The Node.js Implementation of Apache RocketMQ Client

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Here are some preparations you may need to know (or refer to here).

  1. Node.js 16.19.0 is the minimum version required, Node.js >= 18.17.0 is the recommended version.
  2. Setup namesrv, broker, and proxy.

Getting Started

We are using npm as the dependency management & publishing tool. You can find out more details about npm from its website. Here is the related command of npm you may use for development.

# Installs the project dependencies.
npm install
# Init grpc codes.
npm run init
# Run the unit tests.
npm test
# Installs rocketmq nodejs client
npm i rocketmq-client-nodejs

Enable trace debug log for grpc-js:

GRPC_TRACE=compression GRPC_VERBOSITY=debug GRPC_TRACE=all npm test

Publishing Steps

To publish a package to npm, please register an account in advance, then execute the following command.

# Builds a package and publishes it to the npm repository.
npm publish


Normal Message


import { Producer } from 'rocketmq-client-nodejs';

const producer = new Producer({
  endpoints: '',
await producer.startup();

const receipt = await producer.send({
  topic: 'TopicTest',
  tag: 'nodejs-demo',
  body: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({
    hello: 'rocketmq-client-nodejs world 😄',
    now: Date(),


import { SimpleConsumer } from 'rocketmq-client-nodejs';

const simpleConsumer = new SimpleConsumer({
  consumerGroup: 'nodejs-demo-group',
  endpoints: '',
  subscriptions: new Map().set('TopicTest', 'nodejs-demo'),
await simpleConsumer.startup();

const messages = await simpleConsumer.receive(20);
console.log('got %d messages', messages.length);
for (const message of messages) {
  console.log('body=%o', message.body.toString());
  await simpleConsumer.ack(message);

Current Progress

Message Type

  • [x] NORMAL
  • [x] FIFO
  • [x] DELAY

Client Type

  • [x] PRODUCER