blob: 3f041e395d17fe53303a3ac0f43fc29a5ecff2ec [file] [log] [blame]
// I18N constants
// LANG: "ja", ENCODING: UTF-8
// ============================================================================
// Please be sure you read the README_TRANSLATORS.TXT in the Xinha Root
// Directory. Unless you are making a new plugin or module it is unlikely
// that you want to be editing this file directly.
"All four sides": "四辺すべて",
"Borders": "境界線",
"Cancel": "中止",
"Caption": "キャプション",
"Cell Properties": "セルプロパティ",
"Cell properties": "セルのプロパティ",
"Columns": "列数:",
"Delete cell": "セルの削除",
"Delete column": "列の削除",
"Delete row": "行の削除",
"Description": "説明",
"Frame and borders": "外枠と境界線",
"Frames": "外枠",
"Insert cell after": "次にセルを挿入",
"Insert cell before": "前にセルを挿入",
"Insert column after": "右に列を挿入",
"Insert column before": "左に列を挿入",
"Insert row after": "下に行を挿入",
"Insert row before": "上に行を挿入",
"Merge Cells": "セルの結合",
"Merge cells": "セルの結合",
"No rules": "区切りなし",
"No sides": "外枠なし",
"OK": "OK",
"Padding": "余白",
"Please click into some cell": "いずれかのセル内をクリックしてください",
"Row Properties": "行プロパティ",
"Row properties": "行のプロパティ",
"Rows": "行数:",
"Rules will appear between all rows and columns": "すべての行間と列間に線を引く",
"Rules will appear between columns only": "列の間にのみ線を引く",
"Rules will appear between rows only": "行の間にのみ線を引く",
"Spacing": "間隔",
"Spacing and padding": "間隔と余白",
"Split column": "列の分割",
"Split row": "行の分割",
"Summary": "要約",
"Table Properties": "テーブルのプロパティ",
"Table properties": "テーブルのプロパティ",
"The bottom side only": "下辺のみ",
"The left-hand side only": "左辺のみ",
"The right and left sides only": "左右辺のみ",
"The right-hand side only": "右辺のみ",
"The top and bottom sides only": "上下辺のみ",
"The top side only": "上辺のみ",
"Xinha cowardly refuses to delete the last cell in row.": "安全のために、行にひとつだけ残っている列の削除は拒否されます。",
"Xinha cowardly refuses to delete the last column in table.": "安全のために、テーブルにひとつだけ残っている列の削除は拒否されます。",
"Xinha cowardly refuses to delete the last row in table.": "安全のために、テーブルにひとつだけ残っている行の削除は拒否されます。",
"pixels": "ピクセル",
"__OBSOLETE__": {
"Align": "行揃え",
"Background": "背景",
"Baseline": "ベースライン",
"Border": "境界線",
"Bottom": "下",
"CSS Style": "CSSスタイル",
"Center": "中央",
"Char": "文字",
"Collapsed borders": "隣接境界線を重ねる",
"Color": "色",
"FG Color": "前景色",
"Float": "フロート",
"Height": "高さ",
"How many columns would you like to merge?": "何列結合しますか?",
"How many rows would you like to merge?": "何行結合しますか?",
"Image URL": "画像URL",
"Justify": "両端揃え",
"Layout": "レイアウト",
"Left": "左",
"Margin": "間隔",
"Middle": "中",
"None": "なし",
"Please select the cells you want to merge.": "結合したいセルを複数選択してください。",
"Right": "右",
"Rules": "区切り",
"Split cell": "セルの分割",
"Style [CSS]": "スタイル [CSS]",
"Text align": "水平位置",
"Top": "上",
"Unset color": "色指定解除",
"Vertical align": "垂直位置",
"Width": "幅",
"percent": "パーセント"