blob: a5114f8b9278db0ae06ddee34b05a206832af51a [file] [log] [blame]
Insert Smiley Plugin for Xinha
original author: Ki Master George (
rewritten: James Sleeman (
InsertSmiley._pluginInfo = {
name : "InsertSmiley",
version : "2.0",
developer : "V 1.0 Ki Master George, V2.0 James Sleeman",
developer_url : "",
c_owner : "Ki Master George, James Sleeman",
sponsor : "Gogo Internet Services",
sponsor_url : "",
license : "htmlArea"
/** To configure the InsertSmiley plugin.
* Set xinha_config.InsertSmiley.smileys to EITHER
* * A URL to a file called smileys.js, which follows the format
* you can view in smileys/smileys.js
* * A URL to a file called smileys.php (or whatever other language)
* which outputs a file in the same way as smileys/smileys.php
* * A javascript the same as you will find in smileys/smileys.js
* By defaut the static smileys/smileys.js file is used, you may
* wish to set this like so
* xinha_config.InsertSmiley.smileys = _editor_url+'/plugins/InsertSmiley/smileys/smileys.php';
* And then you can add new smileys just by dumping all the images into the
* /xinha/plugins/InsertSmiley/smileys/
* folder and they will automatically be made available.
Xinha.Config.prototype.InsertSmiley= {
smileys : ''
Xinha.loadStyle('dialog.css', 'InsertSmiley');
function InsertSmiley(editor) {
this.editor = editor;
this.smileys = false;
this.dialog = false;
var cfg = editor.config;
var self = this;
// register the toolbar buttons provided by this plugin
id : "insertsmiley",
tooltip : this._lc("Insert Smiley"),
image : editor.imgURL("ed_smiley.gif", "InsertSmiley"),
textMode : false,
action : function(editor) {
cfg.addToolbarElement("insertsmiley", "inserthorizontalrule", 1);
InsertSmiley.prototype.onGenerateOnce = function()
// Back compat for ray's smiley config in changeset:904 ( ticket:1093 )
var smileys = [ ];
var smileylist = Xinha._geturlcontent(Xinha.getPluginDir("InsertSmiley") + '/smileys.txt');
var smileyURL = this.editor.config.InsertSmiley.smileyURL;
smileylist = smileylist.match(/^.+$/mg);
for(var i = 0; i < smileylist.length; i++)
smileys[smileys.length] = { title: smileylist[i], src: smileyURL + encodeURIComponent(smileylist[i]) };
this.editor.config.InsertSmiley.smileys = smileys;
InsertSmiley.prototype._lc = function(string) {
return Xinha._lc(string, 'InsertSmiley');
/** Load the dialog and js files.
InsertSmiley.prototype.loadAssets = function()
var self = this;
if (self.loading) return;
if(typeof this.editor.config.InsertSmiley.smileys != 'string')
// Must be a smiley definition itself
this.smileys = this.editor.config.InsertSmiley.smileys;
this.smiley_base = _editor_url; // Doesn't make a lot of sense, we assume the smileys will have absolute paths anyway
var smileys_def =
? this.editor.config.InsertSmiley.smileys // URL to the smileys.js file, or somethign that creates it
: (Xinha.getPluginDir("InsertSmiley") + '/smileys/smileys.js'); // our own default one
function(sm) { self.smileys = eval(sm); self.smileys_base = smileys_def.replace(/\/[^\/]+(\?.*)?$/, '/'); }
Xinha._getback( Xinha.getPluginDir("InsertSmiley") + '/dialog.html', function(html) { self.makeDialog(html); } );
/** Make the dialog
* @note It is really important that this happens throuh the onGenerateOnce event
* (in this case it goes onGenerateOnce -> loadAssets -> makeDialog)
* because otherwise creating the dialog can fail in mysterious ways (silent
* javascript exceptions in Gecko etc).
InsertSmiley.prototype.makeDialog = function(html)
var self = this;
// We can not make the dialog until the smileys are loaded, so wait a bit.
window.setTimeout(function() { self.makeDialog(html); }, 1000);
var dialog = new Xinha.Dialog(this.editor, html, 'InsertSmiley', {width:155, height:100}, {modal:false});
var src;
var s;
var a;
for(var i = 0; i < this.smileys.length; i++)
src = this.smileys[i].src.match(/^(([a-zA-Z]+:\/\/)|\/)/) ?
this.smileys[i].src : this.smileys_base + this.smileys[i].src;
s = document.createElement('img');
s.src = src;
s.alt = dialog._lc(this.smileys[i].title); = 'none';
a = document.createElement('a');
a.href= 'javascript:void(0);';
a.smiley_src = src;
a.title = dialog._lc(this.smileys[i].title);
// This is where we insert the smiley into the HTML
Xinha.addDom0Event(a, 'click', function(ev) { self.editor.insertHTML('<img src="'+this.smiley_src+'" alt="'+this.title+'" />'); Xinha._stopEvent(window.event ? event : ev); return false; });
a = null; s = null; src = null;
this.dialog = dialog;
return true;
/** Show the dialog.
InsertSmiley.prototype.buttonPress = function(editor) {
// Should put something here!