title: “Documentation” permalink: /docs/documentation/ excerpt: “Apache RocketMQ Documentation” modified: 2017-03-01T15:01:43-04:00

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Quality documentation is critically important to develop and maintain a project. The better the documentation is, the easier it will be for other participants to understand and respond properly.

API Documentation

The API is documented through javadoc comments.

All classes, interfaces, methods and field variables should be documented. Public methods, in particular, should be commented fully -- method purpose, return value, parameters and exceptions.

Below is an example:

 * Send message in synchronous mode. This method returns only when the sending procedure totally completes.
 * </p>
 * <strong>Warn:</strong> this method has internal retry-mechanism, that is, internal implementation will retry
 * {@link #retryTimesWhenSendFailed} times before claiming failure. As a result, multiple messages may potentially
 * delivered to broker(s). It's up to the application developers to resolve potential duplication issue.
 * @param msg Message to send.
 * @return {@link SendResult} instance to inform senders details of the deliverable, say Message ID of the message,
 * {@link SendStatus} indicating broker storage/replication status, message queue sent to, etc.
 * @throws MQClientException if there is any client error.
 * @throws RemotingException if there is any network-tier error.
 * @throws MQBrokerException if there is any error with broker.
 * @throws InterruptedException if the sending thread is interrupted.
public SendResult send(Message msg) throws MQClientException, RemotingException, MQBrokerException, InterruptedException {
    return this.defaultMQProducerImpl.send(msg);

Documentation Content

Every class and interface should have summary documentation, explaining its general function and purpose. Additionally, thread safety information should be included. If you are working on a class which represents a core concept, adding sample usage is always a good practice.

When writing API documentation, please keep a professional tune: write in active voice, be as descriptive as possible. Keep in mind that the audience may be a developer who would use RocketMQ for the first time, or a contributor who just gets involved with the codebase. Either of them is not as familiar with Apache RocketMQ as you are.