| ## Apache RocketMQ EventBridge |
| |
| RocketMQ EventBridge is a subproject of rocketmq to make it easier to build event-driven applications. In addition, |
| rocketmq-eventbridge can route events between many services and applications based on the standard CloudEvents 1.0 |
| specification. Users can use rocketmq-eventbridge to build loosely coupled and distributed event-driven architectures. |
| |
| ## Architecture |
| |
| Events are sent to the event bus in two ways: 1) Push events through the SDK or Webhook actively; 2) Pulled events by |
| eventbridge passively. Events obtained in both ways will be stored on the event bus. EventBus is the core concept in |
| EventBridge, which allows you to subscribe to the events, filter the events, and push to the specified target by |
| creating the event rule. The event on the event bus is stored by rocketmq. Through rocketmq-connect, we can pull the |
| event from the register source to the event bus, or push the events from the event bus to the registered target. |
| |
| <img width="919" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8605835/192938456-bc158f1c-ca4a-458c-9044-7c98cf048a5d.png"> |
| |
| The code architecture of EventBridge include 4 core modules: |
| |
| - `adapter` Adapt to different operating environments |
| - `persistence` Implement the repository API in the domain layer and persist the model data. |
| - `api` The open API provided by EventBridge. |
| - `rpc` Implement the rpc API in the domain layer to adapter the run environment. |
| - `common` The common code of all modules. |
| - `domain` The core code of EventBridge. |
| - model:The core properties and behaviors of model on EventBridge. |
| - service: The domain services which across multiple domains. |
| - `start` |
| |
| ## Quick Start |
| |
| RocketMQ EventBridge rely on a message service to store the event, and needs one connect service to collect or forward |
| events.Here, we choose the Apache RocketMQ as our message service, and choose the Apache RocketMQ Connect as our connect |
| service.Of course, you can also choose other alternative services. Eventbridge do not limit it. You only need to provide |
| the relevant adapter API implementation. |
| |
| #### Apache RocketMQ |
| |
| Apache RocketMQ is a great messaging service,and we choose it as our message service.You can deploy the apache rocketmq |
| according to the manual: [RocketMQ Quick Start](https://rocketmq.apache.org/docs/quick-start/) |
| |
| #### Apache RocketMQ Connect |
| |
| Apache RocketMQ Connect can connect the external upstream and downstream services,and You can deploy it according to the |
| manual: [RocketMQ Connect Quick Start](https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-connect) |
| . Before deploy the Apache RocketMQ Connect, you should download the plugins below and put it to the "pluginpath" which |
| defined on rocketmq-connect. |
| |
| * [rocketmq-connect-eventbridge.jar](https://cn-hangzhou-eventbridge.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/rocketmq-connect-eventbridge-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar) |
| * [eventbridge-connect-file.jar](https://cn-hangzhou-eventbridge.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/eventbridge-connect-file-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar) |
| * [connect-cloudevent-transform.jar](https://cn-hangzhou-eventbridge.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/connect-cloudevent-transform-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar) |
| * [connect-filter-transform.jar](https://cn-hangzhou-eventbridge.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/connect-filter-transform-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar) |
| * [connect-eventbridge-transform.jar](https://cn-hangzhou-eventbridge.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/connect-eventbridge-transform-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar) |
| |
| #### Apache RocketMQ EventBridge |
| |
| Before run the project,configure the following properties which : |
| |
| ``` |
| # The config of mysql databse. |
| spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://xxxx:3306/xxxx?characterEncoding=utf8 |
| spring.datasource.username=xxx |
| spring.datasource.password=xxxx |
| |
| # The endpoint of rocketmq nameserver. |
| rocketmq.namesrvAddr=xxxxx:9876 |
| |
| # The cluster name of rocketmq. |
| rocketmq.cluster.name=DefaultCluster |
| runtime.pluginpath=xxxx |
| |
| ``` |
| Config the runtime.pluginpath to set the directory of plugin. |
| |
| ## Demo |
| |
| #### |
| |
| * Put Events to EventBus |
| The system creates a demo bus by default, and you can send events directly to the bus. |
| ```text |
| curl -X POST \ |
| -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \ |
| -H "ce-specversion:1.0" \ |
| -H "ce-type:com.github.pull_request.opened" \ |
| -H "ce-source:https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/pull" \ |
| -H "ce-subject:demo" \ |
| -H "ce-id:1234-1234-1234" \ |
| -H "ce-datacontenttype:application/json" \ |
| -H "ce-time:2018-04-05T17:31:00Z" \ |
| -H "ce-eventbusname:demo-bus" \ |
| -d 'A test recrod.' |
| ``` |
| |
| * Check if the local file received a write event |
| |
| In addition, by default, the system will create a demo rule for you to subscribe and push to the file. You can check whether there are events received in the directory:~/demo |
|  |
| |
| Why does the file output the data attribute of CloudEvent instead of other attributes?This is because the configuration in the demo rule is to output "$.data" in CloudEvent to the file line. |
| You can refer to this [document](docs/CreateFileTarget.md) to configure and modify event targets. |