Access control list


This document focuses on how to quickly deploy and use a RocketMQ cluster that supports the privilege control feature.

1. Access control features

Access Control (ACL) mainly provides Topic resource level user access control for RocketMQ.If you want to enable RocketMQ permission control, you can inject the AccessKey and SecretKey signatures through the RPCHook on the Client side.And then, the corresponding permission control attributes (including Topic access rights, IP whitelist and AccessKey and SecretKey signature) are set in the configuration file of distribution/conf/plain_acl.yml.The Broker side will check the permissions owned by the AccessKey, and if the verification fails, an exception is thrown; The source code about ACL on the Client side can be find in

2. Access control definition and attribute values

2.1 Access control definition

The definition of Topic resource access control for RocketMQ is mainly as shown in the following table.

DENYpermission deny
ANYPUB or SUB permission
PUBPublishing permission
SUBSubscription permission

2.2 Main properties

globalWhiteRemoteAddressesstringGlobal IP whitelist,example:
accessKeystringAccess Key
secretKeystringSecret Key
whiteRemoteAddressstringUser IP whitelist,example:
admintrue;falseWhether an administrator account
defaultTopicPermDENY;PUB;SUB;PUB|SUBDefault Topic permission
defaultGroupPermDENY;PUB;SUB;PUB|SUBDefault ConsumerGroup permission
topicPermstopic=permissionTopic only permission
groupPermsgroup=permissionConsumerGroup only permission

For details, please refer to the distribution/conf/plain_acl.yml configuration file.

3. Cluster deployment with permission control

After defining the permission attribute in the distribution/conf/plain_acl.yml configuration file as described above, open the aclEnable switch variable to enable the ACL feature of the RocketMQ cluster.The configuration file of the ACL feature enabled on the broker is as follows:

## if acl is open,the flag will be true

4. Main process of access control

The main ACL process is divided into two parts, including privilege resolution and privilege check.

4.1 Privilege resolution

The Broker side parses the client's RequestCommand request and obtains the attribute field that needs to be authenticated. main attributes:
(1) AccessKey:Similar to the user name, on behalf of the user entity, the permission data corresponds to it;
(2) Signature:The client obtains the string according to the signature of the SecretKey, and the server uses the SecretKey to perform signature verification.

4.2 Privilege check

The check logic of the right side of the broker is mainly divided into the following steps:
(1) Check if the global IP whitelist is hit; if yes, the check passes; otherwise, go to step (2);
(2) Check if the user IP whitelist is hit; if yes, the check passes; otherwise, go to step (3);
(3) Check the signature, if the verification fails, throw an exception; if the verification passes, go to step (4);
(4) Check the permissions required by the user request and the permissions owned by the user; if not, throw an exception;

The verification of the required permissions of the user requires attention to the following points:
(1) Special requests such as UPDATE_AND_CREATE_TOPIC can only be operated by the admin account;
(2) For a resource, if there is explicit configuration permission, the configured permission is used; if there is no explicit configuration permission, the default permission is adopted;

5. Hot loading modified Access control

The default implementation of RocketrMQ's permission control store is based on the yml configuration file. Users can dynamically modify the properties defined by the permission control without restarting the Broker service node.