title: “Release Manual” permalink: /docs/release-manual excerpt: “Apache RocketMQ Release Manual” modified: 2017-02-7T15:01:43-04:00

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This is a guide to make a released version of Apache RocketMQ. Please follow the steps below:

1. Preliminaries

1.1 Apache Release Documentation

The release documentations provided by The ASF can be found here:

1.2 Code Signing Key

Create a code signing gpg key for release signing, use <your Apache ID>@apache.org as your primary ID for the code signing key. See Apache Release Signing documentation for more details.

  • Create new pgp key. Please refer to here on how to use gpg key.
  • Generate a new key via gpg --full-generate-key, and answer 4096 bits with no expiration time.
  • Upload your key to a public key server by gpg --keyserver keys.openpgp.org --send-key <your key id>. you can search your key after uploaded. (your key id's string length is 8).
  • Export your public key to a file by gpg --armor --export <your key id> >> gpgapachekey.txt.
  • Get the key signed by other committers(Optional).
  • Append the key to both RocketMQ dev KEYS file and release KEYS file using your preferred subversion clients.

Tips: If you have more than one key in your gpg, set the code signing key to ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf as default key is recommended.

1.3 Prepare Your Maven Settings

Make sure your Maven settings.xml file contains the following:

    <!-- To publish a snapshot of some part of Maven -->
    <!-- To stage a release of some part of Maven -->

Tips: It is highly recommended to use Maven's password encryption capabilities for your passwords.

1.4 Cleanup Issues

Cleanup JIRA issues or Github Issues related to this release version, and check all the issues has been marked with right version in the FixVersion field.

Also, remember to check the current version of MQVersion, which should be equal to this released version.

1.5 Publish the Release Notes

Generate the release notes via RocketMQ JIRA and publish it to the rocketmq-site, there is a release notes available for reference, include the link to the release notes in the voting emails.

2.Build the Source Release Candidate

In this process, you need to use maven release plugin to release the artifact to maven repository. And also, copy them to the svn repository.

2.1 Check the MQVersion

Remember to check the current version of MQVersion again, which should be equal to this released version like release-4.5.0. change it and push to branch develop if not right.

  public static final int CURRENT_VERSION = Version.V4_5_0.ordinal();

2.2 Release to the maven repository

Make sure that you are in the develop branch, and Github PRs related to this release version are merged. Perform the following to generate and stage the artifacts:

  1. mvn clean release:clean
  2. mvn release:prepare -Psigned_release -Darguments="-DskipTests", answer the correct release version(use the default, the version in pom, just enter), SCM release tag(use the default, the branch name, just enter), and the new development version(increase the version accordingly, following Semantics Versioning).
  3. mvn -Psigned_release release:perform -Darguments="-DskipTests", generate the artifacts and push them to the Nexus repo. If you would like to perform a dry run first (without pushing the artifacts to the repo), add the arg -DdryRun=true.

Now, the candidate release artifacts can be found in the Nexus staging repo and in the target folder of your local branch.

Tips: If you are performing a source-only release, please remove all artifacts from the staging repo besides the .zip file containing the source and the javadocs jar file. In the Nexus GUI, you can right click on each artifact to be deleted and then select Delete.

2.3 Checkout release branch, build rc files and self-verify them

  • build rc files Checkout a new branch from the target branch(master or develop) according to the release tag with its name equal to the release version, like release-4.5.0.
    build source and binary file by quick-start and sign&hash them, at last you would get files like:


  • sign files(generate asc file)
gpg -ab rocketmq-all-x1.x2.x3-bin-release.zip
gpg -ab rocketmq-all-x1.x2.x3-source-release.zip
  • generate hash(generate sha512 file)
gpg --print-md SHA512 rocketmq-all-x1.x2.x3-bin-release.zip > rocketmq-all-x1.x2.x3-bin-release.zip.sha512
gpg --print-md SHA512 rocketmq-all-x1.x2.x3-source-release.zip >  rocketmq-all-x1.x2.x3-source-release.zip.sha512
  • self-verify sign and hash
    goto 4, after self-verify, continue 2.4

Tips: Source file folder and binary folder names should start with rocketmq-all for be nice to RocketMQ Docker Build

2.4 Rollback and Retry (visit github using github token)

If the staging process encounter problem, you may need to rollback:

    1. Delete the tag created in 2.2
    • list all tags and find latest tag created by you
    git tag -ln
    • delete the tag locally
    git tag -d rocketmq-all-x1.x2.x3
    • push update to github
    git push origin :refs/tags/rocketmq-all-x1.x2.x3
    1. Delete 2 commits in branch develop created in 2.2
    • list all git logs
    git log
    • find the last two commits, commit messages of which match the following pattern:

    des1: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release rocketmq-all-4.9.2]
    des2: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration]

    • delete the 2 commits. (143a34185b84aed5bc1224b353af340aa1e3df0fg would be kept)
    git reset --hard 143a34185b84aed5bc1224b353af340aa1e3df0fg
    git push origin HEAD --force
    1. drop staged-repos created by you in maven repo repo url : https://repository.apache.org/#stagingRepositories
    1. redo from 2.1

3.Build the Binary Release Candidate

Checkout the code to be released(must be the same as the source branch), and build the binary artifact. Be aware of the os version, for some dependency is os sensitive, such as netty tc-native.

  • Make sure that your are in the candidate release branch.
  • Make sure that all the unit tests can pass via mvn clean install.
  • Make sure that all the integration tests can pass via mvn clean install -Pit-test.

After the successful building, remember to sign the artifact(PGP and SHA512 signatures are required), and copy them to the svn repository, you could refer to svn repository .

