blob: 85a8ca3fa5f712fdfb645319289a4cde3a16a6c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Paste Plain Text plugin for Xinha
// Distributed under the same terms as Xinha itself.
// This notice MUST stay intact for use (see license.txt).
function PasteText(editor) {
this.editor = editor;
var cfg = editor.config;
var self = this;
id : "pastetext",
tooltip : this._lc("Paste as Plain Text"),
image : editor.imgURL("ed_paste_text.gif", "PasteText"),
textMode : false,
action : function() {; }
cfg.addToolbarElement("pastetext", ["paste", "killword"], 1);
PasteText._pluginInfo = {
name : "PasteText",
version : "1.2",
developer : "Michael Harris",
developer_url : "",
c_owner : "Jones Advisory Group",
sponsor : "Jones International University",
sponsor_url : "",
license : "htmlArea"
PasteText.prototype._lc = function(string) {
return Xinha._lc(string, 'PasteText');
Xinha.Config.prototype.PasteText =
showParagraphOption : true,
newParagraphDefault :true
PasteText.prototype.onGenerateOnce = function()
var self = PasteText;
if (self.loading) return;
self.loading = true;
Xinha._getback(Xinha.getPluginDir("PasteText") + '/popups/paste_text.html', function(getback) { self.html = getback;});
PasteText.prototype._prepareDialog = function()
var self = this;
var editor = this.editor;
var self = this;
/// Now we have everything we need, so we can build the dialog.
this.dialog = new Xinha.Dialog(editor, PasteText.html, 'PasteText',{width:350})
// Connect the OK and Cancel buttons
this.dialog.getElementById('ok').onclick = function() {self.apply();}
this.dialog.getElementById('cancel').onclick = function() { self.dialog.hide()};
// do some tweaking
if (editor.config.PasteText.showParagraphOption)
this.dialog.getElementById("paragraphOption").style.display = "";
if (editor.config.PasteText.newParagraphDefault)
this.dialog.getElementById("insertParagraphs").checked = true;
// we can setup a custom function that cares for sizes etc. when the dialog is resized
this.dialog.onresize = function ()
this.getElementById("inputArea").style.height =
parseInt(this.height,10) // the actual height of the dialog
- this.getElementById('h1').offsetHeight // the title bar
- this.getElementById('buttons').offsetHeight // the buttons
- parseInt(,10) // we have a padding at the bottom, gotta take this into acount
+ 'px'; // don't forget this ;)
this.getElementById("inputArea").style.width =(this.width - 2) + 'px'; // and the width
}; = function()
if (!this.dialog) this._prepareDialog();
// here we can pass values to the dialog
// each property pair consists of the "name" of the input we want to populate, and the value to be set
var inputs =
inputArea : '' // we want the textarea always to be empty on showing
// now calling the show method of the Xinha.Dialog object to set the values and show the actual dialog;
// Init the sizes (only if we have set up the custom resize function)
// and finally ... take some action
PasteText.prototype.apply = function()
// the hide method of the dialog object returns the values of the inputs AND hides the dialog
// could also use this.dialog.getValues() here and hide it at the end
var returnValues = this.dialog.hide();
var html = returnValues.inputArea;
var insertParagraphs = returnValues.insertParagraphs;
html = html.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
html = html.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
if ( returnValues.insertParagraphs)
html = html.replace(/\t/g,"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
html = html.replace(/\n+/g,"</p><p>");
html="<p>" + html + "</p>";
if (Xinha.is_ie)
// this.editor.execCommand("inserthtml",false,html);
html = html.replace(/\n/g,"<br />");