blob: 52087fd79fc05d7182649f39f4ada05914263283 [file] [log] [blame]
* jsGET
* jsGET is a http GET-Variables clone for javascript, using the hash part of the URL (index.html#...).
* You can set and get variables, and run a listener to hash changes, e.g. when the the history back button gets pressed.
* This allows you to create a usable history navigation in your ajax application. It should work with all A-grade browsers.
* @author Fabian Vogelsteller <>
* @copyright Fabian Vogelsteller
* @license GNU General Public License version 3
* @version 0.2
* ### Properties
* - vars: (object) the hash variables object loaded by get(), set(), remove(), or clear() or load() plus various indicators and trackers:
* - vars.current: (object) the current variables.
* - vars.old: (object) the old variables, before they where changed with set(), remove(), clear() or the browser history back button. *WARNING*: this is one is only valid while the listener is invoked.
* - vars.changed: (object) the variables which have changed since the last call of get(), set(), remove(), clear(), load() or the browser history back button. *WARNING*: this is one is updated by setChangedVars() depending on 'vars.old' and usually is only valid while the listener is invoked.
* - vars.change_count: (integer) a number of variables changed/added/removed since the last time the listener was invoked. *WARNING*: this is one is updated by setChangedVars() depending on 'vars.old' and usually is only valid while the listener is invoked.
* - vars.last_hash_loaded: (string, internal use only) the raw hash string which was just processed; in the listener, this equals the current hash.
* - vars.last_hash_saved: (string, internal use only) the hash section string which was the last one generated by set(), clear() or remove().
* - vars.foreign_hash_change: (boolean) TRUE when the hash was changed from outside our control, e.g. when the user hit the 'back/history' button in the browser, after the previous invocation of the listener.
* - vars.hash_changed: (boolean) TRUE when the hash has changed after the previous invocation of the listener.
* ### Methods
* - load(): loads the current hash variables into the vars.current property as JSON object. Return the updated set of key/value pairs.
* - clear(): clears the hash part of the URL. (because it's not completely possible, it sets it to "#_")
* - get(get): (string) try to get a hash variable with the given name.
* - set(set): (string,object) sets the given parameters to the hash variables. If it's a string it should have the following format: "key=value". Return the updated set of key/value pairs.
* - remove(remove): (string,array) the variable name(s) which should be removed from the hash variables. Return the old set of key/value pairs.
* - addListener(listener,callAlways,bind): (listener: function, callAlways: boolean, bind: object instance) creates a listener which calls the given function when a hash change occurs. The called function will get the vars property (vars.current,vars.old,vars.changed) and use the "bind" parameter as "this", when specified.
* The return of the addListener() method is a setInterval ID and must be passed to the removeListener() method to stop the listening.
* When callAlways is FALSE, it only calls when the browser history buttons are pressed and not when get(), set(), remove() or clear() is called.
* - removeListener(listenerID): (the setInterval Id received from a addListener() method) removes a listener set with the addListener() method.
* - setChangedVars(): (internal use) updates the vars.changed collection and vars.change_count value.
* Everytime you call set(), remove() or clear() a new hash string will be set,
* that means you also create a new history step in the browser history!
* These are 'special' characters to jsGET and will therefor be encoded when they are part of a key or value:
* # & =
var jsGET = {
vars: {
old: {},
current: {},
changed: {},
change_count: 0,
last_hash_loaded: '',
last_hash_saved: window.location.hash,
foreign_hash_change: false,
hash_changed: false
load: function() {
// only load hash variables when anything changed in the hash since last time we loaded them:
var i;
var new_hash = window.location.hash;
if (this.vars.last_hash_loaded !== new_hash) {
// detect whether the hash was changed outside our control, e.g. when user pushed BACK/HISTORY button in browser:
if (new_hash !== this.vars.last_hash_saved) {
this.vars.foreign_hash_change = true;
this.vars.hash_changed = true;
var hashVars = new_hash.split('#');
this.vars.current = {};
if (typeof hashVars[1] !== 'undefined' && hashVars[1] && hashVars[1] !== '_') {
hashVars = hashVars[1].split('&');
for(i = 0; i < hashVars.length; i++) {
var hashVar = hashVars[i].split('=');
this.vars.current[this.decode(hashVar[0])] = (typeof hashVar[1] !== 'undefined' ? this.decode(hashVar[1]) : '');
this.vars.last_hash_loaded = new_hash;
return this.vars.current;
// encode special characters in the input string; use encodeURIComponent() to encode as that one is fast and ensures proper Unicode handling as well: bonus!
encode: function(s) {
s = encodeURIComponent(s);
// BUT! browsers take things like '%26' in the URL anywhere and translate it to '&' before we get our hands on the fragment part, so we need to prevent the browsers from doing this:
s = s.replace(/%/g, '$'); // we can do this safely as encodeURIComponent() will have encoded any '$' in the original string!
