClone(input);
if (isNull(parentDom.firstChild)) {
mount(input, parentDom, EMPTY_OBJ, false);
parentDom.$V = input;
else {
hydrate(input, parentDom);
rootInput = input;
else {
if (isNullOrUndef(input)) {
remove(rootInput, parentDom);
parentDom.$V = null;
else {
if (input.dom) {
input = directClone(input);
patch(rootInput, input, parentDom, EMPTY_OBJ, false);
rootInput = parentDom.$V = input;
if (LIFECYCLE.length > 0) {
if (isFunction(callback)) {
if (isFunction(options.renderComplete)) {
if (rootInput && rootInput.flags & 14 /* Component */) {
return rootInput.children;
var resolvedPromise = typeof Promise === 'undefined' ? null : Promise.resolve();
// raf.bind(window) is needed to work around bug in IE10-IE11 strict mode (TypeError: Invalid calling object)
var fallbackMethod = typeof requestAnimationFrame === 'undefined' ? setTimeout : requestAnimationFrame.bind(window);
function nextTick(fn) {
if (resolvedPromise) {
return resolvedPromise.then(fn);
return fallbackMethod(fn);
function queueStateChanges(component, newState, callback, force) {
if (isFunction(newState)) {
newState = newState(component.state, component.props, component.context);
var pending = component.$PS;
if (isNullOrUndef(pending)) {
component.$PS = newState;
else {
for (var stateKey in newState) {
pending[stateKey] = newState[stateKey];
if (!component.$PSS && !component.$BR) {
if (!component.$UPD) {
component.$PSS = true;
component.$UPD = true;
applyState(component, force, callback);
component.$UPD = false;
else {
// Async
var queue = component.$QU;
if (isNull(queue)) {
queue = component.$QU = [];
nextTick(promiseCallback(component, queue));
if (isFunction(callback)) {
else {
component.$PSS = true;
if (component.$BR && isFunction(callback)) {
function promiseCallback(component, queue) {
return function () {
component.$QU = null;
component.$UPD = true;
applyState(component, false, function () {
for (var i = 0, len = queue.length; i < len; i++) {
component.$UPD = false;
function applyState(component, force, callback) {
if (component.$UN) {
if (force || !component.$BR) {
component.$PSS = false;
var pendingState = component.$PS;
var prevState = component.state;
var nextState = combineFrom(prevState, pendingState);
var props = component.props;
var context = component.context;
component.$PS = null;
var vNode = component.$V;
var lastInput = component.$LI;
var parentDom = lastInput.dom && lastInput.dom.parentNode;
updateClassComponent(component, nextState, vNode, props, parentDom, context, (vNode.flags & 32 /* SvgElement */) > 0, force, true);
if (component.$UN) {
if ((component.$LI.flags & 1024 /* Portal */) === 0) {
var dom = component.$LI.dom;
while (!isNull((vNode = vNode.parentVNode))) {
if ((vNode.flags & 14 /* Component */) > 0) {
vNode.dom = dom;
if (LIFECYCLE.length > 0) {
else {
component.state = component.$PS;
component.$PS = null;
if (isFunction(callback)) {;
var Component = function Component(props, context) {
this.state = null;
// Internal properties
this.$BR = false; // BLOCK RENDER
this.$BS = true; // BLOCK STATE
this.$PSS = false; // PENDING SET STATE
this.$PS = null; // PENDING STATE (PARTIAL or FULL)
this.$LI = null; // LAST INPUT
this.$V = null; // VNODE
this.$UN = false; // UNMOUNTED
this.$CX = null; // CHILDCONTEXT
this.$UPD = true; // UPDATING
this.$QU = null; // QUEUE
/** @type {object} */
this.props = props || EMPTY_OBJ;
/** @type {object} */
this.context = context || EMPTY_OBJ; // context should not be mutable
Component.prototype.forceUpdate = function forceUpdate (callback) {
if (this.$UN) {
// Do not allow double render during force update
queueStateChanges(this, {}, callback, true);
Component.prototype.setState = function setState (newState, callback) {
if (this.$UN) {
if (!this.$BS) {
queueStateChanges(this, newState, callback, false);
else {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty
Component.prototype.render = function render (nextProps, nextState, nextContext) { };
var JSX = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
var ENTER = 12;
var LEFT_ARROW = 37;
var UP_ARROW = 38;
var RIGHT_ARROW = 39;
var DOWN_ARROW = 40;
* Helper method to create an object for a new node.
