blob: 75d2b53948644bf906762923228bf34f7a27f832 [file] [log] [blame]
// I18N constants
// LANG: "de", ENCODING: UTF-8
// ============================================================================
// Please be sure you read the README_TRANSLATORS.TXT in the Xinha Root
// Directory. Unless you are making a new plugin or module it is unlikely
// that you want to be editing this file directly.
"Absbottom": "unten bündig",
"Absmiddle": "mittig",
"Alignment:": "Ausrichtung:",
"Alternate text:": "Alternativer Text:",
"Baseline": "Grundlinie",
"Border thickness:": "Randstärke:",
"Bottom": "unten",
"Cancel": "Abbrechen",
"Enter the image URL here": "Bitte geben sie hier die Bild URL ein",
"For browsers that don't support images": "für Browser, die keine Bilder unterstützen",
"Horizontal padding": "horizontaler Inhaltsabstand",
"Horizontal:": "horizontal:",
"Image Preview:": "Bild Voransicht:",
"Image URL:": "Bild URL:",
"Insert Image": "Bild einfügen",
"Layout": "Gestaltung",
"Leave empty for no border": "leer lassen für keinen Rand",
"Left": "links",
"Middle": "zentriert",
"Not set": "nicht eingestellt",
"OK": "OK",
"Positioning of this image": "Anordnung dieses Bildes",
"Preview": "Vorschau",
"Preview the image in a new window": "Voransicht des Bildes in einem neuen Fenster",
"Right": "rechts",
"Spacing": "Abstand",
"Texttop": "oben bündig",
"Top": "oben",
"Vertical padding": "vertikaler Inhaltsabstand",
"Vertical:": "vertikal:",
"You must enter the URL": "Bitte geben Sie die URL ein"