blob: f606b0de769b92ad084387d729f29f700bfa2773 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package rocketmq
import "fmt"
func Version() (version string) {
return GetVersion()
type ClientConfig struct {
GroupID string
NameServer string
NameServerDomain string
GroupName string
InstanceName string
Credentials *SessionCredentials
LogC *LogConfig
func (config *ClientConfig) String() string {
// For security, don't print Credentials.
str := ""
str = strJoin(str, "GroupId", config.GroupID)
str = strJoin(str, "NameServer", config.NameServer)
str = strJoin(str, "NameServerDomain", config.NameServerDomain)
str = strJoin(str, "GroupName", config.GroupName)
str = strJoin(str, "InstanceName", config.InstanceName)
if config.LogC != nil {
str = strJoin(str, "LogConfig", config.LogC.String())
return str
type ProducerModel int
const (
CommonProducer = ProducerModel(1)
OrderlyProducer = ProducerModel(2)
func (mode ProducerModel) String() string {
switch mode {
case CommonProducer:
return "CommonProducer"
case OrderlyProducer:
return "OrderlyProducer"
return "Unknown"
// NewProducer create a new producer with config
func NewProducer(config *ProducerConfig) (Producer, error) {
return newDefaultProducer(config)
// ProducerConfig define a producer
type ProducerConfig struct {
SendMsgTimeout int
CompressLevel int
MaxMessageSize int
ProducerModel ProducerModel
func (config *ProducerConfig) String() string {
str := "ProducerConfig=[" + config.ClientConfig.String()
if config.SendMsgTimeout > 0 {
str = strJoin(str, "SendMsgTimeout", config.SendMsgTimeout)
if config.CompressLevel > 0 {
str = strJoin(str, "CompressLevel", config.CompressLevel)
if config.MaxMessageSize > 0 {
str = strJoin(str, "MaxMessageSize", config.MaxMessageSize)
str = strJoin(str, "ProducerModel", config.ProducerModel.String())
return str + "]"
type Producer interface {
// SendMessageSync send a message with sync
SendMessageSync(msg *Message) (*SendResult, error)
// SendMessageOrderly send the message orderly
msg *Message,
selector MessageQueueSelector,
arg interface{},
autoRetryTimes int) (*SendResult, error)
// SendMessageOneway send a message with oneway
SendMessageOneway(msg *Message) error
SendMessageOrderlyByShardingKey(msg *Message, shardingkey string) (*SendResult, error)
// NewPushConsumer create a new consumer with config.
func NewPushConsumer(config *PushConsumerConfig) (PushConsumer, error) {
return newPushConsumer(config)
type MessageModel int
const (
BroadCasting = MessageModel(1)
Clustering = MessageModel(2)
func (mode MessageModel) String() string {
switch mode {
case BroadCasting:
return "BroadCasting"
case Clustering:
return "Clustering"
return "Unknown"
type ConsumerModel int
const (
CoCurrently = ConsumerModel(1)
Orderly = ConsumerModel(2)
func (mode ConsumerModel) String() string {
switch mode {
case CoCurrently:
return "CoCurrently"
case Orderly:
return "Orderly"
return "Unknown"
// PushConsumerConfig define a new consumer.
type PushConsumerConfig struct {
ThreadCount int
MessageBatchMaxSize int
Model MessageModel
ConsumerModel ConsumerModel
func (config *PushConsumerConfig) String() string {
// For security, don't print Credentials.
str := "PushConsumerConfig=[" + config.ClientConfig.String()
if config.ThreadCount > 0 {
str = strJoin(str, "ThreadCount", config.ThreadCount)
if config.MessageBatchMaxSize > 0 {
str = strJoin(str, "MessageBatchMaxSize", config.MessageBatchMaxSize)
if config.Model != 0 {
str = strJoin(str, "MessageModel", config.Model.String())
if config.ConsumerModel != 0 {
str = strJoin(str, "ConsumerModel", config.ConsumerModel.String())
return str + "]"
type PushConsumer interface {
// Subscribe a new topic with specify filter expression and consume function.
Subscribe(topic, expression string, consumeFunc func(msg *MessageExt) ConsumeStatus) error
// PullConsumerConfig the configuration for the pull consumer
type PullConsumerConfig struct {
func (config *PullConsumerConfig) String() string {
return "PushConsumerConfig=[" + config.ClientConfig.String() + "]"
// PullConsumer consumer pulling the message
type PullConsumer interface {
// Pull returns the messages from the consume queue by specify the offset and the max number
Pull(mq MessageQueue, subExpression string, offset int64, maxNums int) PullResult
// FetchSubscriptionMessageQueues returns the consume queue of the topic
FetchSubscriptionMessageQueues(topic string) []MessageQueue
type SessionCredentials struct {
AccessKey string
SecretKey string
Channel string
func (session *SessionCredentials) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[accessKey: %s, secretKey: %s, channel: %s]",
session.AccessKey, session.SecretKey, session.Channel)
type SendResult struct {
Status SendStatus
MsgId string
Offset int64
func (result *SendResult) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[status: %s, messageId: %s, offset: %d]", result.Status, result.MsgId, result.Offset)
type baseAPI interface {
Start() error
Shutdown() error