return s;
decode: function(s) {
s = s.replace(/\$/g, '%');
s = decodeURIComponent(s);
return s;
clear: function() {
this.vars.last_hash_saved = window.location.hash = "#_";
//window.location.href = window.location.href.replace( /#.*$/, "");
return false;
get: function(key) {
return (this.vars.current.hasOwnProperty(key) ? this.vars.current[key] : null);
set: function(set) {
var key;
//if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.log) console.log('savedHistory');
if (typeof set !== 'object') {
var setSplit = set.split('=');
set = {};
// be aware that the _value_ of the key, value pair can have an embedded '=' (or more) itself:
key = setSplit.shift();
var value = setSplit.join('=');
set[key] = value;
else {
// do not damage the set passed in as a parameter
set = this.helpers.cloneObject(set);
// var
var hashString = '';
var sep = '#';
// check for change in existing vars
for(key in this.vars.current) {
if (this.vars.current.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (set.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
hashString += sep+this.encode(key)+'='+this.encode(set[key]);
delete set[key];
else {
hashString += sep+this.encode(key)+'='+this.encode(this.vars.current[key]);
sep = '&';
// add new vars
for(key in set) {
if (set.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
hashString += sep+this.encode(key)+'='+this.encode(set[key]);
sep = '&';
this.vars.last_hash_saved = window.location.hash = hashString;
return this.load();
remove: function(remove) {
var removes;
var i;
var key;
if (typeof remove !== 'object') {
removes = [remove];
} else {
removes = remove;
// var
var hashString = '';
var sep = '#';
for (i = 0; i < removes.length; i++) {
if (this.vars.current.hasOwnProperty(removes[i])) {
delete this.vars.current[removes[i]];
// create new hash string
for(key in this.vars.current) {
if (this.vars.current.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
hashString += sep+this.encode(key)+'='+this.encode(this.vars.current[key]);
sep = '&';
this.vars.last_hash_saved = window.location.hash = hashString;
// a bit odd: this one returns the OLD set, while set() returns the UPDATED set...
return this.vars.current;
setChangedVars: function() {
var change_count;
var key;
var oldVars = this.helpers.cloneObject(this.vars.old);
this.vars.changed = this.helpers.cloneObject(this.vars.current);
// check for changed vars
change_count = 0;
for (key in this.vars.changed) {
if (this.vars.changed.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (oldVars.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (oldVars[key] === this.vars.changed[key]) {
change_count--; // faster?/simpler than multiple 'else' branches just to track change_count
delete this.vars.changed[key];
delete oldVars[key];
// merge the rest of this.vars.old with the changedVars
for (key in oldVars) {
if (oldVars.hasOwnProperty(key) /* && !this.vars.changed.hasOwnProperty(key) */ ) {
this.vars.changed[key] = oldVars[key];
this.vars.change_count = change_count;
addListener: function(listener, callAlways, bind, freq) { // use the returned interval ID for removeListener
this.vars.hash_changed = false;
this.vars.foreign_hash_change = false;
this.vars.old = this.helpers.cloneObject(this.vars.current);
this.pollHash = function() {
var key;
this.load(); // side effect: an immediate check (one more) to see whether the hash has changed by us or others
// and make sure listener always fires whn callAlways==FALSE and user is going back&forth in the browser history (one or more history entries may match this.vars.last_hash_saved !)
this.vars.last_hash_saved = window.location.hash;
if (this.vars.hash_changed) {
if (callAlways || this.vars.foreign_hash_change) {
// var
if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.log) console.log('-----');
if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.log) console.log(this.vars.old);
if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.log) console.log(this.vars.changed);
// call the given listener function
if (typeof listener === 'function') {
listener.apply(bind, [this.vars]);
// only reset the 'old' array, i.e. effect the '.changed' set, when the listener was actually (to be) invoked.
// also reset the 'changed' markers so changes applied inside the listener don't 'recursively' trigger the listener:
this.vars.hash_changed = false;
this.vars.foreign_hash_change = false;
if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.log) console.log('-----');
if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.log) console.log(this.vars.current);
if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.log) console.log(this.vars.old);
if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.log) console.log(this.vars.changed);
this.vars.old = new this.vars.current.constructor();
for (key in this.vars.current) {
if (this.vars.current.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
this.vars.old[key] = this.vars.current[key];
var self = this;
return setInterval(function() {
}, (freq || 500));
removeListener: function(listenerID) { // use the interval ID returned by addListener
delete this.pollHash;
return clearInterval(listenerID);
// eqv. of mootools Object.clone():
cloneObject: function(obj) {
var key;
var rv = new obj.constructor();
for (key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
rv[key] = obj[key];
return rv;
/* settings for jsLint: undef: true, browser: true, indent: 4 */