RocketMQ-HBase Source


This project replicates RocketMQ topics to HBase tables.


  • HBase 1.2+
  • JDK 1.8+
  • RocketMQ 4.0.0+


  • Each specified RocketMQ topic is mapped to a HBase table with the same name
  • The HBase tables already exist


Have the below properties set in rocketmq_hbase.conf

topicsfalseA comma separated list of RocketMQ topics to replicate to HBase (e.g., topic1,topic2,topic3)
nameservertruelocalhost:9876RocketMQ name server address
consumerGrouptrueHBASE_CONSUMER_GROUPThe consumer group name
messageModeltrueBROADCASTINGRocketMQ message model, ‘BROADCASTING’ or ‘CLUSTERING’
zookeeperAddresstruelocalhostA comma separated list of the IP addresses of all ZooKeeper servers in the cluster
zookeeperPorttrue2181The port at which the clients will connect
batchSizetrue32The maximum number of messages to be consumed in batch from RocketMQ
pullIntervaltrue1000Time in milliseconds to wait between consecutive pulls