* @private
* @return {void}
function blankNode() {
return {
text: 'New Node',
itree: {
state: {
editing: true,
focused: true
var classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
var createClass = function () {
function defineProperties(target, props) {
for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
var descriptor = props[i];
descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
descriptor.configurable = true;
if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
return Constructor;
var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
var inherits = function (subClass, superClass) {
if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) {
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass);
subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: subClass,
enumerable: false,
writable: true,
configurable: true
if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass;
var possibleConstructorReturn = function (self, call) {
if (!self) {
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self;
var Checkbox = function (_Component) {
inherits(Checkbox, _Component);
function Checkbox() {
classCallCheck(this, Checkbox);
return possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Checkbox.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Checkbox)).apply(this, arguments));
createClass(Checkbox, [{
key: 'click',
value: function click(event) {
var _this2 = this;
// Define our default handler
var handler = function handler() {
// Emit an event with our forwarded MouseEvent, node, and default handler
this.props.dom._tree.emit('', event, this.props.node, handler);
// Unless default is prevented, auto call our default handler
if (!event.treeDefaultPrevented) {
}, {
key: 'render',
value: function render$$1() {
return createVNode(64, 'input', null, null, 1, {
'checked': this.props.checked,
'indeterminate': this.props.indeterminate,
'type': 'checkbox'
return Checkbox;
* Utility method for parsing and merging custom class names.
* @private
* @param {TreeNode} node Node object.
* @param {string} type 'li' or 'a' attribute object type.
* @return {Array} Processed class names
var classlist = (function (node) {
var type = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'li';
var nodeAttrs = node.itree[type].attributes;
var classNames = [];
// Append any custom class names
var customClasses = nodeAttrs.class || nodeAttrs.className;
// Support callbacks
if (_.isFunction(customClasses)) {
customClasses = customClasses(node);
// Convert custom classes into an array and concat
if (!_.isEmpty(customClasses)) {
if (_.isString(customClasses)) {
// Support periods for backwards compat with hyperscript-formatted classes
classNames = classNames.concat(customClasses.split(/[\s\.]+/));
} else if (_.isArray(customClasses)) {
classNames = classNames.concat(customClasses);
return classNames;
var EditToolbar = function (_Component) {
inherits(EditToolbar, _Component);
function EditToolbar() {
classCallCheck(this, EditToolbar);
return possibleConstructorReturn(this, (EditToolbar.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(EditToolbar)).apply(this, arguments));
createClass(EditToolbar, [{
key: 'shouldComponentUpdate',
value: function shouldComponentUpdate() {
return false;
}, {
key: 'add',
value: function add(event) {
}, {
key: 'edit',
value: function edit(event) {
}, {
key: 'remove',
value: function remove(event) {
}, {
key: 'render',
value: function render$$1() {
var buttons = [];
if (this.props.dom._tree.config.editing.edit) {
buttons.push(createVNode(1, 'a', 'btn icon icon-pencil', null, 1, {
'onclick': this.edit.bind(this),
'title': 'Edit this node'
if (this.props.dom._tree.config.editing.add) {
buttons.push(createVNode(1, 'a', 'btn icon icon-plus', null, 1, {
'onclick': this.add.bind(this),
'title': 'Add a child node'
if (this.props.dom._tree.config.editing.remove) {
buttons.push(createVNode(1, 'a', 'btn icon icon-minus', null, 1, {
'onclick': this.remove.bind(this),
'title': 'Remove this node'
return createVNode(1, 'span', 'btn-group', buttons, 0);
return EditToolbar;
var EmptyList = function (_Component) {
inherits(EmptyList, _Component);
function EmptyList() {
classCallCheck(this, EmptyList);
return possibleConstructorReturn(this, (EmptyList.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(EmptyList)).apply(this, arguments));
createClass(EmptyList, [{
key: 'render',
value: function render$$1() {
return createVNode(1, 'ol', null, createVNode(1, 'li', 'leaf', createVNode(1, 'span', 'title icon icon-file-empty empty', this.props.text, 0), 2), 2);
return EmptyList;
* Compares all keys on the given state. Returns true if any difference exists.
* @private
* @category DOM
* @param {object} previousState Previous state.
* @param {object} currentState Current state.
* @return {boolean} Difference was found.