4. Validate the Release Candidate

4.1 check list for binary release:

  • check the os on which to build the artifact, for the netty tc-native is os sensitive
  • check LICENSE, should be Apache V2
  • check NOTICE, should have a notice for third-party dependency if necessary
  • extract the zip and check if the binary version is correct
  • verify the asc(PGP sign), SHA512
  • start name-server and broker according to the quick-start
  • run clusterList command to see if the version is correct
  • make sure there is no nohup.out and other irrelevant files in the binary artifact

4.2 check list for source release:

  • check LICENSE, should be Apache V2
  • check NOTICE, should have a notice for third-party dependency if necessary
  • extract the zip and check if the source version is correct
  • verify the asc(PGP sign),SHA512
  • build the source, start name-server and broker according to the quick-start
  • run clusterList command to see if the version is correct

4.3 verify tools

Please follow the steps below to verify the checksums and PGP signatures:

  1. Download the release artifacts, PGP signature file, SHA512 hash files.
  2. On unix platforms the following command can be executed:
for file in `find . -type f -iname '*.asc'`
    gpg --verify ${file} 


gpg --verify rocketmq-all-%version-number%-source-release.zip.asc rocketmq-all-%version-number%-bin-release.zip

Check the output to ensure it only contains good signatures:

gpg: Good signature from ... gpg: Signature made ...
  1. Compare SHA512 hash generated by the below command with the downloaded hash files.
gpg --print-md SHA512 rocketmq-all-%version-number%-source-release.zip 
gpg --print-md SHA512 rocketmq-all-%version-number%-bin-release.zip 

5. Release the Staging Artifacts

If the release candidate passes the validation checklist, close the staging repository in Nexus by selecting the staging repository orgapacherocketmq-XXX and clicking on the Close icon.

Nexus will now run through a series of checksum and signature validations.

If the checks are passed, Nexus will close the repository and produce a URL to the closed staging repo (which contains the candidate artifacts). Include this URL in the voting email so that folks can find the staged candidate release artifacts.

If the checks aren't passed, fix the issues then go back and restart the release process.

If everything is ok, use svn to copy the candidate release artifacts to RocketMQ repo: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/rocketmq/${release-version}.

6. Vote on the Release

Release voting must successfully pass within the Apache RocketMQ community via the dev@rocketmq.apache.org mailing list.

General information regarding the Apache voting process can be found here.

6.1 Apache RocketMQ Community Vote

To vote on a candidate release, send an email to the dev list with subject [VOTE]: Release Apache RocketMQ <release-version> RC<RC Number> and body:

Hello RocketMQ Community,

This is the vote for <release version> of Apache RocketMQ.
${A brief introduction to RocketMQ and the features of this release.}

The artifacts:
https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/rocketmq/${release version}

The staging repo:

Git tag for the release:
<link to the tag of GitHub repo>

Hash for the release tag:
<Hash value of the release tag>

Release Notes:
<insert link to the rocketmq release notes>

The artifacts have been signed with Key : <ID of signing key>, which can be found in the keys file:

The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until necessary number of votes are reached.

Please vote accordingly:

[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove with the reason

The Apache RocketMQ Team

Tips: Hash for the release tag: you could use commit id which comment like [maven-release-plugin] prepare release rocketmq-all-x.x.x

Once 72 hours has passed (which is generally preferred) and/or at least three +1 (binding) votes have been cast with no -1 (binding) votes, send an email closing the vote and congratulate the release candidate. Please use the subject: [RESULT][VOTE]: Release Apache RocketMQ <release-version> RC<RC Number> :

Hello RocketMQ Community,

The Apache RocketMQ vote is now closed and has passed with [number] binding +1s, [number] non-binding +1s and no 0 or -1:

Binding votes +1s:
User Name (Apache ID)
User Name (Apache ID)
User Name (Apache ID)

Non-binding votes +1s:
User Name (Apache ID)

The release will be published soon.

The Apache RocketMQ Team

If we do not pass the VOTE, fix the related issues, go back, restart the release process and increase RC number. When we call a new vote, we must use the updated mail subject: [RESTART][VOTE][#<Attempt Number>]: Release Apache RocketMQ <release-version> RC<RC Number>

Tips: Binding votes is vote with Apache ID, Non-binding votes is vote without Apache ID.

7. Publish the Release

Once the Apache RocketMQ PPMC votes pass, publish the release artifacts to the Nexus Maven repository and to the Apache release repository.

  1. Publish the Maven Artifacts, release the Maven artifacts in Nexus by selecting the staging repository orgapacherocketmq-XXX and clicking on the Release icon.
  2. Publish the Artifacts to the Apache Release Repository, use svn copy candidate release artifacts to https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/rocketmq/${release-version}.
  3. Merge branch develop to branch master on https://github.com/apache/rocketmq.
  4. Publish release package on github on https://github.com/apache/rocketmq/releases.
  5. Make a new branch named like release-x.x.x.
  6. Update release notes.

8. Announce the Release

Send an email to announce@apache.org, users@rocketmq.apache.org, private@rocketmq.apache.org, and dev@rocketmq.apache.org with the subject [ANNOUNCE] Release Apache RocketMQ <release-version> and a body along the lines of:

Hi all,

The Apache RocketMQ team would like to announce the release of Apache RocketMQ <release version>.

${A brief introduction to RocketMQ and the features of this release.}

More details regarding Apache RocketMQ can be found at:

The release artifacts can be downloaded here:

The release notes can be found here:
<insert link to the rocketmq release notes>

The Apache RocketMQ Team