3 Broker

3.1 Broker Role

Broker Role is ASYNC_MASTER, SYNC_MASTER or SLAVE. If you cannot tolerate message missing, we suggest you deploy SYNC_MASTER and attach a SLAVE to it. If you feel ok about missing, but you want the Broker to be always available, you may deploy ASYNC_MASTER with SLAVE. If you just want to make it easy, you may only need a ASYNC_MASTER without SLAVE.

3.2 FlushDiskType

ASYNC_FLUSH is recommended, for SYNC_FLUSH is expensive and will cause too much performance loss. If you want reliability, we recommend you use SYNC_MASTER with SLAVE.

3.3 Broker Configuration

Parameter nameDefaultDescription
listenPort10911listen port for client
namesrvAddrnullname server address
brokerIP1InetAddress for network interfaceShould be configured if having multiple addresses
brokerIP2InetAddress for network interfaceIf configured for the Master broker in the Master/Slave cluster, slave broker will connect to this port for data synchronization
brokerNamenullbroker name
brokerClusterNameDefaultClusterthis broker belongs to which cluster
brokerId0broker id, 0 means master, positive integers mean slave
storePathCommitLog$HOME/store/commitlog/file path for commit log
storePathConsumerQueue$HOME/store/consumequeue/file path for consume queue
mappedFileSizeCommitLog1024 * 1024 * 1024(1G)mapped file size for commit log
deleteWhen04When to delete the commitlog which is out of the reserve time
fileReserverdTime72The number of hours to keep a commitlog before deleting it
flushDiskTypeASYNC_FLUSH{SYNC_FLUSH/ASYNC_FLUSH}. Broker of SYNC_FLUSH mode flushes each message onto disk before acknowledging producer. Broker of ASYNC_FLUSH mode, on the other hand, takes advantage of group-committing, achieving better performance.