function stateComparator(previousState, currentState) {
// Always treat dirty flag as a state difference
var isDirty = currentState.dirty || false;
if (!isDirty) {
_.each(Object.keys(currentState), function (key) {
if (key !== 'dirty' && currentState[key] !== previousState[key]) {
isDirty = true;
return false;
return isDirty;
var EditForm = function (_Component) {
inherits(EditForm, _Component);
function EditForm(props) {
classCallCheck(this, EditForm);
var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (EditForm.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(EditForm)).call(this, props));
_this.state = _this.getStateFromNodes(props.node);
return _this;
createClass(EditForm, [{
key: 'getStateFromNodes',
value: function getStateFromNodes(node) {
return {
text: node.text
}, {
key: 'componentWillReceiveProps',
value: function componentWillReceiveProps(data) {
}, {
key: 'shouldComponentUpdate',
value: function shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
return stateComparator(this.state, nextState);
}, {
key: 'click',
value: function click(event) {
var _this2 = this;
// Define our default handler
var handler = function handler() {
// Emit an event with our forwarded MouseEvent, node, and default handler
this.props.dom._tree.emit('', event, this.props.node, handler);
// Unless default is prevented, auto call our default handler
if (!event.treeDefaultPrevented) {
}, {
key: 'keypress',
value: function keypress(event) {
if (event.which === ENTER) {
}, {
key: 'input',
value: function input(event) {
}, {
key: 'cancel',
value: function cancel(event) {
if (event) {
}, {
key: 'save',
value: function save(event) {
if (event) {
// Cache current text
var originalText = this.props.node.text;
var newText = this.ref.value;
// Update the text
this.props.node.set('text', newText);
// Disable editing and update
this.props.node.state('editing', false);
if (originalText !== newText) {
this.props.dom._tree.emit('node.edited', this.props.node, originalText, newText);
}, {
key: 'render',
value: function render$$1() {
var _this3 = this;
return createVNode(1, 'form', null, [createVNode(64, 'input', null, null, 1, {
'onClick': function onClick(event) {
return event.stopPropagation;
'onInput': this.input.bind(this),
'onKeyPress': this.keypress.bind(this),
'value': this.state.text
}, null, function (elem) {
return _this3.ref = elem;
}), createVNode(1, 'span', 'btn-group', [createVNode(1, 'button', 'btn icon icon-check', null, 1, {
'title': 'Save',
'type': 'button'
}), createVNode(1, 'button', 'btn icon icon-cross', null, 1, {
'onClick': this.cancel.bind(this),
'title': 'Cancel',
'type': 'button'
})], 4)], 4, {
'onsubmit': function onsubmit(event) {
return event.preventDefault;
return EditForm;
var NodeAnchor = function (_Component) {
inherits(NodeAnchor, _Component);
function NodeAnchor() {
classCallCheck(this, NodeAnchor);
return possibleConstructorReturn(this, (NodeAnchor.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(NodeAnchor)).apply(this, arguments));
createClass(NodeAnchor, [{
key: 'blur',
value: function blur() {
}, {
key: 'click',
value: function click(event) {
var _this2 = this;
var _props = this.props,
node = _props.node,
dom = _props.dom;
// Define our default handler
var handler = function handler() {
if (_this2.props.editing) {
if (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey) {
if (event.shiftKey) {
var selected = dom._tree.lastSelectedNode();
if (selected) {
dom._tree.selectBetween.apply(dom._tree, dom._tree.boundingNodes(selected, node));
if (node.selected()) {
if (!dom._tree.config.selection.disableDirectDeselection) {
} else {;
// Emit an event with our forwarded MouseEvent, node, and default handler
dom._tree.emit('', event, node, handler);
// Unless default is prevented, auto call our default handler
if (!event.treeDefaultPrevented) {
}, {
key: 'contextMenu',
value: function contextMenu(event) {
var _props2 = this.props,
node = _props2.node,
dom = _props2.dom;
dom._tree.emit('node.contextmenu', event, node);
}, {
key: 'dblclick',
value: function dblclick(event) {
var _props3 = this.props,
node = _props3.node,
dom = _props3.dom;
// Define our default handler
var handler = function handler() {
// Clear text selection which occurs on double click
// Emit an event with our forwarded MouseEvent, node, and default handler
dom._tree.emit('node.dblclick', event, node, handler);
// Unless default is prevented, auto call our default handler
if (!event.treeDefaultPrevented) {
}, {
key: 'focus',
value: function focus(event) {
}, {
key: 'mousedown',
value: function mousedown() {
if (this.props.dom.isDragDropEnabled) {
this.props.dom.isMouseHeld = true;
}, {
key: 'render',
value: function render$$1() {
var node = this.props.node;
var attributes = _.clone(node.itree.a.attributes) || {};
attributes.tabindex = 1;
attributes.unselectable = 'on';
// Build and set classnames
var classNames = classlist(node, 'a').concat(['title', 'icon']);
// Royale - Allow icon + checkbox
//if (!this.props.dom.config.showCheckboxes) {
var folder = this.props.expanded ? 'icon-folder-open' : 'icon-folder';
