layout: splash permalink: /community/ title: “Apache RocketMQ” header: overlay_color: “#5e616c” overlay_image: /assets/images/bright/rmq-home-page.png cta_label: “ Getting Started” cta_url: “/docs/quick-start/” caption: excerpt: ‘Apache RocketMQ™ is a unified messaging engine, lightweight data processing platform.
Latest release v4.6.0

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{% include feature_row id=“intro” type=“center” %}

RIP(RocketMQ Improvement Proposals)

In the past, we hoped to add a new feature to RocketMQ by propose a issue on Github. It's a nice way for a request but not very formal and easy to trace and manage. So We introduce the RIP(RocketMQ Improvement Proposal) mechanism to replace the current Feature Request Process.
RIPs should be used for significant user-facing or cross-cutting changes, not small incremental improvements. When in doubt, if a committer thinks a change needs an RIP, it does.

How to contribute

It is easy to start a RIP from sending proposals to mailing lists. And the whole procedure of a RIP may follow below:
How Rip Work

You can find detailed information about RIP in RocketMQ Improvement Proposal, and all the RIPs have migrated to the RockeMQ Wiki now.


Apache RocketMQ Ecosystem