blob: ef150140561d81d5809f8dfc3bb691e024f5dbe0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Character Map plugin for Xinha
// Original Author - Bernhard Pfeifer
Xinha.loadStyle( 'CharacterMap.css', 'CharacterMap' );
function CharacterMap( editor )
this.editor = editor;
var cfg = editor.config;
var self = this;
id : 'insertcharacter',
tooltip : Xinha._lc( 'Insert special character', 'CharacterMap' ),
image : editor.imgURL('images/tango/16x16/apps/accessories-character-map.png'),
textMode : false,
action : function() {; }
cfg.addToolbarElement('insertcharacter', 'createlink', -1);
// configuration mode : panel or popup
Xinha.Config.prototype.CharacterMap =
'mode': 'popup' // configuration mode : panel or popup
CharacterMap._pluginInfo =
name : "CharacterMap",
version : "2.0",
developer : "Laurent Vilday",
developer_url : "",
c_owner : "Xinha community",
sponsor : "",
sponsor_url : "",
license : "HTMLArea"
CharacterMap._isActive = false;
CharacterMap.prototype.addEntity = function ( entite, pos )
var editor = this.editor;
var self = this;
var a = document.createElement( 'a' );
Xinha._addClass( a, 'entity' );
a.innerHTML = entite;
a.href = 'javascript:void(0)';
Xinha._addClass(a, (pos%2)? 'light':'dark');
a.onclick = function()
if (Xinha.is_ie) editor.focusEditor();
editor.insertHTML( entite );
//self._isActive = false;
//editor.hidePanel( editor._CharacterMap );
return false;
this.dialog.main.appendChild( a );
a = null;
CharacterMap.prototype.onGenerateOnce = function()
CharacterMap.prototype._prepareDialog = function()
var self = this;
var editor = this.editor;
var html = '<h1><l10n>Insert special character</l10n></h1>';
// Now we have everything we need, so we can build the dialog.
this.dialog = new Xinha.Dialog(editor, html, 'CharacterMap',{width:300},{modal:false});
Xinha._addClass( this.dialog.rootElem, 'CharacterMap' );
if (editor.config.CharacterMap && editor.config.CharacterMap.mode == 'panel') this.dialog.attachToPanel('right');
var entites =
'&Yuml;', '&scaron;', '&#064;', '&quot;', '&iexcl;', '&cent;', '&pound;', '&curren;', '&yen;', '&brvbar;',
'&sect;', '&uml;', '&copy;', '&ordf;', '&laquo;', '&not;', '&macr;', '&deg;', '&plusmn;', '&sup2;',
'&sup3;', '&acute;', '&micro;', '&para;', '&middot;', '&cedil;', '&sup1;', '&ordm;', '&raquo;', '&frac14;',
'&frac12;', '&frac34;', '&iquest;', '&times;', '&Oslash;', '&divide;', '&oslash;', '&fnof;', '&circ;',
'&tilde;', '&ndash;', '&mdash;', '&lsquo;', '&rsquo;', '&sbquo;', '&ldquo;', '&rdquo;', '&bdquo;',
'&dagger;', '&Dagger;', '&bull;', '&hellip;', '&permil;', '&lsaquo;', '&rsaquo;', '&euro;', '&trade;',
'&Agrave;', '&Aacute;', '&Acirc;', '&Atilde;', '&Auml;', '&Aring;', '&AElig;', '&Ccedil;', '&Egrave;',
'&Eacute;', '&Ecirc;', '&Euml;', '&Igrave;', '&Iacute;', '&Icirc;', '&Iuml;', '&ETH;', '&Ntilde;',
'&Ograve;', '&Oacute;', '&Ocirc;', '&Otilde;', '&Ouml;', '&reg;', '&times;', '&Ugrave;', '&Uacute;',
'&Ucirc;', '&Uuml;', '&Yacute;', '&THORN;', '&szlig;', '&agrave;', '&aacute;', '&acirc;', '&atilde;',
'&auml;', '&aring;', '&aelig;', '&ccedil;', '&egrave;', '&eacute;', '&ecirc;', '&euml;', '&igrave;',
'&iacute;', '&icirc;', '&iuml;', '&eth;', '&ntilde;', '&ograve;', '&oacute;', '&ocirc;', '&otilde;',
'&ouml;', '&divide;', '&oslash;', '&ugrave;', '&uacute;', '&ucirc;', '&uuml;', '&yacute;', '&thorn;',
'&yuml;', '&OElig;', '&oelig;', '&Scaron;'
for ( var i=0; i<entites.length; i++ )
this.addEntity( entites[i], i );
this.ready = true;
}; = function()
if(!this.ready) // if the user is too fast clicking the, we have to make them wait
var self = this;
window.setTimeout(function() {;},100);
CharacterMap.prototype.hide = function()