Client Profile - Running clients inside the River Container

Client programs (i.e. consumers of Jini services) also need an environment that is somewhat customized. They need to run with appropriate security permissions, plus they often need to attach codebase annotations to classes and make the appropriate files available as downloads. In addition, they need to access configurations, and may want to use the same configuration files as a server container.

Client programs will be the only program running in the container, so they can go ahead and call System.exit() when they're done.

When client programs are run, they might need parameters from the command line. So, we should call main() with any parameters that are supplied, less any that are used for the configuration of the container.

To provide this functionality, we can have a “client” profile. This profile will be configured with a different startup system that reads the command line to find out which client program to run. We will likely have a container with multiple client programs, so we'll allow more than one client program in the profile. The invocation will be -client AppName <params>*