blob: fcea72b11b87b65956834ce67ab4c0de6755c5ad [file] [log] [blame]
// I18N constants
// LANG: "ja", ENCODING: UTF-8
// ============================================================================
// Please be sure you read the README_TRANSLATORS.TXT in the Xinha Root
// Directory. Unless you are making a new plugin or module it is unlikely
// that you want to be editing this file directly.
"'onClick'=": "'onClick'=",
"Access Key:": "アクセスキー:",
"Action URL:": "アクションURL:",
"Button Script": "ボタンスクリプト",
"Cancel": "中止",
"Checked": "チェック済み",
"Columns:": "列数:",
"Default text (optional)": "テキスト初期値(オプション)",
"Dimensions": "大きさ",
"Disabled": "無効",
"Encoding:": "エンコード:",
"For Control:": "制御対象:",
"Form": "フォーム",
"Form Element: FIELDSET": "フォーム要素: FIELDSET",
"Form Element: INPUT": "フォーム要素: INPUT",
"Form Element: LABEL": "フォーム要素: LABEL",
"Form Element: SELECT": "フォーム要素: SELECT",
"Form Element: TEXTAREA": "フォーム要素: TEXTAREA",
"Form Name:": "フォーム名:",
"Form handler script": "フォーム処理スクリプト",
"Get": "GET",
"HTML-Form to CGI (default)": "HTMLフォームからCGIへ(デフォルト)",
"Hard": "ハード",
"Height in number of rows": "行数による高さ",
"Image URL:": "画像URL:",
"Image source": "画像ソース",
"Initial Text:": "初期テキスト:",
"Javascript for button click": "ボタンクリック時のJavaScritp",
"Label:": "ラベル:",
"Legend:": "グループ名:",
"Max length:": "最大長:",
"Maximum number of characters accepted": "入力可能な最大文字数",
"Method:": "メソッド:",
"Name": "名前",
"Name of the form input": "フォーム入力の名前",
"Name/ID:": "名前/ID:",
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "オフ",
"Options": "選択肢",
"Physical": "物理的",
"Please enter a Label": "ラベルを入力してください",
"Post": "POST",
"Read Only": "読み取り専用",
"Rows:": "行数:",
"Size of text box in characters": "文字数によるテキストボックスの大きさ",
"Size:": "サイズ:",
"Soft": "ソフト",
"Tab Index:": "タブ順序:",
"Target Frame:": "ターゲット:",
"Text:": "テキスト:",
"URL of image": "画像のURL",
"Value of the form input": "フォーム入力の値",
"Value:": "値:",
"Virtual": "仮想",
"Width in number of characters": "文字数による幅",
"Wrap Mode:": "折り返し:",
"You must enter a Name": "名前が必要です",
"multipart Form Data (File-Upload)": "マルチパート(ファイルアップロード用)",
"name of the textarea": "テキストエリアの名前",
"normal": "標準",
"nowrap": "折り返しなし",
"pre": "フォーマット済み",
"__OBSOLETE__": {
"Add": "追加",
"Button": "ボタン",
"Checkbox": "チェックボックス",
"Delete": "削除",
"Field Set": "フィールドセット",
"File Field": "ファイルフィールド",
"Hidden Field": "非表示フィールド",
"Image Button": "画像ボタン",
"Label": "ラベル",
"Lable:": "ラベル:",
"Move Down": "下へ",
"Move Up": "上へ",
"Multiple Select": "複数選択",
"Password Field": "パスワードフィールド",
"Radio Button": "ラジオボタン",
"Reset Button": "リセットボタン",
"Selection Field": "選択肢フィールド",
"Submit Button": "送信ボタン",
"Text Field": "テキストフィールド",
"Textarea": "テキストエリア",
"You must enter the form name": "フォーム名が必要です"