blob: 33f464485ae59850c5e605c1e40c00f70ee6b958 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
package apache.rocketmq.v1;
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "apache.rocketmq.v1";
option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
option java_string_check_utf8 = true;
option java_outer_classname = "MQDomain";
option csharp_namespace = "apache.rocketmq.v1";
enum Permission {
NONE = 0;
READ = 1;
WRITE = 2;
reserved 4 to 64;
enum FilterType {
TAG = 0;
SQL = 1;
reserved 2 to 64;
message FilterExpression {
FilterType type = 1;
string expression = 2;
reserved 3 to 64;
// Dead lettering is done on a best effort basis. The same message might be
// dead lettered multiple times.
// If validation on any of the fields fails at subscription creation/update,
// the create/update subscription request will fail.
message DeadLetterPolicy {
// The maximum number of delivery attempts for any message.
// This field will be honored on a best effort basis.
// If this parameter is 0, a default value of 16 is used.
int32 max_delivery_attempts = 1;
reserved 2 to 64;
message Resource {
string resource_namespace = 1;
// Resource name identifier, which remains unique within the abstract resource
// namespace.
string name = 2;
reserved 3 to 64;
enum ConsumeModel {
reserved 2 to 64;
message ProducerData {
Resource group = 1;
reserved 2 to 64;
enum ConsumePolicy {
reserved 4 to 64;
enum ConsumeMessageType {
reserved 2 to 64;
message ConsumerData {
Resource group = 1;
repeated SubscriptionEntry subscriptions = 2;
ConsumeModel consume_model = 3;
ConsumePolicy consume_policy = 4;
DeadLetterPolicy dead_letter_policy = 5;
ConsumeMessageType consume_type = 6;
reserved 7 to 64;
message SubscriptionEntry {
Resource topic = 1;
FilterExpression expression = 2;
reserved 3 to 64;
enum AddressScheme {
IPv4 = 0;
IPv6 = 1;
reserved 3 to 64;
message Address {
string host = 1;
int32 port = 2;
reserved 3 to 64;
message Endpoints {
AddressScheme scheme = 1;
repeated Address addresses = 2;
reserved 3 to 64;
message Broker {
// Name of the broker
string name = 1;
// Broker index. Canonically, index = 0 implies that the broker is playing
// leader role while brokers with index > 0 play follower role.
int32 id = 2;
// Address of the broker, complying with the following scheme
// 1. dns:[//authority/]host[:port]
// 2. ipv4:address[:port][,address[:port],...] – IPv4 addresses
// 3. ipv6:address[:port][,address[:port],...] – IPv6 addresses
Endpoints endpoints = 3;
reserved 4 to 64;
message Partition {
Resource topic = 1;
int32 id = 2;
Permission permission = 3;
Broker broker = 4;
reserved 5 to 64;
enum MessageType {
// Sequenced message
FIFO = 1;
// Messages that are delivered after the specified duration.
DELAY = 2;
// Messages that are transactional. Only committed messages are delivered to
// subscribers.
reserved 4 to 64;
enum DigestType {
// CRC algorithm achieves goal of detecting random data error with lowest
// computation overhead.
CRC32 = 0;
// MD5 algorithm achieves good balance between collision rate and computation
// overhead.
MD5 = 1;
// SHA-family has substantially fewer collision with fair amount of
// computation.
SHA1 = 2;
reserved 3 to 64;
// When publishing messages to or subscribing messages from brokers, clients
// shall include or validate digests of message body to ensure data integrity.
// For message publishment, when an invalid digest were detected, brokers need
// respond client with BAD_REQUEST.
// For messags subscription, when an invalid digest were detected, consumers
// need to handle this case according to message type:
// 1) Standard messages should be negatively acknowledged instantly, causing
// immediate re-delivery; 2) FIFO messages require special RPC, to re-fetch
// previously acquired messages batch;
// Message consumption model also affects how invalid digest are handled. When
// messages are consumed in broadcasting way,
// TODO: define semantics of invalid-digest-when-broadcasting.
message Digest {
DigestType type = 1;
string checksum = 2;
reserved 3 to 64;
enum Encoding {
GZIP = 1;
reserved 2 to 64;
message SystemAttribute {
// Tag
string tag = 1;
// Message keys
repeated string keys = 2;
// Message identifier, client-side generated, remains unique.
// if message_id is empty, the send message request will be aborted with
string message_id = 3;
// Message body digest
Digest body_digest = 4;
// Message body encoding. Candidate options are identity, gzip, snappy etc.
Encoding body_encoding = 5;
// Message type, normal, FIFO or transactional.
MessageType message_type = 6;
// Message born time-point.
google.protobuf.Timestamp born_timestamp = 7;
// Message born host. Valid options are IPv4, IPv6 or client host domain name.
string born_host = 8;
// Time-point at which the message is stored in the broker.
google.protobuf.Timestamp store_timestamp = 9;
// The broker that stores this message. It may be name, IP or arbitrary
// identifier that uniquely identify the broker.
string store_host = 10;
oneof timed_delivery {
// Time-point at which broker delivers to clients.
google.protobuf.Timestamp delivery_timestamp = 11;
// Level-based delay strategy.
int32 delay_level = 12;
// If a message is acquired by way of POP, this field holds the receipt.
// Clients use the receipt to acknowledge or negatively acknowledge the
// message.
string receipt_handle = 13;
// Partition identifier in which a message is physically stored.
int32 partition_id = 14;
// Partition offset at which a message is stored.
int64 partition_offset = 15;
// Period of time servers would remain invisible once a message is acquired.
google.protobuf.Duration invisible_period = 16;
// Business code may failed to process messages for the moment. Hence, clients
// may request servers to deliver them again using certain back-off strategy,
// the attempt is 1 not 0 if message is delivered first time.
int32 delivery_attempt = 17;
// Message producer load-balance group if applicable.
Resource producer_group = 18;
string message_group = 19;
// Trace context.
string trace_context = 20;
// Delay time of first recover orphaned transaction request from server.
google.protobuf.Duration orphaned_transaction_recovery_period = 21;
reserved 22 to 64;
message Message {
Resource topic = 1;
// User defined key-value pairs.
// If user_attribute contains the reserved keys by RocketMQ,
// the send message request will be aborted with status `INVALID_ARGUMENT`.
// See below links for the reserved keys
map<string, string> user_attribute = 2;
SystemAttribute system_attribute = 3;
bytes body = 4;
reserved 5 to 64;
message Assignment {
Partition Partition = 1;
reserved 2 to 64;
enum QueryOffsetPolicy {
// Use this option if client wishes to playback all existing messages.
// Use this option if client wishes to skip all existing messages.
END = 1;
// Use this option if time-based seek is targeted.
reserved 3 to 64;