classNames.push(node.itree.icon || (this.props.hasOrWillHaveChildren ? folder : 'icon-file-empty'));
attributes.class = attributes.className = classNames.join(' ');
var content = node.text;
if (node.editing()) {
content = createComponentVNode(2, EditForm, {
'dom': this.props.dom,
'node': this.props.node
return normalizeProps(createVNode(1, 'a', null, content, 0, _extends({
'onBlur': this.blur.bind(this),
'onContextMenu': this.contextMenu.bind(this),
'onDblClick': this.dblclick.bind(this),
'onFocus': this.focus.bind(this),
'onMouseDown': this.mousedown.bind(this)
}, attributes)));
return NodeAnchor;
var ToggleAnchor = function (_Component) {
inherits(ToggleAnchor, _Component);
function ToggleAnchor() {
classCallCheck(this, ToggleAnchor);
return possibleConstructorReturn(this, (ToggleAnchor.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(ToggleAnchor)).apply(this, arguments));
createClass(ToggleAnchor, [{
key: 'className',
value: function className() {
return 'toggle icon ' + (this.props.collapsed ? 'icon-expand' : 'icon-collapse');
}, {
key: 'render',
value: function render$$1() {
return createVNode(1, 'a', this.className(), null, 1, {
'onClick': this.props.node.toggleCollapse.bind(this.props.node)
return ToggleAnchor;
var ListItem = function (_Component) {
inherits(ListItem, _Component);
function ListItem(props) {
classCallCheck(this, ListItem);
var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (ListItem.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(ListItem)).call(this, props));
_this.state = _this.stateFromNode(props.node);
return _this;
createClass(ListItem, [{
key: 'stateFromNode',
value: function stateFromNode(node) {
return {
dirty: node.itree.dirty
}, {
key: 'componentWillReceiveProps',
value: function componentWillReceiveProps(data) {
}, {
key: 'shouldComponentUpdate',
value: function shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
return nextState.dirty;
}, {
key: 'getAttributes',
value: function getAttributes() {
var node = this.props.node;
var attributes = _.clone( || {};
attributes.class = attributes.className = this.getClassNames();
// Force internal-use attributes
attributes['data-uid'] =;
// Allow drag and drop?
if (this.props.dom.config.dragAndDrop.enabled) {
attributes.draggable = node.state('draggable');
attributes.onDragEnd = this.onDragEnd.bind(this);
attributes.onDragEnter = this.onDragEnter.bind(this);
attributes.onDragLeave = this.onDragLeave.bind(this);
attributes.onDragStart = this.onDragStart.bind(this);
// Are we a valid drop target?
if (node.state('drop-target')) {
attributes.onDragOver = this.onDragOver.bind(this);
attributes.onDrop = this.onDrop.bind(this);
} else {
// Setting to null forces removal of prior listeners
attributes.onDragOver = null;
attributes.onDrop = null;
return attributes;
}, {
key: 'getClassNames',
value: function getClassNames() {
var node = this.props.node;
var state = node.itree.state;
// Set state classnames
var classNames = classlist(node);
_.each(Object.keys(state), function (key) {
if (state[key]) {
// Inverse and additional classes
if (!node.hidden() && node.removed()) {
if (node.expanded()) {
classNames.push(node.hasOrWillHaveChildren() ? 'folder' : 'leaf');
return classNames.join(' ');
}, {
key: 'getTargetDirection',
value: function getTargetDirection(event, elem) {
var clientY = event.clientY;
var targetRect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
var yThresholdForAbove = + targetRect.height / 3;
var yThresholdForBelow = targetRect.bottom - targetRect.height / 3;
var dir = 0;
if (clientY <= yThresholdForAbove) {
dir = -1;
} else if (clientY >= yThresholdForBelow) {
dir = 1;
return dir;
}, {
key: 'onDragStart',
value: function onDragStart(event) {
event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move';
event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move';
var node = this.props.node;
// Due to "protected" mode we can't access any DataTransfer data
// during the dragover event, yet we still need to validate this node with the target
this.props.dom._activeDragNode = node;
event.dataTransfer.setData('treeId', node.tree().id);
// Disable self and children as drop targets
node.state('drop-target', false);
if (node.hasChildren()) {
node.children.stateDeep('drop-target', false);
// If we should validate all nodes as potential drop targets on drag start
if (this.props.dom.config.dragAndDrop.validateOn === 'dragstart') {
var validator = this.props.dom.config.dragAndDrop.validate;
var validateCallable = _.isFunction(validator);
// Validate with a custom recursor because a return of "false"
// should mean "do not descend" rather than "stop iterating"
var recursor = function recursor(obj, iteratee) {
if (InspireTree.isTreeNodes(obj)) {
_.each(obj, function (n) {
recursor(n, iteratee);
} else if (InspireTree.isTreeNode(obj)) {
if (iteratee(obj) !== false && obj.hasChildren()) {
recursor(obj.children, iteratee);
recursor(this.props.dom._tree.model, function (n) {
var valid = !==;
// Ensure target node isn't a descendant
if (valid) {
valid = !n.hasAncestor(node);
// If still valid and user has additional validation...
