blob: 840b4e79334b0aeca000dd11b865b8ac8929f03e [file] [log] [blame]
// I18N constants
// LANG: "lv", ENCODING: UTF-8
// Author: Mihai Bazon,
// Translated by: Janis Klavins, <>
"Bold": "Trekniem burtiem",
"Italic": "Kursîvâ",
"Underline": "Pasvîtrots",
"Strikethrough": "Pârsvîtrots",
"Subscript": "Novietot zem rindas",
"Superscript": "Novietot virs rindas",
"Justify Left": "Izlîdzinât pa kreisi",
"Justify Center": "Izlîdzinât centrâ",
"Justify Right": "Izlîdzinât pa labi",
"Justify Full": "Izlîdzinât pa visu lapu",
"Ordered List": "Numurçts saraksts",
"Bulleted List": "Saraksts",
"Decrease Indent": "Samazinât atkâpi",
"Increase Indent": "Palielinât atkâpi",
"Font Color": "Burtu krâsa",
"Background Color": "Fona krâsa",
"Horizontal Rule": "Horizontâla atdalîtâjsvîtra",
"Insert Web Link": "Ievietot hipersaiti",
"Insert/Modify Image": "Ievietot attçlu",
"Insert Table": "Ievietot tabulu",
"Toggle HTML Source": "Skatît HTML kodu",
"Enlarge Editor": "Palielinât Rediìçtâju",
"About this editor": "Par ðo rediìçtâju",
"Help using editor": "Rediìçtâja palîgs",
"Current style": "Patreizçjais stils",
"Undoes your last action": "Atcelt pçdçjo darbîbu",
"Redoes your last action": "Atkârtot pçdçjo darbîbu",
"Cut selection": "Izgriezt iezîmçto",
"Copy selection": "Kopçt iezîmçto",
"Paste from clipboard": "Ievietot iezîmçto",
"OK": "Labi",
"Cancel": "Atcelt",
"Path": "Ceïð",
"You are in TEXT MODE. Use the [<>] button to switch back to WYSIWYG.": "Jûs patlaban darbojaties TEKSTA REÞÎMÂ. Lai pârietu atpakaï uz GRAFISKO REÞÎMU (WYSIWIG), lietojiet [<>] pogu."