tree: 7c8c8af0827012308364ea404320702397477348 [path history] [tgz]
  1. gradle/
  2. src/
  3. .gitignore
  4. build.gradle
  5. gradlew
  6. gradlew.bat

Logstash RocketMQ Input Plugin

This is a plugin for Logstash. It helps you send events to Apache RocketMQ in Logstash.

It is fully free and fully open source. The license is Apache 2.0, meaning you are free to use it however you want.

How to Use

1. Build the Plugin

1.1 Prerequisite

  • Generate the logstash-core jar file

    Because the plugin API is currently part of the Logstash codebase and not published to maven central repository, you must have a local copy of that available. You can obtain a copy of the Logstash codebase with the following git command:

git clone --branch <branch_name> --single-branch <target_folder>

The branch_name should correspond to the version of Logstash containing the preferred revision of the Java plugin API.

  • Generate the logstash-core jar file

After you have obtained a copy of the appropriate revision of the Logstash codebase, you need to compile it to generate the .jar file containing the Java plugin API. From the root directory of your Logstash codebase ($LS_HOME), you can compile it with ./gradlew assemble (or gradlew.bat assemble if you’re running on Windows). This should produce the $LS_HOME/logstash-core/build/libs/logstash-core-x.y.z.jar where x, y, and z refer to the version of Logstash.

After you have successfully compiled Logstash, you need to tell your Java plugin where to find the logstash-core-x.y.z.jar file. Create a new file named in the root folder of your plugin project. That file should have a single line:


where target_folder is the root folder of your local copy of the Logstash codebase.

1.2 Package logstash-rocketmq-input plugin

First clone this plugin codebase to your local repository. Then run the Gradle packaging task with the following command:

./gradlew gem

For Windows platforms: Substitute gradlew.bat for ./gradlew as appropriate in the command.

That task will produce a gem file in the root directory of your plugin’s codebase with the name logstash-input-rocketmq-<version>.gem.

2. Running the Plugin in Logstash

2.1 Installing the Java plugin in Logstash

After you have packaged your Java plugin as a Ruby gem in 1.2, you can install it in Logstash with this command:

bin/logstash-plugin install --no-verify --local /path/to/logstash-input-rocketmq-<version>.gem

For Windows platforms: Substitute backslashes for forward slashes as appropriate in the command.

2.2 Running Logstash with RocketMQ input plugin

The following is a minimal Logstash configuration that can be used to test that the RocketMQ input plugin is correctly installed and functioning.

input {
  rocketmq {
  namesrv_addr => "localhost:9876"
  topic => "topic-test"
  group => "GID_input"

output {
  stdout { }

As you can see above, the only required configuration options are namesrv_addr, topic, and group, which denotes the name server address of Apache RocketMQ and the topic where you want to publish the event, respectively. For more details, please reference the next section.

Copy the above Logstash configuration to a file such as rocketmq_input.conf. Logstash should then be started with:

bin/logstash -f /path/to/rocketmq_input.conf

Configuration Options

SettingInput typeRequiredDefaultDescription
namesrv_addrstringYesThe address of name server
topicstringYesThe topic to consume messages from
groupstringYesThe subscription group
sub_expressionstringNo“*”Sub-expression for consuming
consumer_threadsnumberNomax(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() / 2, 1)The number of consume threads
consume_from_wherestring, one of CONSUME_FROM_LAST_OFFSET, CONSUME_FROM_FIRST_OFFSET, CONSUME_FROM_TIMESTAMPNoCONSUME_FROM_LAST_OFFSETWhere to consume message for the first time
consume_timestampstringNo""Timestamp of the beginning message to be consumed. Only valid when consume_from_where is set to CONSUME_FROM_TIMESTAMP
message_modelcodec, one of CLUSTERING, BROADCASTINGNoCLUSTERINGThe message consume model
codeccodec, one of plain, jsonNoplainThe codec used for input message body. You can reference logstash codec plugins for more details.


This plugin has been tested on Logstash 8.0 with OpenJDK 8 and 11.


All contributions are welcome: ideas, patches, documentation, bug reports, complaints, and even something you drew up on a napkin.

Programming is not a required skill. Whatever you've seen about open source and maintainers or community members saying “send patches or die” - you will not see that here.

It is more important to the community that you are able to contribute.


Apache License, Version 2.0 Copyright (C) Apache Software Foundation