if (valid && validateCallable) {
valid = validator(node, n);
// Set state
n.state('drop-target', valid);
return valid;
this.props.dom._tree.emit('node.dragstart', event);
}, {
key: 'onDragEnd',
value: function onDragEnd(event) {
this.props.dom._tree.emit('node.dragend', event);
}, {
key: 'onDragEnter',
value: function onDragEnter(event) {
// Nodes already within parents don't trigger enter/leave events on their ancestors
// Set drag target state
this.props.node.state('drag-targeting', true);
this.props.dom._tree.emit('node.dragenter', event);
}, {
key: 'onDragLeave',
value: function onDragLeave(event) {
this.props.dom._tree.emit('node.dragleave', event);
}, {
key: 'onDragOver',
value: function onDragOver(event) {
var dragNode = this.props.dom._activeDragNode;
var node = this.props.node;
// doesn't always match the element we need to calculate
var dir = this.getTargetDirection(event, node.itree.ref.querySelector('a'));
if (this.props.dom.config.dragAndDrop.validateOn === 'dragover') {
// Validate drop target
var validator = this.props.dom.config.dragAndDrop.validate;
var validateCallable = _.isFunction(validator);
var valid = !==;
if (valid) {
valid = !node.hasAncestor(dragNode);
if (valid && validateCallable) {
valid = validator(dragNode, node, dir);
// Set state
node.state('drop-target', valid);
if (!valid) {
// Set drag target states
node.state('drag-targeting', true);
node.state('drag-targeting-above', dir === -1);
node.state('drag-targeting-below', dir === 1);
node.state('drag-targeting-insert', dir === 0);
this.props.dom._tree.emit('node.dragover', event, dir);
}, {
key: 'onDrop',
value: function onDrop(event) {
// Always unhighlight target
// Get the data from our transfer
var treeId = event.dataTransfer.getData('treeId');
var nodeId = event.dataTransfer.getData('nodeId');
// Find the drop target
var targetNode = this.props.node;
// Clear cache
this.props.dom._activeDragNode = null;
// Determine the insert direction (calc before removing source node, which modifies the DOM)
var dir = this.getTargetDirection(event,;
var sourceTree = void 0;
if (treeId === {
sourceTree = this.props.dom._tree;
} else if (treeId) {
sourceTree = document.querySelector('[data-uid="' + treeId + '"]').inspireTree;
// Only source/handle node if it's a node that was dropped
var newNode = void 0,
newIndex = void 0;
if (sourceTree) {
var node = sourceTree.node(nodeId);
node.state('drop-target', true);
var exported = node.remove(true);
// Get the index of the target node
var targetIndex = targetNode.context().indexOf(targetNode);
if (dir === 0) {
// Add as a child
newNode = targetNode.addChild(exported);
// Cache the new index
newIndex = targetNode.children.indexOf(newNode);
// Auto-expand
} else {
// Determine the new index
newIndex = dir === 1 ? ++targetIndex : targetIndex;
// Insert and cache the node
newNode = targetNode.context().insertAt(newIndex, exported);
this.props.dom._tree.emit('node.drop', event, newNode, targetNode, newIndex);
}, {
key: 'unhighlightTarget',
value: function unhighlightTarget(node) {
(node || this.props.node).states(['drag-targeting', 'drag-targeting-above', 'drag-targeting-below', 'drag-targeting-insert'], false);
}, {
key: 'renderCheckbox',
value: function renderCheckbox() {
var node = this.props.node;
if (this.props.dom.config.showCheckboxes) {
return createComponentVNode(2, Checkbox, {
'checked': node.checked(),
'dom': this.props.dom,
'indeterminate': node.indeterminate(),
'node': node
}, {
key: 'renderChildren',
value: function renderChildren() {
var _props = this.props,
node = _props.node,
dom = _props.dom;
if (node.hasChildren()) {
var nodes = node.children;
var loading = dom.loading;
var pagination = nodes.pagination();
return createComponentVNode(2, List, {
'context': node,
'dom': dom,
'limit': pagination.limit,
'loading': loading,
'nodes': nodes,
} else if (this.props.dom.isDynamic && node.children) {
if (!node.hasLoadedChildren()) {
return createComponentVNode(2, EmptyList, {
'text': 'Loading...'
