blob: fcaa7e83dd00e393e31650fe66717738337730fc [file] [log] [blame]
// BackgroundImage plugin for Xinha
// Sponsored by
// Implementation by Udo Schmal
// based on TinyMCE ( Distributed under LGPL by Moxiecode Systems AB
// Distributed under the same terms as Xinha itself.
// This notice MUST stay intact for use (see license.txt).
function BackgroundImage(editor) {
this.editor = editor;
var cfg = editor.config;
var self = this;
id : "bgImage",
tooltip : Xinha._lc("Set page background image", 'BackgroundImage'),
image : editor.imgURL("ed_bgimage.gif", "BackgroundImage"),
textMode : false,
action : function(editor) {;
cfg.addToolbarElement("bgImage", "inserthorizontalrule", 1);
BackgroundImage._pluginInfo = {
name : "BackgroundImage",
version : "1.0",
developer : "Udo Schmal",
developer_url : "",
c_owner : "Udo Schmal & Schaffrath NeueMedien",
sponsor : "L.N.Schaffrath NeueMedien",
sponsor_url : "",
license : "htmlArea"
BackgroundImage.prototype.onGenerateOnce = function(editor){
// Load assets
var self = BackgroundImage;
if (self.loading) return;
// A list of jpgs that are expected to be in ./backgrounds with thumbnails.
var backgrounds = {blufur:'',palecnvs:'', ppplcnvs:'', ylwsand:''};
self.loading = true;
self.methodsReady = true;
// When we get back from loading the dialog, we'll process our image template to handle as many images as specified.
Xinha._getback(Xinha.getPluginDir('BackgroundImage') + '/dialog.html', function(getback) {
// Replace the template line with one line per image.
self.html = getback.replace(/<template>(.*?)<\/template>/ig, function(fullString, template) {
var replacement = '';
for (bg in backgrounds)
var thumbURL = Xinha.getPluginDir('BackgroundImage') + '/backgrounds/thumbnails/' + bg + '.jpg';
var imageURL = Xinha.getPluginDir('BackgroundImage') + '/backgrounds/' + bg + '.jpg';
replacement += template.replace(/%thumbnail%/,thumbURL).replace(/%image%/,imageURL);
return replacement;
self.dialogReady = true;
BackgroundImage.prototype.onUpdateToolbar = function(editor){
// Keep our toolbar image greyed until we're fully loaded.
if (!(BackgroundImage.dialogReady && BackgroundImage.methodsReady))
this.editor._toolbarObjects.BackgroundImage.state("enabled", false);
else this.onUpdateToolbar = null;
BackgroundImage.prototype.prepareDialog = function(editor){
var self = this;
var editor = this.editor;
var dialog = this.dialog = new Xinha.Dialog(editor, BackgroundImage.html, 'Xinha',{width:400})
// Hookup the buttons with our actions
dialog.getElementById('set').onclick = function() {self.apply();}
dialog.getElementById('delete').onclick = function() {self.deleteBg();}
dialog.getElementById('cancel').onclick = function() { self.dialog.hide()};
this.dialogReady = true;
} = function(editor){
if (!this.dialog) this.prepareDialog();
var editor = this.editor;
// After clearing the background property, it returns the current URL, and so
// we need to check the extension to find out if it really has a background.
if (editor._doc.body.background.split('.').pop() in {jpg:'', gif:'', png:'', jpeg:'', tiff:''})
var background = editor._doc.body.background;
var background = '';
var values =
"background" : background
// now calling the show method of the Xinha.Dialog object to set the values and show the actual dialog;
BackgroundImage.prototype.deleteBg = function(){
var editor = this.editor;
if (Xinha.is_ie)
editor._doc.body.background = "";
BackgroundImage.prototype.apply = function(){
var editor = this.editor;
var doc = editor._doc;
// selection is only restored on dialog.hide()
var param = this.dialog.hide();
// assign the given arguments
if (Xinha.is_ie)
doc.body.background = param.background;