blob: 495c1a7ec9a4cb1099e93b00b213218f3581a3e0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package model
const (
// send message
SendMsg = 10
// subscribe message
PullMsg = 11
// query message
QueryMessage = 12
// queryOffset
QueryBrokerOffset = 13
// query Consumer Offset
QueryConsumerOffset = 14
// update Consumer Offset
UpdateConsumerOffset = 15
// update or increase a topic
UpdateAndCreateTopic = 17
// get all config of topic (Slave and Namesrv query the config to master)
GetAllTopicConfig = 21
// get all config (Slave and Namesrv query the config to master)
GetTopicConfigList = 22
// get all name list of topic
GetTopicNameList = 23
// update config
UpdateBrokerConfig = 25
// get config
GetBrokerConfig = 26
// trigger delete files
TriggerDeleteFILES = 27
// get runtime information
GetBrokerRuntimeInfo = 28
// search offset by timestamp
SearchOffsetByTimeStamp = 29
// query max offset of queue
GetMaxOffset = 30
// query min offset of queue
GetMinOffset = 31
// query earliest message store time
GetEarliestMsgStoreTime = 32
// query message by id
ViewMsgById = 33
// client send heartbeat to broker, and register self
HeartBeat = 34
// unregister client
UnregisterClient = 35
// consumer send message back to broker when can't process message
ConsumerSendMsgBack = 36
// Commit or Rollback transaction
EndTransaction = 37
// get ConsumerId list by GroupName
GetConsumerListByGroup = 38
// ckeck transaction state from producer
CheckTransactionState = 39
// broker notify consumer ids changed
NotifyConsumerIdsChanged = 40
// Consumer lock queue to master
LockBatchMq = 41
// Consumer unlock queue to master
UNLockBatchMq = 42
// get all consumer offset
GetAllConsumerOffset = 43
// get all delay offset
GetAllDelayOffset = 45
// put kv config to Namesrv
PutKVConfig = 100
// get kv config to Namesrv
GetKVConfig = 101
// delete kv config to Namesrv
DeleteKVConfig = 102
// register a broker to Namesrv. As data is persistent,
// the broker will overwrite if old config existed.
RegisterBroker = 103
// register a broker
UnregisterBroker = 104
// get broker name, queue numbers by topic.
GetRouteinfoByTopic = 105
// get all registered broker to namesrv info
GetBrokerClusterInfo = 106
UpdateAndCreateSubscriptionGroup = 200
GetAllSubscriptionGroupConfig = 201
GetTopicStatsInfo = 202
GetConsumerConnList = 203
GetProducerConnList = 204
WipeWritePermOfBroker = 205
// get all topic list from namesrv
GetAllTopicListFromNamesrv = 206
// delete subscription group from broker
DeleteSubscriptionGroup = 207
// get consume stats from broker
GetConsumeStats = 208
// Suspend Consumer
SuspendConsumer = 209
// Resume Consumer
ResumeConsumer = 210
// reset Consumer Offset
ResetConsumerOffsetInConsumer = 211
// reset Consumer Offset
ResetConsumerOffsetInBroker = 212
// query which consumer groups consume the msg
WhoConsumeMessage = 214
// namesrv delete topic config from broker
DeleteTopicInBroker = 215
// namesrv delete topic config from namesrv
DeleteTopicInNamesrv = 216
// namesrv get server ip info by project
GetKvConfigByValue = 217
// Namesrv delete all server ip by project group
DeleteKvConfigByValue = 218
// get all KV list by namespace
GetKvlistByNamespace = 219
// reset offset
ResetConsumerClientOffset = 220
// get consumer status from client
GetConsumerStatusFromClient = 221
// invoke broker to reset offset
InvokeBrokerToResetOffset = 222
// invoke broker to get consumer status
InvokeBrokerToGetConsumerStatus = 223
// query which consumer consume msg
QueryTopicConsumeByWho = 300
// get topics by cluster
GetTopicsByCluster = 224
// register filter server to broker
RegisterFilterServer = 301
// register class to filter server
RegisterMsgFilterClass = 302
// get time span by topic and group
QueryConsumeTimeSpan = 303
// get all system topics from namesrv
GetSysTopicListFromNS = 304
// get all system topics from broker
GetSysTopicListFromBroker = 305
// clean expired consume queue
CleanExpiredConsumequeue = 306
// query consumer memory data by broker
GetConsumerRunningInfo = 307
// TODO: query correction offset(transfer component?)
QueryCorrectionOffset = 308
// Send msg to one consumer by broker, The msg will immediately consume,
// and return result to broker, broker return result to caller
ConsumeMsgDirectly = 309
// send msg with optimized network datagram
SendMsgV2 = 310
// get unit topic list
GetUnitTopicList = 311
GetHasUnitSubTopicList = 312
GetHasUnitSubUnunitTopicList = 313
CloneGroupOffset = 314
// query all status that broker count
ViewBrokerStatsData = 315