Move new PMC member and add new new contributor
2 files changed
tree: 45b7f9ac704d5ec49cd5ffc62e81f54a4572bdc4
  1. .github/
  2. .utility/
  3. _about/
  4. _data/
  5. _docs/
  6. _includes/
  7. _layouts/
  8. _pages/
  9. _posts/
  10. _sass/
  11. assets/
  12. .gitignore
  13. .htaccess
  14. .travis.yml
  15. _config.yml
  16. apache-rocketmq-jekyll.gemspec
  17. favicon.ico
  18. Gemfile
  20. LICENSE.txt
  21. NOTICE
  22. package.json
  23. Rakefile

Apache RocketMQ website

This is the website for Apache RocketMQ.


This website is based on Jekyll and a Jekyll theme named Minimal Mistakes.


  1. Ruby
  2. Gem

Install & Run

  1. gem install jekyll bundler
  2. git clone this repo
  3. cd rocketmq-sites
  4. bundle install
  5. bundle exec jekyll serve

Deploy to asf-site

  1. Checkout branch asf-site and merge the changes:git merge origin/master
  2. Generate the site to content directory: bundle exec jekyll build
  3. Check the changes and commit.
  4. Push asf-site to remote branch.


How to post articles to Documentation?

New a .md file in rocketmq-sites/_docs/, Jekyll will finish the rest of the work.

Please refer to for more details.

How to post articles to Blog?

New a .md file in rocketmq-sites/_posts/, Jekyll will finish the rest of the work.

Please refer to for more details.

How to modify the navigation?

Please refer to _data/navigation.yml for more details.