layout: splash permalink: / header: overlay_color: “#5e616c” overlay_image: /assets/images/bright/rmq-home-page.png cta_label: “ Getting Started” cta_url: “/docs/quick-start/” caption: excerpt: ‘Apache RocketMQ™ is a unified messaging engine, lightweight data processing platform.
Latest release v4.9.0

{::nomarkdown} {:/nomarkdown}’ feature_row:

  • image_path: /assets/images/bright/rmq-feature-lowlatency.png alt: “Low Latency” title: “Low Latency” excerpt: “More than 99.6% response latency within 1 millisecond under high pressure.”
  • image_path: /assets/images/bright/rmq-feature-finance.png alt: “Finance Oriented” title: “Finance Oriented” excerpt: “High availability with tracking and auditing features.”
  • image_path: /assets/images/bright/rmq-feature-industry.png alt: “Industry Sustainable” title: “Industry Sustainable” excerpt: “Trillion-level message capacity guaranteed.”


  • image_path: /assets/images/bright/rmq-feature-neutral.png alt: “Vendor Neutral” title: “Vendor Neutral” excerpt: “A new open distributed messaging and streaming standard since latest 4.1 version.”
  • image_path: /assets/images/bright/rmq-feature-bigdata.png alt: “BigData Friendly” title: “BigData Friendly” excerpt: “Batch transferring with versatile integration for flooding throughput.”
  • image_path: /assets/images/bright/rmq-feature-massiveaccumulation.png alt: “Massive Accumulation” title: “Massive Accumulation” excerpt: “Given sufficient disk space, accumulate messages without performance loss.”

{% include feature_row %}

{% include feature_row id=“feature_row1” %}