} else {
return createComponentVNode(2, EmptyList, {
'text': 'No Results'
}, {
key: 'renderEditToolbar',
value: function renderEditToolbar() {
// @todo fix this boolean
if (this.props.dom._tree.config.editing.edit && !this.props.node.editing()) {
return createComponentVNode(2, EditToolbar, {
'dom': this.props.dom,
'node': this.props.node
}, {
key: 'renderToggle',
value: function renderToggle() {
var node = this.props.node;
var hasVisibleChildren = !this.props.dom.isDynamic ? node.hasVisibleChildren() : Boolean(node.children);
if (hasVisibleChildren) {
return createComponentVNode(2, ToggleAnchor, {
'collapsed': node.collapsed(),
'node': node
}, {
key: 'render',
value: function render$$1() {
var _this2 = this;
var node = this.props.node;
var li = normalizeProps(createVNode(1, 'li', null, [this.renderEditToolbar(), createVNode(1, 'div', 'title-wrap', [this.renderToggle(), this.renderCheckbox(), createComponentVNode(2, NodeAnchor, {
'dom': this.props.dom,
'editing': node.editing(),
'expanded': node.expanded(),
'hasOrWillHaveChildren': node.hasOrWillHaveChildren(),
'node': node,
'text': node.text
})], 0), createVNode(1, 'div', 'wholerow'), this.renderChildren()], 0, _extends({}, this.getAttributes()), null, function (elem) {
return _this2.node = _this2.props.node.itree.ref = elem;
// Clear dirty bool only after everything has been generated (and states set)
this.props.node.state('rendered', true);
this.props.node.itree.dirty = false;
return li;
return ListItem;
var List = function (_Component) {
inherits(List, _Component);
function List() {
classCallCheck(this, List);
return possibleConstructorReturn(this, (List.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(List)).apply(this, arguments));
createClass(List, [{
key: 'shouldComponentUpdate',
value: function shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) {
return _.find(nextProps.nodes, 'itree.dirty') || stateComparator(this.props, nextProps);
}, {
key: 'isDeferred',
value: function isDeferred() {
return this.props.dom.config.deferredRendering || this.props.dom._tree.config.deferredLoading;
}, {
key: 'loadMore',
value: function loadMore(event) {
if (this.props.context) {
} else {
}, {
key: 'renderLoadMoreNode',
value: function renderLoadMoreNode() {
return createVNode(1, 'li', 'leaf detached', createVNode(1, 'a', 'title icon icon-more load-more', createTextVNode('Load More'), 2, {
'onClick': this.loadMore.bind(this)
}), 2);
}, {
key: 'renderLoadingTextNode',
value: function renderLoadingTextNode() {
return createVNode(1, 'li', 'leaf', createVNode(1, 'span', 'title icon icon-more', createTextVNode('Loading...'), 2), 2);
}, {
key: 'render',
value: function render$$1() {
var _this2 = this;
var renderNodes = this.props.nodes;
var pagination = renderNodes.pagination();
// If rendering deferred, chunk the nodes client-side
if (this.props.dom.config.deferredRendering) {
// Filter non-hidden/removed nodes and limit by this context's pagination
var count = 0;
renderNodes = this.props.nodes.filter(function (n) {
var matches = !(n.hidden() || n.removed());
if (matches) {
return count <= pagination.limit && matches;
// Render nodes as list items
var items =, function (node) {
return createComponentVNode(2, ListItem, {
'dom': _this2.props.dom,
'node': node
if (this.isDeferred() && pagination.limit < {
if (!this.props.loading) {
} else {
return createVNode(1, 'ol', null, [items, this.props.children], 0);
return List;
var Tree = function (_Component) {
inherits(Tree, _Component);
function Tree() {
classCallCheck(this, Tree);
return possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Tree.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Tree)).apply(this, arguments));
createClass(Tree, [{
key: 'add',
value: function add() {
}, {
key: 'renderAddLink',
value: function renderAddLink() {
if (this.props.dom._tree.config.editing.add) {
return createVNode(1, 'li', null, createVNode(1, 'a', 'btn icon icon-plus', null, 1, {
'onClick': this.add.bind(this),
'title': 'Add a new root node'
}), 2);
}, {
key: 'render',
value: function render$$1() {
var _props = this.props,
dom = _props.dom,
nodes = _props.nodes;
var loading = dom.loading;
var pagination = nodes.pagination();
return createComponentVNode(2, List, {
'dom': dom,
'limit': pagination.limit,
'loading': loading,
'nodes': nodes,
children: this.renderAddLink()
return Tree;
* Default InspireTree rendering logic.
