ActiveConnector fully-qualified name


parameter configuration
rabbtimq.urlThe URL of the RabbtiMQ brokeryesnull
rabbtimq.usernameThe username to use when connecting to RabbtiMQyesnull
rabbtimq.passwordThe password to use when connecting to RabbtiMQyesnull
jms.destination.nameThe name of the JMS destination (queue or topic) to read fromyesnull
jms.destination.typeThe type of JMS destination, which is either queue or topicyesnull
jms.message.selectorThe message selector that should be applied to messages in the destinationnonull
jms.session.acknowledge.modeThe acknowledgement mode for the JMS SessionnullSession.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE
jms.session.transactedFlag to determine if the session is transacted and the session completely controls. the message delivery by either committing or rolling back the sessionnullfalse