blob: 2e463bb423fe9c16e0469a5e3ce45271b87a9eed [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "MQConsumer.h"
#include "MQMessageQueue.h"
#include "MQueueListener.h"
#include "RocketMQClient.h"
namespace rocketmq {
class Rebalance;
class SubscriptionData;
class OffsetStore;
class PullAPIWrapper;
class ConsumerRunningInfo;
class ROCKETMQCLIENT_API DefaultMQPullConsumer : public MQConsumer {
DefaultMQPullConsumer(const std::string& groupname);
virtual ~DefaultMQPullConsumer();
//<!begin mqadmin;
virtual void start();
virtual void shutdown();
//<!end mqadmin;
//<!begin MQConsumer
virtual void sendMessageBack(MQMessageExt& msg, int delayLevel);
virtual void fetchSubscribeMessageQueues(const std::string& topic, std::vector<MQMessageQueue>& mqs);
virtual void doRebalance();
virtual void persistConsumerOffset();
virtual void persistConsumerOffsetByResetOffset();
virtual void updateTopicSubscribeInfo(const std::string& topic, std::vector<MQMessageQueue>& info);
virtual ConsumeType getConsumeType();
virtual ConsumeFromWhere getConsumeFromWhere();
virtual void getSubscriptions(std::vector<SubscriptionData>&);
virtual void updateConsumeOffset(const MQMessageQueue& mq, int64 offset);
virtual void removeConsumeOffset(const MQMessageQueue& mq);
virtual void producePullMsgTask(PullRequest*);
virtual Rebalance* getRebalance() const;
//<!end MQConsumer;
void registerMessageQueueListener(const std::string& topic, MQueueListener* pListener);
* pull msg from specified queue, if no msg in queue, return directly
* @param mq
* specify the pulled queue
* @param subExpression
* set filter expression for pulled msg, broker will filter msg actively
* Now only OR operation is supported, eg: "tag1 || tag2 || tag3"
* if subExpression is setted to "null" or "*"£¬all msg will be subscribed
* @param offset
* specify the started pull offset
* @param maxNums
* specify max msg num by per pull
* @return
* accroding to PullResult
virtual PullResult pull(const MQMessageQueue& mq, const std::string& subExpression, int64 offset, int maxNums);
virtual void pull(const MQMessageQueue& mq,
const std::string& subExpression,
int64 offset,
int maxNums,
PullCallback* pPullCallback);
* pull msg from specified queue, if no msg, broker will suspend the pull request 20s
* @param mq
* specify the pulled queue
* @param subExpression
* set filter expression for pulled msg, broker will filter msg actively
* Now only OR operation is supported, eg: "tag1 || tag2 || tag3"
* if subExpression is setted to "null" or "*"£¬all msg will be subscribed
* @param offset
* specify the started pull offset
* @param maxNums
* specify max msg num by per pull
* @return
* accroding to PullResult
PullResult pullBlockIfNotFound(const MQMessageQueue& mq, const std::string& subExpression, int64 offset, int maxNums);
void pullBlockIfNotFound(const MQMessageQueue& mq,
const std::string& subExpression,
int64 offset,
int maxNums,
PullCallback* pPullCallback);
virtual ConsumerRunningInfo* getConsumerRunningInfo() { return NULL; }
* »ñÈ¡Ïû·Ñ½ø¶È£¬·µ»Ø-1±íʾ³ö´í
* @param mq
* @param fromStore
* @return
int64 fetchConsumeOffset(const MQMessageQueue& mq, bool fromStore);
* ¸ù¾Ýtopic»ñÈ¡MessageQueue£¬ÒÔ¾ùºâ·½Ê½ÔÚ×éÄÚ¶à¸ö³ÉÔ±Ö®¼ä·ÖÅä
* @param topic
* ÏûÏ¢Topic
* @return ·µ»Ø¶ÓÁм¯ºÏ
void fetchMessageQueuesInBalance(const std::string& topic, std::vector<MQMessageQueue> mqs);
// temp persist consumer offset interface, only valid with
// RemoteBrokerOffsetStore, updateConsumeOffset should be called before.
void persistConsumerOffset4PullConsumer(const MQMessageQueue& mq);
void checkConfig();
void copySubscription();
PullResult pullSyncImpl(const MQMessageQueue& mq,
const std::string& subExpression,
int64 offset,
int maxNums,
bool block);
void pullAsyncImpl(const MQMessageQueue& mq,
const std::string& subExpression,
int64 offset,
int maxNums,
bool block,
PullCallback* pPullCallback);
void subscriptionAutomatically(const std::string& topic);
std::set<std::string> m_registerTopics;
MQueueListener* m_pMessageQueueListener;
OffsetStore* m_pOffsetStore;
Rebalance* m_pRebalance;
PullAPIWrapper* m_pPullAPIWrapper;
} //<!end namespace;