blob: 5763eb424953a464c17e689b8c2b976def377d42 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is auto-generated, don't edit it. Thanks.
namespace RocketMQ\Eventbridge\SDK\Models\GetConnectionResponseBody\connections\authParameters\oauthParameters;
use AlibabaCloud\Tea\Model;
class clientParameters extends Model {
protected $_name = [
'clientID' => 'clientID',
'clientSecret' => 'clientSecret',
public function validate() {}
public function toMap() {
$res = [];
if (null !== $this->clientID) {
$res['clientID'] = $this->clientID;
if (null !== $this->clientSecret) {
$res['clientSecret'] = $this->clientSecret;
return $res;
* @param array $map
* @return clientParameters
public static function fromMap($map = []) {
$model = new self();
$model->clientID = $map['clientID'];
$model->clientSecret = $map['clientSecret'];
return $model;
* @description The client ID.
* @example ClientID
* @var string
public $clientID;
* @description The client key secret of the application.
* @example ClientSecret
* @var string
public $clientSecret;