blob: e35a43750b44b246c12a612eae6633f5905065f8 [file] [log] [blame]
/** superClean combines HTMLTidy, Word Cleaning and font stripping into a single function
* it works a bit differently in how it asks for parameters */
function SuperClean(editor, args)
this.editor = editor;
var superclean = this;
editor._superclean_on = false;
editor.config.registerButton('superclean', this._lc("Clean up HTML"), [_editor_url +'iconsets/Tango/ed_buttons_main.png',6,4], true, function(e, objname, obj) { superclean._superClean(null, obj); });
// See if we can find 'killword' and replace it with superclean
editor.config.addToolbarElement("superclean", "killword", 0);
SuperClean._pluginInfo =
name : "SuperClean",
version : "1.0",
developer: "James Sleeman, Niko Sams",
developer_url: "",
c_owner : "Gogo Internet Services",
license : "htmlArea",
sponsor : "Gogo Internet Services",
sponsor_url : ""
SuperClean.prototype._lc = function(string) {
return Xinha._lc(string, 'SuperClean');
Xinha.Config.prototype.SuperClean =
// set to the URL of a handler for html tidy, this handler
// (see tidy.php for an example) must that a single post variable
// "content" which contains the HTML to tidy, and return javascript like
// editor.setHTML('<strong>Tidied Html</strong>')
// it's called through XMLHTTPRequest
'tidy_handler': Xinha.getPluginDir("SuperClean") + '/tidy.php',
// set additional arguments needed for the tidy request
'tidy_args' : {},
//avaliable filters (these are built-in filters)
// You can either use
// 'filter_name' : "Label/Description String"
// or 'filter_name' : {label: "Label", checked: true/false, filterFunction: function(html) { ... return html;} }
// filterFunction in the second format above is optional.
'filters': { 'tidy': {label:Xinha._lc('General tidy up and correction of some problems.', 'SuperClean'), checked:true, fullonly: true},
'word_clean': {label:Xinha._lc('Clean bad HTML from Microsoft Word.', 'SuperClean'), checked:true, fullonly: true},
'word': {label:Xinha._lc('Vigorously purge HTML from Microsoft Word.', 'SuperClean'), checked:false, fullonly: true},
'remove_faces': {label:Xinha._lc('Remove custom typefaces (font "styles").', 'SuperClean'),checked:true},
'remove_sizes': {label:Xinha._lc('Remove custom font sizes.', 'SuperClean'),checked:true},
'remove_colors': {label:Xinha._lc('Remove custom text colors.', 'SuperClean'),checked:true},
'remove_emphasis': {label:Xinha._lc('Remove emphasis and annotations.', 'SuperClean'), checked:true},
'remove_sup_sub': {label:Xinha._lc('Remove superscripts and subscripts.', 'SuperClean'), checked:false},
'remove_alignment': {label:Xinha._lc('Remove alignment (left/right/justify).', 'SuperClean'),checked:true},
'remove_all_css_classes': {label:Xinha._lc('Remove all classes (CSS).', 'SuperClean'), checked: false},
'remove_all_css_styles': {label:Xinha._lc('Remove all styles (CSS).', 'SuperClean'),checked:true},
'remove_lang': {label:Xinha._lc('Remove lang attributes.', 'SuperClean'),checked:true},
'remove_fancy_quotes': {label:Xinha._lc('Replace directional quote marks with non-directional quote marks.', 'SuperClean'), checked:false},
//additional custom filters (defined in plugins/SuperClean/filters/word.js)
'paragraph':{label:Xinha._lc('Remove Paragraphs', 'SuperClean'), checked:false},
'remove_all_tags': {label:Xinha._lc('Remove All HTML Tags', 'SuperClean'), checked:false }
//if false all filters are applied, if true a dialog asks what filters should be used
'show_dialog': true
SuperClean.filterFunctions = { };
/** Helper function to strip tags from given html.
* @param string
* @param array|string An array pf tag names, or a tag name string
* @param bool true == completely remove tag and contents, false == remove tag only
* @return string
SuperClean.stripTags = function(html, tagNames, completelyRemove)
if(typeof tagNames == 'string')
tagNames = [ tagNames ];
for(var i = 0; i < tagNames.length; i++)
var tagName = tagNames[i];
html = html.replace(new RegExp('<'+tagName+'( [^>]*)?>.*?</'+tagName+'( [^>]*)?>', 'gi'), '');
html = html.replace(new RegExp('</?'+tagName+'( [^>]*)?>', 'gi'), '');
return html;
SuperClean.stripAttributes = function(html, attributeNames)
if(typeof attributeNames == 'string')
attributeNames = [ attributeNames ];
for(var i = 0; i < attributeNames.length; i++)
var attributeName = attributeNames[i];
// @TODO - make this less likely to false-positive outside of tags
html = html.replace(new RegExp(' ('+attributeName+'="[^"]*"|'+attributeName+'=\'[^\']*\'|'+attributeName+'=[^ >]*)', 'gi'), ' ');
return html;
SuperClean.prototype.onGenerateOnce = function()
//for backwards compatibility
this.editor.config.SuperClean.tidy_handler = this.editor.config.tidy_handler;
this.editor.config.tidy_handler = null;
if(!this.editor.config.SuperClean.tidy_handler && this.editor.config.filters.tidy) {
//unset tidy-filter if no tidy_handler
this.editor.config.filters.tidy = null;
SuperClean.prototype.onUpdateToolbar = function()
if (!(SuperClean.methodsReady && SuperClean.html))
this.editor._toolbarObjects.superclean.state("enabled", false);
else this.onUpdateToolbar = null;
SuperClean.loadAssets = function()
var self = SuperClean;
if (self.loading) return;
self.loading = true;
Xinha._getback(Xinha.getPluginDir("SuperClean") + '/pluginMethods.js', function(getback) { eval(getback); self.methodsReady = true; });
Xinha._getback( Xinha.getPluginDir("SuperClean") + '/dialog.html', function(getback) { self.html = getback; } );
SuperClean.prototype.loadFilters = function()
var sc = this;
//load the filter-functions
for(var filter in this.editor.config.SuperClean.filters)
if (/^(remove_colors|remove_sizes|remove_faces|remove_lang|word_clean|remove_fancy_quotes|tidy|remove_emphasis|remove_sup_sub|remove_alignment|remove_all_css_classes|remove_all_css_styles|remove_all_tags)$/.test(filter)) continue; //skip built-in functions
var filtDetail = this.editor.config.SuperClean.filters[filter];
if(typeof filtDetail.filterFunction != 'undefined')
SuperClean.filterFunctions[filter] = filterFunction;
Xinha._getback(Xinha.getPluginDir("SuperClean") + '/filters/'+filter+'.js',
function(func) {