* @category DOM
* @return {InspireDOM} Default renderer.
var InspireDOM = function () {
function InspireDOM(tree, opts) {
var _this = this;
classCallCheck(this, InspireDOM);
if (!(tree instanceof InspireTree)) {
throw new TypeError('Tree argument is not an InspireTree instance.');
// Init properties
this._tree = tree;
this.batching = 0;
this.dropTargets = [];
if (! {
throw new TypeError('Invalid `target` property - must be a selector, HTMLElement, or jQuery element.');
// Let InspireTree know we're in control of a node's `rendered` state
tree.usesNativeDOM = true;
var dndDefaults = {
enabled: false,
validateOn: 'dragstart',
validate: null
// Assign defaults
this.config = _.defaultsDeep({}, opts, {
autoLoadMore: true,
deferredRendering: false,
dragAndDrop: dndDefaults,
nodeHeight: 25,
showCheckboxes: false,
tabindex: -1,
target: false
if (opts.dragAndDrop === true) {
this.config.dragAndDrop = dndDefaults;
this.config.dragAndDrop.enabled = true;
// If user didn't specify showCheckboxes,
// but is using checkbox selection mode,
// enable it automatically.
// Royale - commented
//if (tree.config.selection.mode === 'checkbox' && !_.isBoolean(_.get(opts, 'showCheckboxes'))) {
// this.config.showCheckboxes = true;
// Cache because we use in loops
this.isDynamic = _.isFunction(;
// Connect to our target DOM element
var initialRender = true;
// Apply changes
tree.on('changes.applied', function () {
if (initialRender) {
initialRender = false;
// Immediately render, just in case any already exists
* Attaches to the DOM element for rendering.
* @category DOM
* @private
* @param {HTMLElement} target Element, selector, or jQuery-like object.
* @return {void}
createClass(InspireDOM, [{
key: 'attach',
value: function attach(target) {
this.$target = this.getElement(target);
this.$scrollLayer = this.getScrollableAncestor(this.$target);
if (!this.$target) {
throw new Error('No valid element to attach to.');
// Set classnames
var classNames = this.$target.className.split(' ');
if (this._tree.config.editable) {
_.each(_.pickBy(this._tree.config.editing, _.identity), function (v, key) {
classNames.push('editable-' + key);
this.$target.className = classNames.join(' ');
this.$target.setAttribute('tabindex', this.config.tabindex || 0);
// Handle keyboard interaction
this.$target.addEventListener('keydown', this.keyboardListener.bind(this));
// Drag and drop listeners
if (this.config.dragAndDrop.enabled) {
this.$target.addEventListener('dragenter', this.onDragEnter.bind(this), false);
this.$target.addEventListener('dragleave', this.onDragLeave.bind(this), false);
this.$target.addEventListener('dragover', this.onDragOver.bind(this), false);
this.$target.addEventListener('drop', this.onDrop.bind(this), false);
// Sync browser focus to focus state
this._tree.on('node.focused', function (node) {
var elem = node.itree.ref.querySelector('.title');
if (elem !== document.activeElement) {
if (this.config.deferredRendering || this._tree.config.deferredLoading) {
// Force valid pagination limit based on viewport
var limit = this._tree.config.pagination.limit;
this._tree.config.pagination.limit = limit > 0 ? limit : _.ceil(this.$scrollLayer.clientHeight / this.config.nodeHeight);
// Listen for scrolls for automatic loading
if (this.config.autoLoadMore) {
this.$target.addEventListener('scroll', _.throttle(this.scrollListener.bind(this), 20));
this.$target.inspireTree = this._tree;
* Clear page text selection, primarily after a click event which
* natively selects a range of text.
* @category DOM
* @private
* @return {void}
}, {
key: 'clearSelection',
value: function clearSelection() {
if (document.selection && document.selection.empty) {
} else if (window.getSelection) {
* Get an HTMLElement through various means:
* An element, jquery object, or a selector.
* @category DOM
* @private
* @param {mixed} target Element, jQuery selector, selector.
* @return {HTMLElement} Matching element.
}, {
key: 'getElement',
value: function getElement(target) {
var $element = void 0;
if (target instanceof HTMLElement) {
$element = target;
} else if (_.isObject(target) && _.isObject(target[0])) {
$element = target[0];
} else if (_.isString(target)) {
var match = document.querySelector(target);
if (match) {
$element = match;
return $element;
* Helper method to find a scrollable ancestor element.
* @category DOM
* @private
* @param {HTMLElement} $element Starting element.
* @return {HTMLElement} Scrollable element.
}, {
key: 'getScrollableAncestor',
value: function getScrollableAncestor($element) {
if ($element instanceof Element) {
var style = getComputedStyle($element);
if (style.overflow !== 'auto' && $element.parentNode) {
$element = this.getScrollableAncestor($element.parentNode);
return $element;
* Get a tree instance based on an ID.
* @category DOM
* @param {string} id Tree ID.
* @return {InspireTree} Tree instance.
}, {
key: 'keyboardListener',
* Listen to keyboard event for navigation.
* @category DOM
* @private
* @param {Event} event Keyboard event.
* @return {void}
value: function keyboardListener(event) {
// Ignore keys we won't care for.
