blob: 96af13b737f9d6d52751711d9f2286d688d37083 [file] [log] [blame]
* Javascript used by the editorFrame.php, it basically initializes the frame.
* @author $Author:ray $
* @version $Id:editorFrame.js 677 2007-01-19 22:24:36Z ray $
* @package ImageManager
var topDoc =;
var t_cx = topDoc.getElementById('cx');
var t_cy = topDoc.getElementById('cy');
var t_cw = topDoc.getElementById('cw');
var t_ch = topDoc.getElementById('ch');
var m_sx = topDoc.getElementById('sx');
var m_sy = topDoc.getElementById('sy');
var m_w = topDoc.getElementById('mw');
var m_h = topDoc.getElementById('mh');
var m_a = topDoc.getElementById('ma');
var m_d = topDoc.getElementById('md');
var s_sw = topDoc.getElementById('sw');
var s_sh = topDoc.getElementById('sh');
var r_ra = topDoc.getElementById('ra');
var pattern = "img/2x2.gif";
function doSubmit(action)
if (action == 'crop')
// backend_url is set by the calling page. For now we assume it contains
// a trailing &
var url = _backend_url + "__function=editorFrame&img="+currentImageFile+"&action=crop&params="+parseInt(t_cx.value)+','+parseInt(t_cy.value)+','+ parseInt(t_cw.value)+','+parseInt(t_ch.value);
location.href = url;
else if (action == 'scale')
var url = _backend_url + "__function=editorFrame&img="+currentImageFile+"&action=scale&params="+parseInt(s_sw.value)+','+parseInt(s_sh.value);
location.href = url;
else if (action == 'rotate')
var flip = topDoc.getElementById('flip');
if(flip.value == 'hoz' || flip.value == 'ver')
location.href = _backend_url + "__function=editorFrame&img="+currentImageFile+"&action=flip&params="+flip.value;
else if (isNaN(parseFloat(r_ra.value))==false)
location.href = _backend_url + "__function=editorFrame&img="+currentImageFile+"&action=rotate&params="+parseFloat(r_ra.value);
else if(action == 'save') {
var s_file = topDoc.getElementById('save_filename');
var s_format = topDoc.getElementById('save_format');
var s_quality = topDoc.getElementById('quality');
var format = s_format.value.split(",");
if(s_file.value.length <= 0)
alert(i18n('Please enter a filename to save.'));
var filename = encodeURI(s_file.value);
var quality = parseInt(s_quality.value);
var url = _backend_url + "__function=editorFrame&img="+currentImageFile+"&action=save&params="+format[0]+","+quality+"&file="+filename;
location.href = url;
function addEvent(obj, evType, fn)
if (obj.addEventListener) { obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, true); return true; }
else if (obj.attachEvent) { var r = obj.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn); return r; }
else { return false; }
var jg_doc
init = function()
jg_doc = new jsGraphics("imgCanvas"); // draw directly into document
jg_doc.setColor("#000000"); // black
addEvent(window, 'load', init);