blob: c43a32af84312896877ed03d4f7fd7ffe734cd88 [file] [log] [blame]
// GUIDO Music Notation plugin for Xinha
// Implementation by Richard Christophe
// Original Author - Richard Christophe
// Distributed under the same terms as HTMLArea itself.
// This notice MUST stay intact for use (see license.txt).
// this is a collection of JavaScript routines that
// facilitate accessing the GUIDO NoteServer.
// These Functions can be used within WEB-Pages
// examples can be found at
function NoteServer(editor) {
this.editor = editor;
var cfg = editor.config;
var self = this;
id : "insertscore",
tooltip : this._lc("Insert GUIDO Music Notation"),
image : editor.imgURL("note.gif", "NoteServer"),
textMode : false,
action : function(editor) {
cfg.addToolbarElement("insertscore", "insertimage", 1);
NoteServer._pluginInfo = {
name : "NoteServer",
version : "1.1",
developer : "Richard Christophe",
developer_url : "",
c_owner : "Richard Christophe",
sponsor : "",
sponsor_url : "",
license : "htmlArea"
NoteServer.prototype._lc = function(string) {
return Xinha._lc(string, 'NoteServer');
NoteServer.prototype.buttonPress = function(editor) {
editor._popupDialog( "plugin://NoteServer/codenote", function(param) {
if (!param) { // user must have pressed Cancel
return false;
} else IncludeGuido(editor,param);
}, null);
// this variable is the address of the noteserver
// can be set to another address (local address if availalble)
// var noteserveraddress = "";
// var htmlbase = "";
// alternative: specify server-adress directly:
var noteserveraddress = ""; //""
var htmlbase = "/salieri/nview";
// this is the version of the NoteServer used.
// one of "0_4", "0_5", "0_6", or "0_7", or ""
// "" means: take the current version
// var versionstring = "0_7";
var versionstring = "";
// this functions takes a GMN-string and returns the URL
// that converts it into a GIF-file
function GetGIFURL(gmnstring,zoom,pagenum) {
gmnstring = escape(gmnstring);
gmnstring = gmnstring.replace(/\//g,"%2F");
if (!zoom) {
zoom = "1.0";
if (!pagenum) {
pagenum = "1";
var string = "http://" + noteserveraddress +
"/scripts/salieri" + versionstring +
"/" +
"pagewidth=21" +
"&pageheight=29.7" +
"&zoomfactor=" + zoom +
"&pagesizeadjust=yes" +
"&outputformat=gif87" +
"&pagenum=" + pagenum +
"&gmndata=" + gmnstring;
// document.write(string);
return string;
// this functions takes a GMN-string and returns the URL
// that converts it into a MIDI-file
function GetMIDIURL(gmnstring) {
gmnstring = escape(gmnstring);
gmnstring = gmnstring.replace(/\//g,"%2F");
var string = "http://" + noteserveraddress +
"/scripts/salieri" + versionstring +
"/" +
"gmndata=" + gmnstring;
return string;
// this functions takes a GMN-string and returns the URL
// that insert Applet
function GetAPPLETURL(gmnstring,zoom) {
gmnstring = escape(gmnstring);
gmnstring = gmnstring.replace(/\//g,"%2F");
var string = '<applet ' +
'code="NoteServerApplet" ' +
'codebase="http://' +
noteserveraddress + htmlbase + '/java" ' +
' width=700 height=300>' +
'<param name=server value="' +
noteserveraddress + '">' +
'<param name=serverVersion value="' +
versionstring + '">' +
'<param name=zoomFactor value="' +
zoom + '">' +
'<param name=pageWidth value="21">' +
'<param name=pageHeight value="29.7">' +
'<param name=gmn value="' +
gmnstring + '">' +
return string;
// This function takes a GUIDO string, accesses the
// NoteServer (address specified as a constant above)
// and then embeds the GIF-Image in the document.
function IncludeGuido(editor,param) {
// this holds the URL for retrieving the picture ...
if (!param["f_zoom"])
zoom = "";
//if (!pagenum)
// pagenum = "";
var string = GetGIFURL(param["f_code"],param["f_zoom"],"");
var stringmidi = GetMIDIURL(param["f_code"]);
var string2 = "<br>";
if (param["f_applet"] == false ){
if (((navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") != -1)
&& (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") == -1))) {
editor.insertHTML("<img src=" + string + ">");
} else {
img = new Image();
img.src = string;
var doc = editor._doc;
var sel = editor._getSelection();
var range = editor._createRange(sel);
editor._doc.execCommand("insertimage", false, img.src);
} else {
var stringapplet = GetAPPLETURL(param["f_code"],param["f_zoom"]);
string2 = string2 + stringapplet + "<br>";
// To test code source in textarea
//if (param["f_affcode"]) string2 = string2 + Xinha._lc("Source Code","NoteServer") + " :" + '<br> <textarea cols=60 rows=10 style = "background: #FFFFE6">' + param["f_code"] + '</textarea> <br>';
if (param["f_affcode"]) string2 = string2 + Xinha._lc("GUIDO Code","NoteServer") + " : " + param["f_code"] + "<br>";
if (param["f_midi"]) string2 = string2 + "<a href=" + stringmidi + ">" + Xinha._lc("MIDI File","NoteServer") + "</a> <br>";
//var html =;
// this routine includes the applet-definition
function IncludeGuidoStringAsApplet(editor, gmnstring, zoom) {
gmnstring = escape(gmnstring);
gmnstring = gmnstring.replace(/\//g,"%2F");
var string = '<applet ' +
'codebase="http://' + noteserveraddress + htmlbase + '/java"\n' +
'code="NoteServerApplet" width=480 height=230>' +
"<PARAM NAME=server VALUE='" + noteserveraddress + "'>" +
"<PARAM NAME=serverVersion VALUE='" + versionstring + "'>" +
"<PARAM NAME=zoomFactor VALUE='" + zoom + "'>" +
'<param name=pageWidth value="21">' +
'<param name=pageHeight value="29.7">' +
"<PARAM NAME=gmn VALUE='" + gmnstring + "'>" +