// For example, this avoids trampling cmd+reload
if ([DOWN_ARROW, ENTER, LEFT_ARROW, RIGHT_ARROW, UP_ARROW].indexOf(event.which) < 0) {
// Navigation
var focusedNodes = this._tree.focused();
if (focusedNodes.length) {
switch (event.which) {
case ENTER:
case UP_ARROW:
* Move select down the visible tree from a starting node.
* @category DOM
* @private
* @param {object} startingNode Node object.
* @return {void}
}, {
key: 'moveFocusDownFrom',
value: function moveFocusDownFrom(startingNode) {
var next = startingNode.nextVisibleNode();
if (next) {
* Move select up the visible tree from a starting node.
* @category DOM
* @private
* @param {object} startingNode Node object.
* @return {void}
}, {
key: 'moveFocusUpFrom',
value: function moveFocusUpFrom(startingNode) {
var prev = startingNode.previousVisibleNode();
if (prev) {
* Helper method for obtaining the data-uid from a DOM element.
* @category DOM
* @private
* @param {HTMLElement} element HTML Element.
* @return {object} Node object
}, {
key: 'nodeFromTitleDOMElement',
value: function nodeFromTitleDOMElement(element) {
var uid = element.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('data-uid');
return this._tree.node(uid);
* Drag enter listener.
* @category DOM
* @private
* @param {DragEvent} event Drag enter.
* @return {void}
}, {
key: 'onDragEnter',
value: function onDragEnter(event) {
event.preventDefault();'drag-targeting', 'drag-targeting-insert');
* Drag leave listener.
* @category DOM
* @private
* @param {DragEvent} event Drag leave.
* @return {void}
}, {
key: 'onDragLeave',
value: function onDragLeave(event) {
* Drag over listener.
* @category DOM
* @private
* @param {DragEvent} event Drag over.
* @return {void}
}, {
key: 'onDragOver',
value: function onDragOver(event) {
* Drop listener.
* @category DOM
* @private
* @param {DragEvent} event Dropped.
* @return {void}
}, {
key: 'onDrop',
value: function onDrop(event) {
var treeId = event.dataTransfer.getData('treeId');
var nodeId = event.dataTransfer.getData('nodeId');
// Find the tree
var tree = InspireDOM.getTreeById(treeId);
var node = tree.node(nodeId);
node.state('drop-target', true);
// Remove the node from its previous context
var exported = node.remove(true);
// Add the node to this tree/level
var newNode = this._tree.addNode(exported);
var newIndex = this._tree.indexOf(newNode);
this._tree.emit('node.drop', event, newNode, null, newIndex);
* Triggers rendering for the given node array.
* @category DOM
* @private
* @param {array} nodes Array of node objects.
* @return {void}
}, {
key: 'renderNodes',
value: function renderNodes(nodes) {
render(createComponentVNode(2, Tree, {
'dom': this,
'nodes': nodes || this._tree.nodes()
}), this.$target);
}, {
key: 'scrollListener',
* Listens for scroll events, to automatically trigger
* Load More links when they're scrolled into view.
* @category DOM
* @private
* @param {Event} event Scroll event.
* @return {void}
value: function scrollListener(event) {
var _this2 = this;
if (!this.rendering && !this.loading) {
// Get the bounding rect of the scroll layer
var rect = this.$scrollLayer.getBoundingClientRect();
// Find all load-more links
var links = document.querySelectorAll('.load-more');
_.each(links, function (link) {
// Look for load-more links which overlap our "viewport"
var r = link.getBoundingClientRect();
var overlap = !(rect.right < r.left || rect.left > r.right || rect.bottom < || > r.bottom);
if (overlap) {
// Auto-trigger Load More links
var context = void 0;
var $parent = link.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
if ($parent.tagName === 'LI') {
context = _this2._tree.node($parent.getAttribute('data-uid'));
_this2._tree.loadMore(context, event);
* Scroll the first selected node into view.
* @category DOM
* @private
* @return {void}
}, {
key: 'scrollSelectedIntoView',
value: function scrollSelectedIntoView() {
var $selected = this.$target.querySelector('.selected');
if ($selected && this.$scrollLayer) {
this.$scrollLayer.scrollTop = $selected.offsetTop;
* Remove highlight class.
* @category DOM
* @private
* @param {HTMLElement} element Target element.
* @return {void}
}, {
key: 'unhighlightTarget',
value: function unhighlightTarget(element) {
if (element) {
element.classList.remove('drag-targeting', 'drag-targeting-insert');
}], [{
key: 'getTreeById',
value: function getTreeById(id) {
var element = document.querySelector('[data-uid="' + id + '"]');
if (element) {
return element.inspireTree;
return InspireDOM;
return InspireDOM;