layout: about_single title: “CONTACT” permalink: /about/contact/ excerpt: “Contact.” modified: 2016-12-28T19:55:43-04:00

Mailing Lists

These are the mailing lists that have been established for RocketMQ. For each list, there is a subscribe, unsubscribe, and an archive link.

UsersUser support and questions mailing listSubscribeUnsubscribeMail Archives
IssuesMirror of all Github issue activitySubscribeUnsubscribeMail Archives
DevelopmentDevelopment related discussionsSubscribeUnsubscribeMail Archives
CommitsAll commits to repositoriesSubscribeUnsubscribeMail Archives

Security Issues Tracking

Apache RocketMQ specifically offers security features and is responsive to issues around its features. If you have any concern around RocketMQ Security or believe you have uncovered a vulnerability, please report it via the e-mail address In the message, try to provide a description of the issue and ideally a way of reproducing it.

Dealing with fixed issues or general questions on how to use the security features should be handled regularly via the users and the dev lists.

The ASF Security team maintains a page with a description of how vulnerabilities are handled, check their web page for more information.

Issue Tracking

Apache RocketMQ project uses Github for issue tracking.

Issues, bugs, and feature requests should be submitted to the issue tracking system for this project.

RocketMQ on Stack Overflow

We hold tagged questions on where you can launch an interactive discussion.