The correct posture of submitting a PR

Prepare the repo

  • fork the apache repo on Github Click the “fork” button, a forked repo will be added to your repo list.
  • clone the forked repo, here take “foo” as example

git clone

  • add apache remote repo

git remote add apache

  • show the remote repos

git remote -v
apache (fetch)
apache (push)
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

Note: is a read-only repo, mirrored from git:// For submitting PR, fork this read-only repo on Github is OK.

Use a new branch to write your own code and commit

you'd better use a new branch for each PR, for it is convenient to manage your code and commits

git checkout -b new_pr
//do something and commit

[Important] Rebase instead of merge

git fetch apache
git rebase apache/develop

Note: if using merge, it will dirty the commits

the difference between rebase and merge can refer to:

[Suggested]Squash the commits

you can code and commit as usual. But when you think it is time to submit a PR, it is better to squash your commits into single one, for that others can easily identify your PR from the history commits. you can squash as follows:

gt reset <the latest commit that dose not belong to you PR>
git add --all
git commit -m “attach the issue or jira”
git push (if the commits have been already pushed to your remote repo, git push will fail , use git push -f instead)

For example:

git log

git resset b4108d2d9d3b1522e45ac5e7ea37106f2135bfa0
git commit -m ‘Add batch feature’
git log

git push

Attach jira or issue

For now, we have finished the preparations of a PR. It is time to create it. For apache projects, we could attach the jira issue using specific title like “[XXX] add something”, such as “[ROCKETMQ-80] Add batch feature”, the “XXX” represents the the name of the jira issue. you could refer to: