The Python Implementation of Apache RocketMQ Client

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Here is the Python implementation of the client for Apache RocketMQ. Different from the remoting-based client, the current implementation is based on separating architecture for computing and storage, which is the more recommended way to access the RocketMQ service.

Here are some preparations you may need to know (or refer to here).

  1. Python 3.7 is the minimum version required, Python 3.10 is the recommended version.
  2. Setup namesrv, broker, and proxy.

Getting Started

Clone the current repository to your local machine and set up a virtual environment for development, which will help you manage dependencies more efficiently. Follow the steps below:

Navigate to the python subdirectory and execute the command below to create a new virtual environment:

python3 -m venv myvenv

Activate the virtual environment. The activation method depends on your operating system:

  • For Windows, execute: myvenv\Scripts\activate.bat
  • For macOS/Linux: execute: source myvenv/bin/activate

Install the required dependency libraries by executing the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Current Progress

  • Protocol layer code generation is completed.

  • Partial completion of rpcClient.