blob: ef0b2f55d5d10aaf39a73f7499a4b476dce90e30 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Xinha (is not htmlArea) -
-- Use of Xinha is granted by the terms of the htmlArea License (based on
-- BSD license) please read license.txt in this package for details.
-- Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Xinha Developer Team and contributors
-- Xinha was originally based on work by Mihai Bazon which is:
-- Copyright (c) 2003-2004
-- Copyright (c) 2002-2003, inc.
-- This copyright notice MUST stay intact for use.
-- This is the standard implementation of the Xinha.prototype._createLink method,
-- which provides the functionality to insert a hyperlink in the editor.
-- The file is loaded as a special plugin by the Xinha Core when no alternative method (plugin) is loaded.
-- $HeadURL: $
-- $LastChangedDate: 2018-02-19 20:35:49 +1300 (Mon, 19 Feb 2018) $
-- $LastChangedRevision: 1402 $
-- $LastChangedBy: gogo $
function CreateLink(editor) {
this.editor = editor;
var cfg = editor.config;
var self = this;
if(typeof editor._createLink == 'undefined') {
editor._createLink = function(target) {
if(!target) target = self._getSelectedAnchor();;
CreateLink._pluginInfo = {
name : "CreateLink",
origin : "Xinha Core",
version : "$LastChangedRevision: 1402 $".replace(/^[^:]*:\s*(.*)\s*\$$/, '$1'),
developer : "The Xinha Core Developer Team",
developer_url : "$HeadURL: $".replace(/^[^:]*:\s*(.*)\s*\$$/, '$1'),
sponsor : "",
sponsor_url : "",
license : "htmlArea"
CreateLink.prototype._lc = function(string) {
return Xinha._lc(string, 'CreateLink');
CreateLink.prototype.onGenerateOnce = function()
CreateLink.loadAssets = function()
var self = CreateLink;
if (self.loading) return;
self.loading = true;
Xinha._getback(_editor_url + 'modules/CreateLink/dialog.html', function(getback) { self.html = getback; self.dialogReady = true; });
Xinha._getback(_editor_url + 'modules/CreateLink/pluginMethods.js', function(getback) { eval(getback); self.methodsReady = true; });
CreateLink.prototype.onUpdateToolbar = function()
if (!(CreateLink.dialogReady && CreateLink.methodsReady))
this.editor._toolbarObjects.createlink.state("enabled", false);
else this.onUpdateToolbar = null;
CreateLink.prototype.prepareDialog = function()
var self = this;
var editor = this.editor;
var dialog = this.dialog = new Xinha.Dialog(editor, CreateLink.html, 'Xinha',{width:400})
// Connect the OK and Cancel buttons
dialog.getElementById('ok').onclick = function() {self.apply();}
dialog.getElementById('cancel').onclick = function() { self.dialog.hide()};
if (!editor.config.makeLinkShowsTarget)
dialog.getElementById("f_target_label").style.visibility = "hidden";
dialog.getElementById("f_target").style.visibility = "hidden";
dialog.getElementById("f_other_target").style.visibility = "hidden";
dialog.getElementById('f_target').onchange= function()
var f = dialog.getElementById("f_other_target");
if (this.value == "_other") { = "visible";;
} else = "hidden";
this.dialogReady = true;