blob: 0fc8d5342e1dbc0b765f9661629ad67156928a7c [file] [log] [blame]
= WebKit Image Resizer =
The WebKit based (or similar) browsers, including Chrome (and Edge)
don't support drag-to-size images or tables, which is a pain.
This plugin implements the EditorBoost jQuery resizing plugin
jQuery is required, naturally, if it's not already loaded
then we will load our own version, so ensure you load your version
first if you need a newer one (then this might break, but oh well).
== Usage ==._
Instruct Xinha to load the WebKitImageResuze plugin (follow the NewbieGuide),
you can load this plugin even in non WebKit browsers, it will do
nothing (no harm, no benefit).
== Caution ==
This only works acceptably in either:
Standards Mode (eg Doctype <!DOCTYPE html> )
Quirks Mode (eg no doctype )
it does not work great in "Almost Standards Mode" because scrolling throws
the resize border out of place, ,that's ok if you don't need to scroll,
either because your text is small, or you are in FullScreen mode or
something, but anyway.
* @author $Author$
* @version $Id$
* @package WebKitResize
FancySelects._pluginInfo = {
name : "Fancy Select Boxes (jQuery select2)",
version : "1.0",
developer : "Select2 Authors, James Sleeman (Xinha)",
developer_url : "",
license : "MIT"
// The options here are as for the 'width' configuration option
// of jQuery Select2 -
// If you don't use specific sizes here, then it works fine, but
// can "jump around" in the tool bar if it changes size with selection
Xinha.Config.prototype.FancySelects = {
widths: {
'formatblock' : '90px',
'fontname' : '130px',
'fontsize' : '80px',
'DynamicCSS-class' : '130px',
'langmarks' : '110px'
.loadScript('select2-4.0.6-rc.1-dist/js/select2.js', 'FancySelects')
.loadStyle('FancySelects.css', 'FancySelects')
.loadScriptIf(_editor_lang != 'en', 'select2-4.0.6-rc.1-dist/js/i18n/'+_editor_lang+'.js', 'FancySelects');
function FancySelects(editor)
this.editor = editor;
this._isWorking = false; // Set true once everything is setup, or not if it fails (old browser)
FancySelects.prototype.onGenerateOnce = function()
var editor = this.editor;
// Be sure we wait until jQuery is loaded
if(!(typeof jQuery != 'undefined' && jQuery && jQuery.fn && jQuery.fn.select2 && jQuery(editor._htmlArea).find('.toolbarElement select').length))
var self = this;
window.setTimeout(function(){self.onGenerateOnce()}, 500);
function formatFontName(opt)
if(! return opt.text;
{ // v-- Avoid lc_parse_strings.php
return jQuery('<'+'span>'+opt.text+'</span> <'+'span style="font-family:''";" title="'+opt.text+'">*(JL</span>');
return jQuery('<span style="font-family:''";" title="'+opt.text+'">'+opt.text+'</span>');
function formatFontSize(opt)
if(! return opt.text;
return jQuery('<font size="''";" title="'+opt.text+'">'+opt.text+'</font>');
jQuery(editor._htmlArea).find('.toolbarElement select').each(function(i,e){
var txt =;
var el = e;
var width = 'resolve';
if(typeof editor.config.FancySelects.widths[txt] != 'undefined')
width = editor.config.FancySelects.widths[txt];
case 'fontname':
jQuery(e).select2({dropdownAutoWidth: true, theme: 'default', templateResult: formatFontName, width: width});
case 'fontsize':
jQuery(e).select2({dropdownAutoWidth: true, theme: 'default', templateResult: formatFontSize, width: width});
jQuery(e).select2({dropdownAutoWidth: true, theme: 'default', width: width});
jQuery(e).on('select2:opening', function(){
// IE11 needs this because opening the select2 de-selects the selected text
// so if we don't save and restore it nothing happens (except that the text is deselected)
// FF, Chrome and Edge are fine without this, but they also don't seem to care with it
// so I guess just do it across the board is safe enough
el._FancySelects_SavedSelection = editor.saveSelection();
jQuery(e).on('select2:select', function(){
el._FancySelects_SavedSelection = null;
editor._comboSelected(el, txt);
this._isWorking = true;
// Old browsers may fail and leave a partially constructed select2, remove that
// so just the original selects are left
var failed = Xinha.getElementsByClassName(editor._htmlArea,'select2-container');
for(var i = 0; i < failed.length; i++)
FancySelects.prototype.onUpdateToolbar = function()
var editor = this.editor;
if(!this._isWorking) return false;
jQuery('.toolbarElement select').each(function(i,e){