blob: 92b33afb885b6cdb58ca47a9edace413dd7780c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// I18N constants
// LANG: "pl", ENCODING: UTF-8
// ============================================================================
// Please be sure you read the README_TRANSLATORS.TXT in the Xinha Root
// Directory. Unless you are making a new plugin or module it is unlikely
// that you want to be editing this file directly.
"Cancel": "Anuluj",
"Colors": "Kolory",
"Enter the TAG you want to insert": "Podaj TAG, który chcesz wstawić",
"No CSS class avaiable": "Brak dostępnych klas CSS",
"Ok": "Ok",
"Quick Tag Editor": "Edytor Quick Tag",
"TAGs": "TAGi",
"There are some unclosed quote": "Są jakieś niezamknięte cudzysłowia",
"This attribute already exists in the TAG": "TAG posiada już ten atrybut",
"You have to select some text": "Musisz zaznaczyć tekst."