simplest introduction
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+++ b/doc/
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+## RocketMQ Client Go
+### 1. Go Version
+* go1.11.1 darwin/amd64
+### 2. Dependency
+* [librocketmq](	
+### 3. Build and Install
+#### macOS Platform (macOS Mojave 10.14)
+* Install Compile tools (homebrew package manager)
+    ```
+    1. xcode-select --install
+    3. brew install cmake
+    4. brew install automake
+    ```
+* Install dependencies
+    1. [Go official download](
+    2. Get go client package
+    ```
+    go get
+    ```
+    3. [librocketmq](
+        - `git clone`
+        - `cd rocketmq-client-cpp`
+        - `sudo sh` 
+        - `cp bin/librocketmq.dylib /usr/local/lib`
+        - `sudo mkdir /usr/local/include/rocketmq`
+        - `sudo cp incldue/* /usr/local/incldue/rocketmq/`
+#### Linux
+#### Windows
+## How to use
+- import package
+    ```
+    import ""
+    ```
+- Send message
+    ```go
+    func SendMessagge(){
+        producer := rocketmq.NewProduer(&rocketmq.ProducerConfig{GroupID: "testGroup", NameServer: "localhost:9876"})
+        producer.Start()
+        defer producer.Shutdown()
+        fmt.Printf("Producer: %s started... \n", producer)
+	    for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
+		    msg := fmt.Sprintf("Hello RocketMQ-%d", i)
+		    result := producer.SendMessageSync(&rocketmq.Message{Topic: "test", Body: msg})
+		    fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("send message: %s result: %s", msg, result))
+        }
+        time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
+	    producer.Shutdown()
+    }
+    ```
+- Push Consumer
+    ```go
+    func PushConsumeMessage() {
+	    fmt.Println("Start Receiving Messages...")
+	    consumer, _ := rocketmq.NewPushConsumer(&rocketmq.ConsumerConfig{
+            GroupID: "testGroupId", 
+            NameServer: "localhost:9876",
+            ConsumerThreadCount: 2, 
+            MessageBatchMaxSize: 16})
+	    // MUST subscribe topic before consumer started.
+	    consumer.Subscribe("test", "*", func(msg    *rocketmq.MessageExt)rocketmq.ConsumeStatus {
+		    fmt.Printf("A message received: \"%s\" \n", msg.Body)
+		    return rocketmq.ConsumeSuccess})
+	    consumer.Start()
+	    defer consumer.Shutdown()
+	    fmt.Printf("consumer: %s started...\n", consumer)
+	    time.Sleep(10 * time.Minute)
+    }
+    ```
+- [Full example](../examples)
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