title: “Four Methods to Feed Name Server Address List” categories:

  • RocketMQ tags:
  • RocketMQ
  • Name Server

In Apache RocketMQ, name servers are designed to coordinate each component of the distributed system and fulfill much of this responsibility through managing topic route information.

The management, roughly speaking, consists two parts:

  • Brokers periodically renew meta data, including topics they have, which are kept in every name servers.
  • Name servers are serving clients, including producers, consumers and command line clients with the latest routing information.

Therefore, before launching brokers and clients, we need to tell them how to reach name servers by feeding them with a name server address list. In Apache RocketMQ, this can be done in four ways.

  1. Programmatic Way

    For broker, we may specify namesrvAddr=name-server-ip1:port;name-server-ip2:port in broker configuration file.

    For producers and consumers, we may feed name server address list to them as follows:

    DefaultMQProducer producer = new DefaultMQProducer("please_rename_unique_group_name"); producer.setNamesrvAddr("name-server1-ip:port;name-server2-ip:port");

    DefaultMQPushConsumer consumer = new DefaultMQPushConsumer("please_rename_unique_group_name"); consumer.setNamesrvAddr("name-server1-ip:port;name-server2-ip:port");

    If you use admin command line from shell, you may specify this way: sh mqadmin command-name -n name-server-ip1:port;name-server-ip2:port -X OTHER-OPTION

    a simple example is: sh mqadmin -n localhost:9876 clusterList assuming to query cluster info on the name server node.

    If integrating admin tool into your own dashboard, you may DefaultMQAdminExt defaultMQAdminExt = new DefaultMQAdminExt("please_rename_unique_group_name"); defaultMQAdminExt.setNamesrvAddr("name-server1-ip:port;name-server2-ip:port");

  2. Java Options

    Name server address list may also be fed to your application through specifying the sequel java option rocketmq.namesrv.addr before launching.

  3. Environment Variable

    You can export NAMESRV_ADDR environment variable. Brokers and clients will examine and use its value if set.

  4. HTTP Endpoint

    If you do not specify name server address list using previously mentioned methods, Apache RocketMQ will access the following HTTP end point to acquire and update name server address list every two minutes with initial delay of ten seconds.

    On default, the end point is:


    You may override jmenv.tbsite.net by this java option: rocketmq.namesrv.domain, You may also override nsaddr part by this java option: rocketmq.namesrv.domain.subgroup

    If you are running Apache RocketMQ in production, this method is recommended because it gives you maximum flexibility -- you can dynamically add or remove name server nodes without necessity of rebooting your brokers and clients according to your name servers' system load.

  • Priority

    Methods introduced first take precedence over the latter, namely,
    Programmatic Way > Java Options > Environment Variable > HTTP Endpoint